Stop Adding "New Skins"

With the introduction of Venom the Duck and Symbiote Supreme, it really got me thinking of how many better characters there are that could be added instead. Don't get me wrong Symbiote Supreme is pretty cool, it's more Venom the Ducks that's just plain dumb. Instead of adding what are essentially the same champions with a new appearance or skin, i.e: reskins, why can't new, unique champions get added? I'm not saying Venom the Duck and Symbiote Supreme suck or do not have any new abilities, I'm just saying I think everyone would rather see Sandman, Apocalypse, Anti-Venom, Professor X, Pyro, Quicksilver, etc. Amiright?
I understand what you mean, but this isn't true. Venom the Duck is a completely different character in terms of abilities, he is nothing like Howard the Duck. You have to admit that VTD is unique; maybe it isn't the symbiote people wanted, but he isn't a reskin. Ms. Marvel and Captain Marvel would be an example of two differently "skinned" characters with the exact same abilities.
Don’t forget magneto and magneto (marvel now)
And spiderman and symbiote spidey
Yeah those too.
I Forgot about that lol
Literally the only thing og and sym spidey have in common of note is they're both trash defenders unduped. There's definitely one you'd rather face duped without a true strike attacker...
Cap WWII would fight OG CAP and say...
"Tell me. Do you bleed?" know...Cap WWII inflicts bleed on his Sp2...and OG Cap doesn't....
I'll show myself out.
This pretty much is a reskin, but immortal iron fist is a little better. I think his armor breaks are permanent until he is struck? Maybe I'm mistaken, but they function a bit differently.
Once again, also very slightly different. Blue cyclops gains power faster at lower power levels, has unblockable specials, and longer armor break. Red cyclops is worse, he has short armor breaks and once above 15 hits his beams cannot be reduced by blocks. He can crit through blocks tho Og cap has higher block prof, does fatigue on perfect blocks, and has high stun chance on both specials if opponent is fatigued. At lower health levels his pb chance increases. Cap wwii is better imo, pb chance increases based on how many buffs the opponent has, sp1 has 30% stun chance, sp2 has 100% bleed.
Yeah, but same move set for the most part. Give them original moves or specials and people would be happier.
The specials aren’t a unique thing really. For the most part there’s only about a handful of different attack animations and specials usually are reskinned for different champs
Bishop and Kingpin
Spider classic/Sym and Ultron
Ultron, Kang, IM, SIM,
SIM, IM, Ms/Cpt Marvel
Even less obvious ones like War Machine, Domino, Emma Frost, KANG, Rocket Raccoon
Or the blatant rips like CB/Punisher and then you got Blade and Elektra with possibly MODOK
Or even Hela and Archangel
And even Omega Red borrows most of his Sp2 from Carnage Sp1
Oh and Stark Spider tips his Sp1 straight from Spider GWEN’S Sp2
Then you have BB sharing specials with Vision and Iron Patriot
Add a % of evade buff = Golden Symbioid.