Can i get tips for being a new leader?

i was recently promoted from officer to the leader of our alliance. as an officer i always tried to help people if they had questions and talk to everyone i could to help, but ive never had to start quest, wars ect. or try and organize everyone, we do have a few other officers but i don't know what MY focus should be on to try and make sure everything runs smoothly... or as smoothly as it can. so any suggestions would be helpful. thank you


  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    Make sure your officers are responsible and engaged with the game, and that they communicate well and often. They should lead by example, as should you. Communicate with them about what the expectations of the alliance are, and when people aren't living up to them, don't be afraid to kick people. The most important thing is communication. Use an app like Line or Discord for the leadership to communicate with each other.
  • _fr3do__fr3do_ Member Posts: 50
    Try to keep the fun for yourself in the first place. A leader needs q good team of officers. If u are in the alley for a while u should know who is active, ask them to help you out. An officer and a leader should be equals. A leader needs to keep the leading group in order. Being polite is a skill needed for them. Kick the inactive ones, it will save you and the ally a lot of frustration. Communication is like said above very important so make line/discord mandatory. Dont push a group above their limits too much. It will result in a bore out. A happy leader is a good leader.

    My opinion 😉
    success with the job!
  • B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Member Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    Officers govern the rest of the alliance. Leaders govern the officers. Make sure you have a good officer team in place that can run each of your BGs. That way you just have to make decisions on big things. Assign different jobs. 1-2 officers for recruiting. 1 for donations. 1 as good cop 1 as bad cop. And make sure you have a separate chat line for officers only. So the rest of the group doesn’t see you talking **** about them. Lol. But also for behind the scenes things like who to replace etc etc etc. best of luck chief.
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