Rank with last t2’s, rank lower tier, or wait?

I’ve saved my final teir two alphas and am at a crossroads. Red Hulk is a solid option for me to rank 4. Could use a good science champ on my offense. However, it would take all remaining t2 alphas, meaning I cannot rank another 5* anytime soon.
Other 5* champs at r3 are Awakened MS, Awakened Loki (He’s not THAT bad LOL) or Mordo to r4. Potential r3 5* options are Venom, Dormammu, Cable.
4* options to r5 are Hyperion, Proxima, SL, SW, GR, Quake, Iceman.
Should I use my last t2 alphas on red hulk or wait for a better 5*? Maybe rank a different one to r3, or even rank a 4* to r5? Other option please leave feedback, thanks!
Other 5* champs at r3 are Awakened MS, Awakened Loki (He’s not THAT bad LOL) or Mordo to r4. Potential r3 5* options are Venom, Dormammu, Cable.
4* options to r5 are Hyperion, Proxima, SL, SW, GR, Quake, Iceman.
Should I use my last t2 alphas on red hulk or wait for a better 5*? Maybe rank a different one to r3, or even rank a 4* to r5? Other option please leave feedback, thanks!
Rank with last t2’s, rank lower tier, or wait? 26 votes
Have 4* Awakened Venom and think he’s a great 5* option, just much better awakened. I’ve thought about holding out for next 5* crystal, hope to get Corvus, Proxima, Medussa or Hype. They’re all great without being awakened. I know Kabam really made Venom better, but is he really worth ranking to r3 over other options?
Also ranking 4*s is only a fools game if you have multiple solid 5*s to rank in their place.
If it were a few months ago, I would’ve been all over Venom. Really made him better, The one major drawback is they made him better based off the existing champs that were in play when he was released. For instance, Sparky isn’t part of his new “Spider-Verse” synergy, likely no new spider verse champ will be. Power Drain/Power Lock used to be a huge deal fighting against Tech, but now the class is so diversified it only applies to most tech champs I wouldn’t be matched against. Cannot say 100% and I do want to use him, just that gold has been very tight lately, and I made the brilliant decision to trade 3 t4 class cats for one, dropping me down lower. Shouldn’t have been an option lol.
I’d say rank whatever you like but don’t use your T2a atm, if you end up with some expiring then Rulk is pretty good at R4, took mine upto R4 to use expiring T2a a while back.
Gains nothing from deep wounds because he doesn’t have bleed damage so not sure what you mean by that.
Venom was absolutely terrible months ago, he is a direct counter to classic spidey and has some nice damage and true strike for final portion of the fight so you’ll find uses for him.
Red Hulk doesn't bleed, he has no need for deep wounds. You must be confusing his abilities.