Keep grinding fella. Collector can easily taken out by corvus. I used 4 single revives on my r5 Corvus to shut him down. But the path is terrible. 5.2.4 and 5.2.6. both have like 10 champs on easy path with over 60k health and damn that bane node. Better get atleast 3 r5 4s or r3 5s.
About your roaster- Amazing one. You got heavy hitter heavy bleeder good regen immunities and power control. Jist rank them up a bit. Play more of AQ and keep grinding act 4. Be patient buddy.
About your roaster- Amazing one. You got heavy hitter heavy bleeder good regen immunities and power control. Jist rank them up a bit. Play more of AQ and keep grinding act 4. Be patient buddy.