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Taskmaster as a 5 star champ

_GRINDER__GRINDER_ Posts: 538 ★★★
Guys pulled taskmaster from basic 5 star shards .
Is he good . Worth upgrading considering Karnak is my only other 5 star champ ?


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    Savio444Savio444 Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    Wanna trade for my duped antman? Also I think he needs the dupe to be useful, still your half way there.
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    Savio444Savio444 Posts: 1,781 ★★★★
    It’s not possible to trade.....yet! Wanna trade in a few years when the feature becomes available? Also you would trade taskmaster for dupes antman?
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    DaMunkDaMunk Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    Taskmaster is an underrated champ. He takes a lot of skill to use. His dupe really helps too. Karnak isn't bad. His true strike got a buff a couple days ago making him more useful. They do different things though. I'd say Taskmaster might be better for questing and Karnak for war...just my thoughts though.
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    DaMunkDaMunk Posts: 1,883 ★★★★
    edited April 2018
    Yes. His true strike is good for Spider-Man, nightcrawler and now Medusa. He's not a god tier attacker but has some strengths.
    Definitely watch some YouTube on both but especially Taskmaster. He does some really neat things, more so duped, but takes some getting used to. A very unique champ.
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    SpiritOfVengeanceSpiritOfVengeance Posts: 2,353 ★★★★
    I fought a modok boss in my last war with karnak and took off half his health.
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    BuckeyeKPBuckeyeKP Posts: 693
    My ally mate just took 5* TM to r4 unduped, not really sure why. He seems complicated and somewhat light hitting. This guys puts him on defense, but it seems he really needs player control to get the most out of him.
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    sfu_koraxsfu_korax Posts: 240 ★★
    Taskmaster is pretty cool and even unawakened can deal some damage. You just have to know how to utilise your invulnerability while charging the heavy attack in order to keep getting those exploit weaknesses
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