Free AQs maps and 2bg AWs in gold, anything like this out there?

Reality or an impossible request?
* Map 3/4 aqs (maybe occasional 5 & 6)
* 2 bg wars
* gold tier 1
Not looking to stop playing but want something more chilled than where I am and what I've been doing upto now.
Have 2 accounts, the older of which I created about 3 weeks after launch. The second around 6 months later.
100% act 5 on both, 1 easy path each of LOL and capable of any challenge thrown at me.
That being said after all this time I don't actually need the AQ rewards and feel I'm just wasting my chips. Instead I want to cruise and accumulate units and chips, these will help me complete Lol as well as help towards the inevitable act 6 hardships.
For the last year or more I feel like I've been throwing away battlechips weekly for nothing rewarding to me in return, save for some glory.
I would also like the option of sitting out wars sometime so I don't have to be committed into logging in around the clock.
I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks at the beginning of next month and my activity will be sporadic but daily. It's for this reason I finally decided it's time to make a change and look for something more suited to my current and long term needs.
Can be a little flexible, even prepared to help build something with other similar vets. 2 bg wars is a must though.
You can contact me through line
ID name is: icorer
* Map 3/4 aqs (maybe occasional 5 & 6)
* 2 bg wars
* gold tier 1
Not looking to stop playing but want something more chilled than where I am and what I've been doing upto now.
Have 2 accounts, the older of which I created about 3 weeks after launch. The second around 6 months later.
100% act 5 on both, 1 easy path each of LOL and capable of any challenge thrown at me.
That being said after all this time I don't actually need the AQ rewards and feel I'm just wasting my chips. Instead I want to cruise and accumulate units and chips, these will help me complete Lol as well as help towards the inevitable act 6 hardships.
For the last year or more I feel like I've been throwing away battlechips weekly for nothing rewarding to me in return, save for some glory.
I would also like the option of sitting out wars sometime so I don't have to be committed into logging in around the clock.
I'm going to be away for a couple of weeks at the beginning of next month and my activity will be sporadic but daily. It's for this reason I finally decided it's time to make a change and look for something more suited to my current and long term needs.
Can be a little flexible, even prepared to help build something with other similar vets. 2 bg wars is a must though.
You can contact me through line
ID name is: icorer
Gold 1 with 2bgs I've heard from different sources is possible but extremely rare. The only ones I've heard that have managed this are running regular aq map 5s so donating would be necessary, which is something i want to get away from or reduce.
Maybe i just need to build something with like minded vets who want the challenge of war but option to dip in and out, with flexible free aqs, lol
I'll keep hunting for now