Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • SassoSurpremeSassoSurpreme Member Posts: 8
    Why is Man Thing so tiny? I think he should be at least venom the ducks size. I know I’m not the only one who wonders why he’s so small. Thanks
  • PoorlyMadePoorlyMade Member Posts: 58
    Here is Punisher (OG). He is so bad compared to other skill characters.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    *Now, I know he's already good, so the point of this rework is to make some of his abilities make more sense*

    The Issue and Trade Off Summarized
    Iceman should be immune to abilities based on Cold energy. As a trade off he would become resistant to Heat energy based abilities instead of fully immune.

    When awakened, Iceman starts a fight with his Ice Armor, otherwise he builds it after a set duration or reforms it if broken after that same time. It breaks whenever hit by a single attack rated greater than 5% of his max health rating or is nullified by an ability. That remains almost the same except for some slight tweaks.

    Tweak 1: Flame based attacks cancel the Ice Armor as long as they deal more damage than 2.5% of his max health rating in a single hit (instead of 5%). Cool down period remains the same so it reforms.

    Tweak 2: Flame based auras cancel the Ice Armor at the expense of the Flame effect or charge, if within range of the aura for longer than 2 seconds. If a Flame Aura is up before Ice Armor reforms, being in range of the Aura's effect pauses the reformation cool down.

    What this means
    Fire vs Ice now has a new interaction where Fire abilities can remove one of Iceman's greatest defensive abilities easier than regular attacks; however, Ice balances that out by reducing one or more instances of Fire. Examples would include but are not limited to: extinguishing Masacre's bat, Torch's and Mephisto's fire auras, and even shorting Claire's fire curse. Iceman would still not receive actual Fire based debuffs, so in that way technically he's still immune, it's just potentially easier to bypass his armor for them.

    Tweak 3
    Additionally being hit by his special attacks should suppress their flames for half the time a non-Ice-immune champ would suffer from Frostbite or Coldsnap. It should also be set to remove one of Red Hulk's heat charges and prevent others from stacking while Fb or Cs are inflicted on Red, and even reduce Power Drain from Ghost Rider's Sp2 for the heck of it (granted that is Mystic fire).

    By reducing Iceman's protections from Fire opponents, there is slightly more support for adding full Ice immunity. The pseudo-physics of it all also checks out to have him affect Fire opponents differently (consider also letting Namor's water specials do something similar by extinguishing flame auras, but I digress).

    The last tweak concerns Synergy updates:
    Tweak 4
    Between Iceman, Loki, Emma Frost and/or Storm, set up a synergy that refers to the times Loki tweaked Iceman and Storm's abilities by Mystic means and Emma coopted them via psychic possession.
    1. Loki would gain Frostbite or Coldsnap effects on his Sp2 from Iceman, Storm or both.
    2. Emma would get a Frost assist akin to Human Torch's rain of fire with Thing, thus inflicting Frostbite (from both)
    3. Storm would get a hammer assist from Loki (look up the Mjolnir-like hammer Stormcaster)
    4. Storm would inflict Coldsnap from Iceman
    5. Storm would inflict a Power Sting from Emma Frost
    6. Iceman would increase Power Rate while hitting Coldsnapped or Frostbitten opponents (from Loki - consistent with Mystic power gain)
    7. Iceman would steal health (repairing ice body) from hitting Coldsnapped or Frostbitten opponents (from Emma - consistent with Mutant healing)
    8. Iceman would deal more energy damage from specials when hitting an opponent already suffering Cs od Fb debuffs.

    Maybe Emma or Loki must be present for Iceman to benefit from Storm and Storm to benefit from Iceman, so it may be best to house the synergy in Loki and Emma's list, but I recommend Storm house a synergy with Iceman outright to buff those cold abilities.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited November 2019
    Having mentioned Iceman's rework affecting Storm via synergies, Storm herself could do with a little spruce up.

