Provide the ability to evolve champions from X* to X*+1

Give us the ability to evolve our champions from a lower level star to the next level star champion.
1. Champion must be maxed out on signature ability, rank and level.
2. Once evolved, the champion is at the lowest, unduplicated, rank and level for that champion.
For example:
I have a 3 star Captain America, rank 4, level 40, signature level 99. Using the new ability, I would evolve him to a 4 star Captain America, rank 1, level 1, signature ability 0/locked.
I believe that this would be an excellent addition to the game.
1. Champion must be maxed out on signature ability, rank and level.
2. Once evolved, the champion is at the lowest, unduplicated, rank and level for that champion.
For example:
I have a 3 star Captain America, rank 4, level 40, signature level 99. Using the new ability, I would evolve him to a 4 star Captain America, rank 1, level 1, signature ability 0/locked.
I believe that this would be an excellent addition to the game.
Then play another game. This game wasn't designed to be the way you described, and to implement your suggestions would mean a total overhaul of the game itself. Won't be feasible.
Are you a kabam developer? If no,then why do you sound like one???
Let everyone Express their opinion and don't tell others what to do!!
Everything can be made better and nothing is perfect
What if my 4* CA is 5/50 sig99 and i press the button to evolve my 3* by mistake? Does my 4* turns into unawakened and unranked?
I think it would be an excellent revenue stream for Kabam. Not only do you have to rank and level your new X*+1 (which requires ISO8, gold and catalysts and popping crystals to dup your X*+1), but now you also have to replace your X* (should you want to and you know you do ;-). Let's discuss.