Ronan or Medusa

I just finished act 4 to 100% and got enough 5* shards to form a new 5* crystal. I found Ronan, but i already have cosmic medusa. Have enough resources to R3 one of them. Which one to choose? I plan to fight with him/her in act5 and try to explore to 100%
my best team 5* R3 GP , 4* spidy stark (duped) 4/40, 4* magik maxed duped, x23 duped 4/40 , AA 4/4 unduped and some other hitters like duped ABDO 4/40
Any suggestions?
my best team 5* R3 GP , 4* spidy stark (duped) 4/40, 4* magik maxed duped, x23 duped 4/40 , AA 4/4 unduped and some other hitters like duped ABDO 4/40
Any suggestions?
btw Ronan was my 6th 5* , i am playing from march, so not an old player