    This plays on her being known as the Wind Rider
    Simply stated (but requiring an animated effect's addition) every 3 or 4 heavy attacks Storm generates a mini-tornado from her legs which forms and drifts forward slightly (the creation of it alternates between 3 then 4 then 3 heavies sequentially). Visibly it would be similar to Diablo's or Phoenix's Sp2 tornadoes but smaller and differently colored (it would also be shorter range than Phoenix's since this is from a heavy and not a Sp2)

    This tornado would only add about 25% extra damage to Storm's heavy but be implied to inflict Suffocation, thus causing a passive weakening of opponent's attack power, disabling auto-evasion and auto-block abilities, and not triggering defensive abilities (each for 4 seconds). Despite being able to inflict a little extra damage, the Suffocation effect is (appropriately) ineffective on all Robots and some helmet wearing Tech characters such as Star Lord, Iron Man (all), War Machine and Hulkbuster who have their own internal oxygen supply.

    The aforementioned synergy with Iceman would grant this wind attack Cold energy damage from Coldsnap. Frostbite would also be inflicted if Iceman and Emma Frost are present and it would decrease the number of heavies needed to trigger it from 3,4,3,4,etc. to 2,3,2,3,etc.

    Emma Frost in synergy with Storm alone would only grant Storm's Special Attack 1 a Power Sting passive.

    Adding Crystal Amaquelin of the Inhumans would introduce other Synergy effects to Storm and a number of other key champions who can be considered #Elementals.
  • CaptainPollCaptainPoll Member Posts: 901 ★★★
    TBH i don't want every champ to be god tier, some need to be bad, cz come on bro it's a game
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    Having mentioned Iceman's rework affecting Storm via synergies, Storm herself could do with a little spruce up.

    This plays on her being known as the Wind Rider
    Simply stated (but requiring an animated effect's addition) every 3 or 4 heavy attacks Storm generates a mini-tornado from her legs which forms and drifts forward slightly (the creation of it alternates between 3 then 4 then 3 heavies sequentially). Visibly it would be similar to Diablo's or Phoenix's Sp2 tornadoes but smaller and differently colored (it would also be shorter range than Phoenix's since this is from a heavy and not a Sp2)

    This tornado would only add about 25% extra damage to Storm's heavy but be implied to inflict Suffocation, thus causing a passive weakening of opponent's attack power, disabling auto-evasion and auto-block abilities, and not triggering defensive abilities (each for 4 seconds). Despite being able to inflict a little extra damage, the Suffocation effect is (appropriately) ineffective on all Robots and some helmet wearing Tech characters such as Star Lord, Iron Man (all), War Machine and Hulkbuster who have their own internal oxygen supply.

    The aforementioned synergy with Iceman would grant this wind attack Cold energy damage from Coldsnap. Frostbite would also be inflicted if Iceman and Emma Frost are present and it would decrease the number of heavies needed to trigger it from 3,4,3,4,etc. to 2,3,2,3,etc.

    Emma Frost in synergy with Storm alone would only grant Storm's Special Attack 1 a Power Sting passive.

    Adding Crystal Amaquelin of the Inhumans would introduce other Synergy effects to Storm and a number of other key champions who can be considered #Elementals.

    To clarify too, Storm's mini-tornado may count as a projectile but not trigger Daredevil's evasion, and Storm's synergy with Loki could be extended in a different way.

    Instead of Iceman, if any Thor is present (Thor (classic), Thor (Foster) or Thor (Ragnarok)) with the Loki synergy, Storm gets a Hammer Assist from Stormcaster after she fires Sp1 or 2 or after generating the tornado. The hammer flies in from behind Storm horizontally, causes Armor Break and increases Storm's chance to stun on specials (then flies back out). It would only fly in on Sp1 with Loki alone. Being struck by the hammer adds an additional 40% damage to the base special's damage.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    TBH i don't want every champ to be god tier, some need to be bad, cz come on bro it's a game

    I wouldn't say any should be bad, but I agree all don't need to be god tier. Each should have their specialty shine enough to make them Strong Enough in one of 4 categories and therefore appealing.

    Cat 1: Attack Damage
    This could be high raw striking damage, progressively stronger striking damage from basic, special attacks and/or effects.

    Cat 2: Defensive Complication
    This could be from evasive, blocking, aura based, proximity or contact feedback effects

    Cat 3: Control Specialization
    Capping damage output, decreasing power levels, nullifying effects or preventing tricky abilities.

