Sabretooth Or Red Hulk

ScholiaScholia Member Posts: 116
Hello summoners,

I have both at rank 3, and with tier 2 alpha expiring soon, I want to rank either one of these. I have quake (duped) and GP too but I prefer to play with these

ST and Rulk are both unduped. Originally I was going with rulk until I pulled sabretooth. Both can deal good damage and I think ST is slightly better but needs ramp up time over several matchups.


Sabretooth Or Red Hulk 62 votes

Red hulk
Golden_GuardianShynight00vg2782zuffyAsukiraAjisdopeDGCTeddersGamePlayWorldVeeTeeTeenameplasKozelDarkDOKTOROKTOPUSReeDolanToukolouWorknprogressCrazyjack719JayProngsTrollllollllo 32 votes
KpatrixHort4Daredevi1Fan7SungjGNASTYSceptilemaniacfaizmunSimoronissamaf80MelkerlanneroDankestChefIngi_Freyr1975Gildarts779DR_MantisToboggan1Grootman1294Reaper213Splatattack8Noob2435SmashBlackJ4zz 29 votes
Let 13th tier 2 alpha expire for better champ
Scholia 1 vote


  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Red hulk
    I got Rulk as a r4 5*. His sp1 does around 14k every time when i have 10 charges. ST can't keep up with his damage once his charges go away he isn't as good Rulk can get ramped up in a matter of 15 hits per fight 😉
  • GamePlayWorldGamePlayWorld Member Posts: 401
    Red hulk
  • SimoronSimoron Member Posts: 31
    Sabreman ofcourse. I have both RH and sabre. Sabre can bypass masocism with BP synergy so path 5 will deal no trouble for you. Furthermore, he slays quests. You only need 10 fury (2-3 fights to ramp up) to get that 11k - 14k crits per hit (2 of his last hits) on sp2
  • SupermanafficinadoSupermanafficinado Member Posts: 158
    Red hulk
    Rulk. He is the best mystic killer there is currently in the game, or maybe second to danger sense blade.
  • Saket_123Saket_123 Member Posts: 152
    Red hulk
    Rulk. He is the best mystic killer there is currently in the game, or maybe second to danger sense blade.

    Its Ghulk. Ghulk is the best mystic killer there is. Why I chose RHulk over saber is the simplicity and the great health he has. You just have to fight fight fight and fight without really noticing how much you have charged up. On the other hand saber you need to build those furies.
  • Crazyjack719Crazyjack719 Member Posts: 425 ★★
    Red hulk
    I feel that depending on the rest of your r4 5* roster, either would be a welcomed addition. Both are available as 6* so it could potentially be wasted resources if you pulled the one you rank up.

    But I feel as a champion on their own without synergies, Rhulk is better, he can get to his full damage potential in one fight and has immunities plus is a tank.

    Sabreman is a close second but his cold snap immunity just doesn't justify him being more worthy that Rhulk.
  • ScholiaScholia Member Posts: 116
    Let 13th tier 2 alpha expire for better champ
    Damn, its neck and neck - this hasn't helped me one bit. A lot of comments for red hulk voters. I do enjoy sabretooth more though, so I might have to base it on that....
  • MasterFlintMasterFlint Member Posts: 97
    Scholia wrote: »
    Damn, its neck and neck - this hasn't helped me one bit. A lot of comments for red hulk voters. I do enjoy sabretooth more though, so I might have to base it on that....

    Do this, or you will regret your choice my friend.
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