Saltygoodness ★★
I believe rewards should be increased by one tier for everyone without any punishment. Matchmaking is not as it should be. It’s obvious. No team should be punished for matchmaking, it’s out of their hands. But season rewards some teams are getting are either too high or too low compared to what they should have been. A…
I really hope Kabam takes action. They can’t punish any alliance for what they themselves allowed to happen by cancelling war 4 (but not in game) and letting war 4 continue while some alliances did not explore and managed to tank their placement in the leaderboard to get easy matches for the rest of the season, which…
Is there any reason why they can’t when masteries are clearly not working and this stupefy bug can and will be exploited? ETA: we had war seasons delayed for much less and compensation on top of that. It is so bad that it may be time to ask for compensation. When you can get comboed and KOd in any fight on the map because…
I posted the same on another thread, we have multiple videos of a proficiency mastery reset being done and then the stupefy doesn’t work at all. It makes certain fights unplayable and the worst thing is you never know if your masteries will work or not, stupefy disappears from fight to fight - if it never worked people…
This offseason war has been a mess. Practically everyone got comboed in fights because of parry stun not working. And it’s somehow mostly in war, AQ works fine, BGs and quests work fine Wars are 50% unplayable (because in half of the matches stipefy works then it doesn’t). Everyone goes into fights not knowing what to…
The same was happening to members of our alliance last war, one fight stun duration is normal, next fight it isn’t, then it’s normal again then it isn’t Resetting stupefy mastery manually doesn’t solve the problem, it can randomly disappear in any fight and then start working again in the next one. If there was any way to…
Another offseason war has ended and our members (several members in several fights) had issues with stupefy not working. And it’s inconsistent in between fights, for example a player has fights #1, 2, 3, 4, masteries can work fine in fights #1 and 3 and not work in fights 2 and 4. Any match where you need to parry heavy…
If the idea is to keep top war spenders happy it won’t accomplish it with loyalty. The point being made in comments above is that podium and master top 10/20 ranks are going to be artificially altered at season end in a way that wasn’t earned with this war cancellation. Extra loyalty will not solve anything
Point adjustment won’t do anything at this point because two wars have passed and the result of war 7 affected matches in war 8 (easier / harder based on loss / win) and that in turn affected matches in war 9. It’s too late to undo now and it is honestly way too late to cancel war 7. Just bump rewards up a tier, don’t…
I wholeheartedly agree with this, just bump season rewards for everyone by +1 tier Loyalty and some shards won’t help with that, alliances are missing out on Titan shards they could’ve earned by placing higher at the end of season if war 7 had counted. This way the alliances that could have placed higher will get the…
It’s very hard to say what’s fair or not. Maybe season rewards should be given out based on wars 1-6. War 7 being cancelled without any rating (win / loss record or whatever determines matches) adjustment doesn’t make the rest of the season fair. For example an alliance won war 7 and got a tougher match next war because…
I’m pretty certain Tier 1 doesn’t place anything other than full diversity, if anyone does this they are at a disadvantage Please consider making changes for tier 2 and below. If anyone in tier 1 had less diversity in that war it can be fixed manually, it couldn’t have happened in more than 1-2 alliances, you don’t see…
Would make Destroyer more relevant as a global attacker as well 🤔
In this case it’s something that has been officially announced but somehow not added. Which is a shame because the season has already started. It would be nice to hear when we can see that potion update, the sooner the better
Adding a comment to this, we play in top 10 master and we can see the wish of opponents to just give up in some cases, opponents are dying 50-100 times while boosting and pushing. Wars have become extremely costly. Many of our members are completely out of potions at this point in season which is a first. It is not OK when…
It wouldn’t be fair to leave such alliances with the current points in the leaderboard knowing that they started the season with extra points they didn’t earn. What if it repeats next season? They just keep the additional points? Master and P1 are in fact ahead of them by now but their points didn’t go down, others in…
@SummonerNR they started with inflated scores and they keep adding points to those scores after every single war, which happens at a lower rate than for master alliances but they had a massive head start to begin with that even some master teams can’t catch up with, let alone P1 and lower Their total points aren’t normal…
We are at 6 wins 0 losses in tier 1 and we still can’t catch up to that #1 Gold alliance 😔 They must know something we don’t 😆 Would be nice to know what Kabam’s plan is for those alliances with inflated scores. Will it be (manually?) fixed during season? After season? If points are fixed after season will offseason be…
What’s interesting is that the “season” tab (the one on the left with alliance name, total season points and days till season end) shows our rank the way it is supposed be but when we click on the leaderboard it shows those additional lower tier alliances ahead of us and some below, and as a result a lower rank for us than…
It doesn't look like anything has been done with the leaderboard yet, two alliances with unnaturally high scores for their tier are still at the top, who knows how many like them are ranked higher than they should have been if total points were scored correctly Hopefully this is addressed before season end
I just noticed there are two more alliances, silver 2 and gold 3, in master top 10, ranks 9-10 They have a low rating and there is no way they could have earned enough points to place in master top 10 at season start (it’s highly unlikely they play in tier 1) The whole leaderboard needs to be reviewed for such cases
The new system lets people clear the map without rushing which can be convenient especially if members have a busy schedule, that said mastery presets are BADLY needed With the way defense masteries are locked at matchmaking officers still have to conduct everyone's mastery check and reset for every single war, which is…
It would be nice to get a message if we are or are not to expect any kind of additional communication about season start The previous banner did not state that August 16 is set in stone as a season start
If the season kicks off in game like the countdown timer shows without any further delay announcement on the forum should we assume next war is the first one of the season?
There are less than 2 days till potential season start, it would be nice to get confirmation whether it’s starting on August 16 or not. It’s not something that can be announced last minute. Defense needs to be set on the map, some defenders are not on the map and are yet to be added, masteries need to be swapped for season…
Can we get an update on season start date? Last announcement said August 16 but subject to change
Could we get confirmation of the season start date? Is it August 16 for sure? Can everyone get boosts etc in overflow or too soon? An update would be appreciated
Matchmaking is still disabled, are there plans to reenable it for next war (within the next 12h or so)? Otherwise the next offseason war won’t happen
Did they remove their defense from the previous alliance before they left?
Longer attack is a positive change for alliances. The only thing they still need to look into is masteries because it’s going to be extremely inconvenient for any alliance that cares about lack of suicides on defense to check the state of masteries before the match The changes they are making are a big improvement, just…