    Cat 4: Utility Appeal
    If modest in all aforementioned categories, at the very least be appealing to someone's roster by being able to enhance others' abilities via synergies. Otherwise, be specialized to counter affects most other champs can't or do something effective that compensates for low damage or defense use (e.g. chain stun fearsome opponents, or protect teammates from an otherwise unavoidable effect's intensity or duration)

    At the very least some combination of synergy or situation should make weaker champs good enough to keep up in at least one game mode (even if it makes them a beast in Dungeon's only, or at specific times of the month, or in specialized events, or as a result of a mastery setup that most others get less benefit from).

    That's just my opinion though: give all of them some value somehow even if it isn't outright damage output.
  • NairvehlNairvehl Member Posts: 111
    [Based on 4* 5/50 sig. 99 champion]

    Sig ability:

    Helping Hand:
    Whenever the Hulkbuster armor would take damage equivalent to more than 10% of his health from a single source, Veronica sends down replacements to Tony, regenerating up to 90% of the damage taken over 9 seconds.


    Designation: Hulk
    When fighting Hulk-Type champions, the Hulkbuster gains an armor up buff (increasing armor rating by 200) for 4 seconds every second, and a precision buff (increasing critical rating by 200) for 5 seconds every second.

    Robotic Body:
    Due to the sheer mass of metal and robotic gear, Hulkbuster is immune to bleed and incinerate effects.

    Hulking Tank:
    For every 10 hits the Hulkbuster recieves, he gains an armor up buff for 6 seconds, increasing armor rating by 369.
    Every time the Hulkbuster armor dishes out 10 hits, he gains a cruelty buff for 5 seconds, increasing critical damage rating by 275.

    Heavy attack: The Pummel
    Animation rework: the Hulkbuster armor strikes with a left hook, and 5 quick action piston jabs from the right fist.
    Places 1 armor break debuff, with a 10% chance to apply additional armor breaks on each piston hit, on the opponent for 4 seconds, reducing opponents armor rating by 210 each.

    Special 1:
    Animation rework: Hulkbuster lets out one powerful shot from his chest reactor. This attack is unblockable.
    Against all champs:
    This attack places an armor break on the opponent for 7 seconds, reducing armor rating by 456.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    This attack also inflicts a concussion debuff lasting 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 2:
    Against all champs:
    Inflicts 1 armor break for 5 seconds, reducing armor rating by 440, and stuns the opponent for 2 seconds (this stun is not negatively or positively modified by masteries, nodes, nullify, or purify).
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    The opponent will suffer 2 additional armor breaks, lasting for 7 seconds and reducing armor rating by 330 each, and a concussion debuff lasting for 5 seconds, reducing defensive ability accuracy by 50%.

    Special 3:
    If below 20% health, remove all debuffs and regenerate 20% health over 15 seconds. Can be done only twice.
    Against all champs:
    Inflict one armor break for 10 seconds, reducing armor rating by 570. Stun for 4 seconds.
    Against Hulk-Type champs:
    This attack deals 50% more damage.

  • Colonaut123Colonaut123 Member Posts: 3,091 ★★★★★

    Name of the Champion you would like to be changed


    Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    Storm is an old champion. She is simple in design. Her problem is that she relies to hard on her sig to be even remotely good, that's an issue for 5* and 6* versions. Although she uses electricity, she can only shock with her special attacks.

    I very much like how Storm has currently some shock resistance and +30% special attack damage while shocked, though.

    How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!

    I think Storm can be the perfect hybrid between X-23 and Jane Foster.

    First, give her crits 80% chance to shock for 105% base attack rating over 5 seconds. Against naturally shock immune champions, she gains prowess buffs that increase special attack damage by 5% for 7.75 seconds. This is like X-23. Storm's attributes already makes her have the same crit chance and crit damage as X-23, so no change needed there.

    If possible, her basic attacks could get a sparkle animation and change to energy damage. Some people would like her to float and hit similarly as Magneto, for me that is unnecessary as I understand that will take a lot of development time.

