Occult labs, are they good, are they bad?

So I did the first few days but TBH its a lot of effort for *%#*

Occult labs, are they good, are they bad? 192 votes

Great addition to the game
GamerRagamugginGunnerdanielmathEvilEmpireLeNoirFaineantBitterSteelHaji_SaabSwe_wolfisErza_ScarletRaganatorSlux83SighsohardVossler77AxeCopFireSIlverProfessorPrimmer79nameplasMirage_TurtleXxenxX5000arsjum 38 votes
DrZolaWorld EaterA_Noob_Is1AjavedShynight00FreakydbuffajrTrimbobSpideyadqqedfyvrSuperman69NinjaWarrior99Drake2078sha2356__KossukoseStar_Lord_SungjDarkrider05hendroidsvJohnyzero 73 votes
DL864Vdh2008SnakeEyes69Iv2777JasonMBryantWilljackson16stakTaxSpity68AraevinCarnage313PiviotTendersquadJadedTthunder2058MrLalowweavilesbb75jeffgmngnIHSEAN 81 votes


  • Tomstar124Tomstar124 Member Posts: 144
    Randomness is the problem I had one earlier where 4 had biohazard and a few stun immune( I can only parry can’t intercept) that had Emma frost as boss... I just didn’t try but I’m interested to see the even see split
  • Archangel442Archangel442 Member Posts: 158
    When they did modoks lab, I felt like there were a significant number of “garbage” buffs, as a percentage of the total... it feels like this time they doubled the total number of buffs, but all the new ones are strong, making all the fights harder... additionally, the random 1-6 buffs... that number doesn’t seem to reroll (I.e. if it starts with 6 buffs, the reroll will still be 6, just a different 6)... I feel like that’s not how it was described... but as strong as most of the buffs are, if you are going after a stronger difficulty, an enemy with 6 is basically a death sentence
  • GivMeABeerGivMeABeer Member Posts: 203 ★★
    It's meh, I am only doing the Heroic Lab as the master one can be too much of a **** that I don't feel like bothering. The rewards haven't been that great even though they advertise some that are better but again it's RNG as to whether you get them or not. It's not the worst event (stark/merc missions) but it is definitely not great and I strongly hope they do not recycle Modok Labs again in the future.
  • World EaterWorld Eater Member Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    They’re bugged just like modoks Lab was bugged.

    If you reroll and leave the occult Lab screen, when you go back in, the nodes will have reset back to the original..... wasting your rerolls/resources.
  • Slux83Slux83 Member Posts: 357 ★★
    Great addition to the game
    I love them! finally something challenging!
  • Lt_Magnum_1Lt_Magnum_1 Member Posts: 640 ★★
    The labs are too random. No guaranteed items and it requires a crapton of luck to get good nodes.
  • Mirage_TurtleMirage_Turtle Member Posts: 1,868 ★★★★
    Great addition to the game
    The labs are too random. No guaranteed items and it requires a crapton of luck to get good nodes.

    You're guaranteed to get a lab crystal unless I'm mistaken. On epic difficulty, that's a minimum of 250 5* shards twice a day (I'm assuming the other items in the crystal are valued higher...they are to me). And you can do it twice a day.

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  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,144 ★★★★★
    rng rewards are the worst
    tough fights for low rewards, but they are fun (not that much) and good for practice
  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    They're fun, generally speaking, but some of them just become impossible.
  • lThirtyFourllThirtyFourl Member Posts: 12
    Garbage rng, so rewards are weak
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    edited October 2018
    Although I can’t manage epic, I do appreciate them making content that fairly good players can’t smash through without some skill. If you can’t manage the difficulty, don’t feel entitled to the same rewards as some of the better players in the game. I do like the Trials best, but don’t we all?
  • EpsilonloganEpsilonlogan Member Posts: 23
    Why can’t we sell the Buff Randomizer items????
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    Great addition to the game
    Having my symbioid at rank 5. Makes it fun to crush whoever they put. I just reroll a few times and if I remember corectly. That’s exactly why we have the symbioid.
  • jeffgmngjeffgmng Member Posts: 115
    A_Noob_Is1 wrote: »
    Dimensional rifts and trials of the king were better

    I see you are a man of culture as well. Lol oh damn i really miss those one heck of a side quest
  • Erza_ScarletErza_Scarlet Member Posts: 130
    Great addition to the game
    Honestly, for a high end solo player this is the kind of event I like. Unlike the rifts, there is no obligation to complete time wasting heroic and master to get entry shards, they are much harder than the trials which I find challenging and fun, but at the same time offer high end rewards. I get that there are elements of bs, but that's part of the game, just like the Colossus I've pulled three times in a row...
  • Kade7175Kade7175 Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Not my favorite at all. Not worth the rewards to me. I miss the trials. They were awesome. Great rewards and i got excited to play them damn things.
  • MrMaatMrMaat Member Posts: 302 ★★
    edited October 2018
    the concept is great.
    the fact there is a hard difficulty is great.
    but the RNG is just tooo much.

    1. U need luck in your opponents. Could be korg, emma, imiw, or could be kk, ip, falcon etc....
    2. You need luck in the amount of node buffs. Could be 2 could be 6
    3. you need luck in what the nodes are. Could be life transfer & dash vunerability, could be power gain +200%, cornered, prove yourself, maso, buffet, counter tactics
    and then
    4. you need luck in your crystal. Could be 250 5* shards, could be 2500 5* shards.
    5. you can reroll and reroll and reroll. sometimes you reroll the 8 times and get the same nightmarish nodes every time.

    essentailly you could breeze through and use 0 items and get half a 5* every day.....
    amazing rewards for the effort

    or you could need to use a revive or two each time like me and then only get 250 5* shards from each crystal.
    total BS rewards not worth the stress, headache, time and certainly not worth items.

    reduce the RNG....
    make it always hard as hell and give the top rewards only.
    or make it lower end and give the lower rewards.

    but doing it tough and getting **** is not fun.
    esp while others can do it easy and get great stuff.
    not fair and not balanced.
  • Blizzard_27_Blizzard_27_ Member Posts: 120
    Great addition to the game
    @Kabam Miike listen to the people
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★
    Great addition to the game
    It’s frustrating yet rewarding and painfully fun
  • Carnage313Carnage313 Member Posts: 359 ★★★
    I just find it painful to do these anymore. I like to be rewarded for effort in a game and not finish with a feeling of disgust. And for those saying I love the challenge well to each their own. My challenge come in the form of making it through a match without any of the glitches that get ignored to be fixed..... evade, block, champs standing there taking hits.
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