Which 5* to max OR 6* R2?

*My last poll was not clear and didn't have all the potential options... sorry for the back-to-back similar polls*
I only have one solid 6* and its Luke Cage.
Should he (LC) be my automatic first big rank up since "6* are the future" (what i hear everywhere)?
Should I maybe bring one of the following 5*s up instead?
Should i be patient and wait for a better champ?
Extra info:
I have 4 T5B catalysts...12 science T4CC...
I only have one solid 6* and its Luke Cage.
Should he (LC) be my automatic first big rank up since "6* are the future" (what i hear everywhere)?
Should I maybe bring one of the following 5*s up instead?
Should i be patient and wait for a better champ?
Extra info:
I have 4 T5B catalysts...12 science T4CC...
Which 5* to max OR 6* R2? 93 votes
5* X23 (Unawakened)
The only thing bothering me with AA is that he isn't great in all situations. There is no one better when champs can bleed and be poisoned however. BUT... I feel his damage output as R4 is probably enough to take out anyone pretty easily at this point in content. It's just bothering me that in some situations he is literally garbage just cuz the opponent can't bleed... ESPECIALLY since there will be AW changes adding bleed immunity.
AHH a 6* LC DUPE would make my decision so much easier lol.
Thanks for the insight man!
The only issue for Iceman right now is that i just took up my AA to R4, so i have only 1 T4CC mutant & i just pulled my iceman who is now at R3. So i need the catalysts to take him to R4 and then more to max him. That's gonna take a long while haha! I might pull some solid champs until then. Maybe i'll just wait it out until i have expiring resources and see i don't have a choice!
- Ghost Rider (favorite, can with his regen be a path clear in both act 6 and AQ, and can use the dmg boost. Compared his dmg vs Blade without danger sense, and not that far off)
- Blade (Seems like his time has passed. Now where nerf of blade in AW against bleed champs. And most new champs have some kind of immunity to bleed or isn't a villian)
- Medusa (Great damage and armor break, but need Black bolt to really shine in dmg)
- Archangel (my feeling here is that to many lately is either poison or bleed immune)
- Ironman IW 6* unduped (like his utility options. Power control with sp1 and shock. Counter to Korg as his medium is energy based. But unduped and more expensive to take to R2)
- Angela 6* (damage, but besides that not utility)
Got 5x featured pulls next week with the next one. So will have to see what that brings before I make my choice.
BUT it is hard choices on what you should use your T5B on.
Thanks for the input man @SuperChrona !
Honestly my gut feeling is telling me Ghost Rider. Just because you can never go wrong with him. He is still one of the best overall champs imo, he kind of does everything well + he is duped, so he does have that little damage bump!
It seems looking at the poll i made that people think 6* LC is the better option. Seeing that i have 12 and almost a 13th Science T4CC, I definitely have a lot haha. But something is telling me i might regret it. IDK WHY lol. I'm trying to think what will help me the most when Act 6 comes out... and having that GR at R5 is the best and safest bet... again, that's what my GUT is telling me.
Being patient is always an option... I'm also fed up of having Science T4CC expiring or trading them in... out of 26 5* champs... i have 4 science champs (OG Spidey, Rhino, Miles Morales and OG captain america). I've been stuck here since day one damnit. So that little part of me is saying stop giving away those science T4CC and use them on taking LC to rank 2... HOWEVER, the other side is saying, "you're due for a science god tier... its coming" lol.
yeah if i had blade or starky i would R5 one of those 2 without a doubt and probably wouldn't even have made this poll
i'm basically stuck between LC and GR... but i'm gonna wait until act 6 comes out (unless i have expiring resources.
He is opening all my crystals from now on lol.
*SIDENOTE- I was saving a 5* skill awakening gem for this reason lol.
This solves my issue on who to R5 first lol.
Luke. Blade is slowly losing his value... A year ago this man was the hottest thing out there... Now.. I wouldn't r5 him if I had him