    All special attacks get 80% chance to shock as well for 133.35% base attack rating for 6.35 seconds (currently that is 60% chance for 90% base attack rating over 6 seconds). On naturally shock immune champions, the prowess buff increases special attack damage by 6.35% for 9.8425 seconds. This is +27% potency and duration like X-23.

    Just like X-23, she increases critical rating on shocked targets, or while under the influence of a prowess buff. As metal conducts electricity, her shock potency is increased by 10% for metal tagged champions. A lot of tech are metallic, so that might be a problem. A solution for the iron man family is that shock heal instead of damage, as the arc reactor can absorb it and convert it to health. Vision and Ultron could get their metal tag removed as their armor is made from vibranium.

    Like Jane Foster, she gets 15% chance to stun against shocked opponents for 1.5 seconds. This is a bit lower than Jane Foster for balancing purposes, because she is able to keep up shocks more easily. On stunned opponents, she increases crit damage like Jane Foster sig.

    Stuns have a pacify effect, reducing ability accuracy by 30%. For abilities that shrug off debuffs, that is increased by 50% till 45% ability reduction. With the pacify mastery, that increases to 60/75%. This is mainly to counter skill champions.

    All special attacks have a chance to stun for 1.95 seconds (again, +27% duration like X-23). For sp1, that is 30%, for sp2 that is 45% and for sp3 that is 70%. Every shock debuff increases the stun chance by 15%. Stun chance is calculated after the sp shock is applied. So it will be most likely 45%, 60% and 85%.

    The sp3 gives the opponent an Electrocution passive. This applies a pacify ability on shocks, reducing ability accuracy by 5% per shock debuff. Electrocution passives can stack but its chance is reduced in a similar fashion as IMIW plasma passives.

    I would keep her current sig as it is now.

    Some changes to her synergies are warranted:

    • With OG BP and BPCW, she activates the new unique Wakanda Queen synergy. For OG BP, the damage of his basic hits are increased by 5% per stack of bleed (current ability is only for sp's). For BPCW, all hits have a 12% chance to bleed for 100% base attack rating for 6 seconds. For Storm, shock and prowess duration is increased by 10%.
    • The Energy Conduit synergies with Bishop gets a small change. Instead of increasing her energy resistance, she decreases it on her opponent for the same amount. This also applies on the other Energy Conduit synergies (Electro, Doctor Strange and both Cyclopses).
    • She gets a new unique Apprentice synergy with Magik. For Magik, Limbo deals 10% more damage and heals 10% more health. For Storm, stuns last 0.5 seconds longer.
    • She gets a new unique Horsewoman of Apocalypse synergy with Psylocke. For Psylocke, her crits have a 70% chance to bleed for 120% base attack rating over 6 seconds. For Storm, shock potency is increased by 10%.
    • A small change, but her synergy with Red Cyclops should change from Friends to Enemies, as Red Cyclops killed Xavier in the comics and betrayed his ideology by advocating for a mutant revolution. The increased crit rating is also more helpful for the champion.
    I though I could revisit this one. I think I've an alternative rework that is less copy-paste and more uniqueness.

    She should still deal shock (and +10% prowess when immune or purified), but I would change it to 19% on all basic attacks, I'm thinking 35% of direct damage over 7 seconds. Heavy attacks refreshes the shock debuff that would expire first. She should still hit with energy damage instead of physical.

    When she uses a special attack, she electrocutes, consumes all shock debuffs and increasing her attack rating by +15% per shock debuff for the whole special attack. Instead, her SP3 deals a power leak passive that leaks 35% power over 7 seconds. Her SP2 can deal the same power leak, but only when it's a crit. Her SP3 also gives a debilitate passive that increases duration (and potency in case of shock and power leak) of debuffs and passive effects by 50% for 35 seconds.

    She won't shock on her special attacks, but still stun. It has a base 30% chance, but for every shock removed by it increases by 30% each. The stun is a Paralyze passive (cannot be purified by skill champions): it lasts 1.5 seconds for every bar of power consumed and reduces power gain rate and regeneration by 70%.

    Special attacks shouldn't give the opponent power.

    I still think the increased crit rating when shocked is a good idea. I do think the whole metal tag thing would be take too much effort, so scrap that. In return, she becomes immune to shock damage while still having a +30% prowess during shock debuffs).

