just a little but if you don't have those champ it comply trash so where hoping to have some beta on those champ like colosssus i love to see it because his always in the movie and one of the first champ here in mcoc
I think a really cool buff for Magneto could be Push Back.
He already reduces ability accuracy for metal opponents, but I think he could do something cooler. I think he should have a % chance to simply push back anyone attacking him. So if Wolverine were to dash at him, Magneto would have a % chance to simply push Wolverine back. It's like Quake's evade, but instead of you moving away, it's them. %s could be based on the kind of attack: heavy, medium, light.
There's also no reason his block doesn't look like this:
Another potential buff in place of (or in addition to) what I've already suggested: holding block (with that comics-accurate energy shield) draws in a metallic opponent. They slide closer and closer toward Magneto, and if they touch his shield, are knocked back with an energy damage. But you can't just hold block endlessly, trapping your opponent in a corner and constantly drawing them in to shock them. Every time you connect and deal a shock, there must be a punishment.
Severe power drain? Lose a percentage of health? Disable all blocking / parry abilities for a duration of time? These are options. This would ensure you don't abuse the block-draw-damage mechanic, and maybe even only use it as a last ditch effort to finish someone off.
The only thing I can't figure out is how the opponent would get away. They shouldn't be rendered useless during this draw-in ability, so maybe it's changed somehow to .... I dunno ... if you hold block for 5 seconds, there's a % chance you trigger the magnetic shield from the image, your metallic opponent flies into your shield, gets their energy damage, is knocked backed, and you carry on, punishment included. This means you can still block per normal, but there's an ADDITIONAL layer to the blocking to turn it into an attack. VERY useful for nodes where the champs are particularly defensive. And, like Gambit and his charges, if you attack a blocking Magneto during this 5 second countdown, the clock is reset, meaning you don't have to just sit there and wait for the inevitable. This suggest you parry the opponent and try to Draw In asap. That'd be fun!
Yes, I think this would be awesome. I think this would make Magneto a lot more fun to play and to play against. His specials are a little tricky sometimes still, but the champ himself is dull. This would be a good solution.
And of course, there's Magneto Now. I think that between these two abilities - Push Back and Draw In - each Magneto is better at one that the other. Red can be more about pushing back, white can be more about drawing in.
They both need a serious reworking to be relavent. They should buff both of them and keep it coming. There's a major power gap between old and new champs and that needs to change for the sake of balance.
Magneto needs ultimate deflection, if a champ shoots bullets or other metal projectiles, it is rebounded as damage to that champ. His heavy could effect magnetized champs, if magnetized, as you charge the heavy it pulls them in then a heavy attack.
Collosus organic steel armor should cause concussion and direct damage for each armor applied. Similar to crossbones and increases like aggressive armor. The longer he goes without getting hit the more armor builds and dmg. Become the ultimate tank.
He already reduces ability accuracy for metal opponents, but I think he could do something cooler. I think he should have a % chance to simply push back anyone attacking him. So if Wolverine were to dash at him, Magneto would have a % chance to simply push Wolverine back. It's like Quake's evade, but instead of you moving away, it's them. %s could be based on the kind of attack: heavy, medium, light.
There's also no reason his block doesn't look like this:
Another potential buff in place of (or in addition to) what I've already suggested: holding block (with that comics-accurate energy shield) draws in a metallic opponent. They slide closer and closer toward Magneto, and if they touch his shield, are knocked back with an energy damage. But you can't just hold block endlessly, trapping your opponent in a corner and constantly drawing them in to shock them. Every time you connect and deal a shock, there must be a punishment.
Severe power drain? Lose a percentage of health? Disable all blocking / parry abilities for a duration of time? These are options. This would ensure you don't abuse the block-draw-damage mechanic, and maybe even only use it as a last ditch effort to finish someone off.
The only thing I can't figure out is how the opponent would get away. They shouldn't be rendered useless during this draw-in ability, so maybe it's changed somehow to .... I dunno ... if you hold block for 5 seconds, there's a % chance you trigger the magnetic shield from the image, your metallic opponent flies into your shield, gets their energy damage, is knocked backed, and you carry on, punishment included. This means you can still block per normal, but there's an ADDITIONAL layer to the blocking to turn it into an attack. VERY useful for nodes where the champs are particularly defensive. And, like Gambit and his charges, if you attack a blocking Magneto during this 5 second countdown, the clock is reset, meaning you don't have to just sit there and wait for the inevitable. This suggest you parry the opponent and try to Draw In asap. That'd be fun!
Yes, I think this would be awesome. I think this would make Magneto a lot more fun to play and to play against. His specials are a little tricky sometimes still, but the champ himself is dull. This would be a good solution.
And of course, there's Magneto Now. I think that between these two abilities - Push Back and Draw In - each Magneto is better at one that the other. Red can be more about pushing back, white can be more about drawing in.
Not a proper buff tho
Collosus organic steel armor should cause concussion and direct damage for each armor applied. Similar to crossbones and increases like aggressive armor. The longer he goes without getting hit the more armor builds and dmg. Become the ultimate tank.