In regards to collusion

Cryptic_CobraCryptic_Cobra Member Posts: 532 ★★★
Is it considered collusion if a alliance purposefully throws a AW in the off season In order to drop their war rating. Collusion by definition is working together with the other alliance, but is is against the rules to just not try, regardless of who you match against?
This is a tactic I have seen from time to time, as in the off season we run into people that just don’t try at all.


  • rwhackrwhack Member Posts: 1,076 ★★★
    It's fine. It's offseason. AW is expensive. Do what you want. It's dumb to use loyalty boosts. They don't give us enough in loyalty to keep it up in the offseason.
  • DTMelodicMetalDTMelodicMetal Member Posts: 2,785 ★★★★★
    No, collusion implies 2 alliances communicate with each other to manipulate an alliance war. Intentionally tanking AWs requires no communication with other alliances.
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★
    How 1 alliance decides to prepare between seasons is their own business

    When multiple alliances conspire to systematically control portions of the tiers that’s another story
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 2,131 ★★★★★
    No, collusion implies 2 alliances communicate with each other to manipulate an alliance war. Intentionally tanking AWs requires no communication with other alliances.

    I remember us throwing whatever champs we wanted on defense.

    Then picture shows up that only shows up and spreads saying we colluded

    It was During the OFFseason, it
    Was a war right after season 2 ended
    And people thought we was colluding.

    Funny how people really thought we colluded during the “off season”.

    I placed 1,2,3,4* champs.

    Lesson learned, just place 0 defenders and dont join aw to garantee a loss.
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