    Her sig still increases special attack damage based on opponent's power upon impact. However, electrocution has a 30% (+30% per removed shock debuff) chance to inflict a Disorient passive, reducing defensive ability accuracy and block proficiency by 50% for 9-12 seconds, and a new Tremor passive (because electricity disrupts neurons) that reduces the chance of triggering a special attack by 70% (a reverse Taunt), for 6-9 seconds. Also, basic attacks have 100% chance to transfer 50%-100% power that is leaked or reduced.

    So, the rotation I've in mind is this: you build up shock debuffs, then fire off the SP2 when the opponent has two or more bars of power. If you're lucky, she paralyzes so you should have a stun and reduced power gain. If the SP2 crits, the power leak should push the opponent back from the edge. The sig gives her even more special attack damage, while at the same time giving a way to transfer power to her so you can build-up to the next SP faster. The Tremor passive is an extra safeguard while the Disorient passive gives her extra utility. Her SP3 has the advantage to increase duration of debuffs, so you benefit even more from your debuffs and passives.


    Do you like this champion improvement? Then also check out my others:

    Iron Man (Infinity War)
    Red Hulk
    Ronan the Accuser
    Colossus (redundant)
    Green Goblin
    Civil Warrior
    Howard The Duck

    Feedback is always welcome!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    It's been ages since I've done a Champion Rework, and I feel motivated to give Storm a critical eye toward improving her as a Champion. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: Storm has almost no utility, has very little defensive capabilities, and while her Special Attack 2 can give a pretty good jolt, she's just not that much fun to play. With the addition of cold-based debuffs in the game, Storm should have been granted access to those powers. She's lackluster, and no Champion in the game deserves to be lackluster, even if they don't all deserve to be God-tier Champions. Canonically, Storm has power over the natural elements, telepathic resistance, magical potential, divine potential, and tactical training. At least some of those elements should be incorporated into her Contest of Champions character.


    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!
    • Whenever Storm inflicts a Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent, it has a 100% chance to also inflict an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by 550 for 5.5 seconds.
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm receives up to 60% Coldsnap and Incinerate Resistance based on Stored Power. She also reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Iron Willpower (Passive): Storm has a 75% chance to ignore Taunt Debuffs and Reversed Controls. Additionally, she gains +1000 physical and energy resistance against psychic attacks.
    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:
    • Mist and Fog Mode: Pulling the mists about her to protect herself, basic attacks against Storm have a 20% chance to Miss. Whenever an attack misses, Storm gains a Fury buff, increasing her Attack rating by 10% for 6.0 seconds.
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.
    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted. If the opponent is pushed back into the wall, they instantly take 967.2 direct damage.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Due to her extensive combat training, well-timed blocks grant Storm a passive Precision buff and a passive Cruelty buff for 8.5 seconds, increasing both her Crit Rating and Critical Damage by 10% (Max Stacks: 5).

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    edited December 2019

    DAREDEVIL (née Netflix)

    How can I possibly justify the need for a Daredevil rework? Well, how much is he even used? How many people have Daredevil at 5/65? Or even 5/50?
    His damage is pretty modest; and he's dependent on stunning opponents to boost it with armour breaks. But he's not super-strong: why the constant armour breaks? Daredevil's kit should be based around crits and bypassing armour, rather than breaking it. Also, the need to stun in order to armour break makes him pretty ineffective if the opponent can resist stun, shrug off debuffs, has Masochism, etc.

    As for his Sig ability: well, as a (prototype) response to debuffs, World on Fire is almost absurdly out-performed by countless other champions released since - Crossbones, Killmonger, Kingpin, Agent Venom, Night Thrasher, Elsa Bloodstone... It's weak, it doesn't last long, and it doesn't even get rid of the debuff!
    What about his body armour? Fairly important as a plotline of the Netflix series, why is Daredevils armour so much less useful than that of similarly old champs like Punisher and Gambit. Even Karnak has higher Physical Resistance, using just his skin...
    What's the main thing that needs to change? Well any time he's turned up as a boss at the end of a quest, he seems to have had that node increasing his Evade chance to 100%. Maybe that's a clue...

