One account, two devices question.

Hello everyone, just had a quick question...if I play the game on my tablet using my home WiFi then leave the house and use my iPhone to play using the phone carriers network would I be considered piloting because I’m playing on two devices? Kind of concerned...I don’t want to get banned. What do you guys think? Just was thinking about this while I’m outside playing the game on my iPhone. Thanks community for your input 

You can play your account or accounts on as many or as few devices as you want and you won't have any issues as long as they're your account/ accounts.
I hope this helps.
Well played!
No problem, there is a lot of false information ( or misinformation) going around, so just try not to buy into it all.
They are just trying to scare people and lie about why they were punished or banned and are looking for a scape goat to pin it on and that's one of the things they are pinning it on an having multiple accounts some in the same allaince and that's definitely not the case.