    Normally I don't advocate for animation changes, but I'd like just one here, for the heavy attack: change his current head-over-heels flip-kick to a spinning circle-kick animation borrowed from Gamora/Storm/Magik. It would definitely suit his fighting style better than any of the female champs who have it currently. Anyway, here's my attempt to redevelop him:

    I am right there with you. We definitely need a rebuild of Daredevil (Netflix). At least Daredevil (Classic) has some utility. Daredevil (Netflix) has, pretty much, zero utility. His chances to gain beneficial effects are quite low, and his beneficial effects expire too quickly. While I'd argue that not every Champion deserves the God-tier treatment, absolutely no Champion should be trash, and this particular Champion is pretty much trash.


    Signature - World on Fire:

    Matt's determination only rises as his opponents try to bring him down. Any time opponents afflict him with a debuff or when he is struck for more than 5% of his base health, he gains a determination counter. He also gains two counters any time he uses an SP3.
    Determination counters are permanent and stack up to 20*; but do not persist between fights. Each counter generates the following benefits:

    • Increase his Projectile Evade chance by a flat 3*%
    • Increase Critical rating by 40*
    • Increase block proficiency by 40*
    *Rises with Sig level
    The actual max number of counters rises with Sig level; limiting the benefits at low Sig. Time to use some of those Sig stones!
    I found this concept to be interesting, to say the least. I like the idea that Daredevil (Netflix) can build up counters, but not the idea that they don't persist between fights. This gives him some utility that has to be built up, which is cool, but I think it would be better for Daredevil (Netflix) (and in keeping with his character) to build up from fight to fight until he reaches the boss. I think it might be interesting if some dropped off between fights (perhaps based upon how many tiles he has to travel between fights), but not that they're all lost.

    Still, it's an interesting concept. I like that he gets an increased Evade chance against projectiles, and that his Crit rating and his block proficiency go up. I think it's very much in keeping with the character.

    Passive: Armour - Mr Potter's amazing armour can deflect knives and bullets, providing the following benefits:

    • Baseline Physical resistance of 450
    • The micromesh Kevlar armour reduces the Ability Accuracy of armour break and bleed effects by -40%
    I have to admit that I'm kind of underwhelmed by this. Physical resistance of 450 is nice, and so is reducing the chances of suffering from Armor Break and Bleed effects, but there are a whole host of other effects that can easily avoid these benefits, making this far less useful than it could potentially be. Plus, Champions like Archangel, whose Ability Accuracy cannot be reduced, throw this out the window. I could see him having a small Tenacity chance to shrug off damage-over-time debuffs (maybe 10%-15%), and perhaps instead of reducing the Ability Accuracy, maybe giving an increase in the chance to Purify or shrug off Armor Break and Bleed effects, rather than mucking about with the opponent's Ability Accuracy for these limited effects. A blanket Ability Accuracy reduction is much more useful, but in this case, not really appropriate for the character.

    Heightened Senses

    • Perfect Block 25%
    • Daredevil has a base chance to Evade projectile attacks of 18%
    • Without eyesight, Daredevil is unaffected by Invisibility or Decoy Effects
    • If the opponent has Critical Resistance, Daredevil reduces it's potency by 50%
    • Able to detect weak spots in his opponents armour, Daredevil has +150 Armour Penetration. When his opponent is stunned, this rises to +450.
    Loving the Perfect Block chance, but I wish there was a way to increase that with those counters in the signature ability. The base chance to Evade projectiles is cool, and it can go up to 78%, which is very nice. I love the chance to ignore Invisibility, and I assume that nerfs Nick Fury's Decoy, which is a pretty damn powerful niche ability. All in all, this is a pretty nice suite of powers.

    Special Attacks
    Special Attacks benefit from an additional +500 Armour Penetration, and Critical Hits stun opponents for 2.5 seconds.

    • SP1 - +750 Critical Rating.
    • SP2 - +1500 Critical Rating.
    • SP3 - Has an 80% chance to Stun for 2.5 seconds. Grants a Sensory buff for ten seconds: This buff increases the potency of his Heightened Senses abilities by 50%.
    Here's where you lost me. All of the Special Attacks kind of get rolled into something very lackluster. Enhanced crit rating can do some serious damage, but you skipped the chance to add some awesome utility to the Champion. The Sensory Buff is cool, but these don't add anything in that he cannot already do. Precision, Cruelty, Fury, Armor Break... Those would all be appropriate to add in.

    Canonically, Daredevil gets an enhanced sense of balance, is a master martial artist, and a master acrobat in addition to his enhanced senses, so that might justify adding in a limited Evade ability that doesn't just apply to projectiles. Furthermore, the martial arts mastery could translate into Enfeeble, Purifying enemy buffs, Fatigue, Enervation, Weakness, True Strike, Prowess, or even a Stagger. His ability as a master lawyer could even grant him similar abilities to She-Hulk.

    I think you may be missing the opportunity to incorporate his Billy Clubs into his basic attacks. Daredevil (Classic) only brings his out for Special Attack 3, but Daredevil (Netflix) could make use of them to grant him a small Stun or Armor Break chance on Heavy Attacks.

    Electra - Devils of Hell's Kitchen (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    Well-timed blocks grant Daredevil or Electra Cruelty buffs adding +500 Critical Damage rating for nine seconds.
    Classic Daredevil - The same, but different (Unique Synergy, does not stack):

    • Netflix Daredevil starts the fight with 5 Determination passives.
    • Whenever classic Daredevil is inflicted with a debuff, he gains +10% of his total Power.
    Punisher - Never say die (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Punisher: When he is at or below 5% health, Punisher passively gains +50% Attack.
    • Daredevil: When below 30% Health, Daredevil gains a permanent Cruelty buff adding +300 Critical Damage rating.
    I'm not overwhelmed by the Synergies either, other than the one that gives Daredevil (Netflix) 5 Determination passives to start each fight with.

    Don't get me wrong... I recognize that I've been critical of this rebuild, but I do think it's much better than the current Daredevil (Netflix). For that, I give you all the kudos! I still believe that there's room for improvement, but you've done a good job on the rebuild.


    Having said all of that, feel free to give a critical once-over to my rebuilds. I do welcome constructive criticism.

    Best wishes!
  • FluffyPigMonsterFluffyPigMonster Member Posts: 2,069 ★★★★★
    OG Cap

    Have his fatigue ability improved to include a base chance for the opponent to gain a fatigue debuff for blocking a hit AND the Spry mechanic (any time a champion passively evades). After a certain # of fatigue (stacks) they will be converted into a passive “Gassed” debuff. Like the node.

    Once gassed is active (like the node) it will drain % x of power and cause a % of base attack as damage to the opponent every time the opponent attempts a strike.

    It will immediately make OG cap a viable champ along with whatever else you cook up.
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    For my next trick, I think it's time to give a whole lot of love to a Champion that was never great (and deserved to be), and who has fallen way behind the curve in every meaningful way. I present to you my take on a rebuilt Captain America (Classic)!. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: I'm going to be perfectly honest with you... Captain America is one of my favorite Champions to fight against. His Specials are easy to evade, and you get free healing (if you have the Willpower mastery) when you hit into his block to pick up Fatigue. He doesn't have any utility beyond being able to Perfect Block attacks and inflict some Fatigue, so he's not the kind of Champion that sees a lot of use, especially since Captain America (WWII) and especially Captain America (Infinity War) far outshine anything that the original Captain America does.

    As an attacker, he's just not fun to play. The only reason that I have to use him, truth be told, is as Arena fodder. He's not the sort of Champion that anyone is eager to fully rank up unless they don't have anyone else to max out. There are Champions that are much better at Stunning, and can actively cause Fatigue instead of causing it by getting hit (which only helps his opponent if they heal from debuffs). Unfortunately, America's Best doesn't have anything going for him to even suggest that he's the best at anything.


    Hit Points: 15660
    Attack: 1204 (a modest improvement to be the equal of WWII)
    Crit Rate: 598
    Crit Damage: 703
    Armor: 273
    Block Proficiency: 6461

    Signature Ability - I Can Do This All Day:
    Steve Rogers' real super-power is his indomitable will to continue to fight for truth, justice, and the American way!
    • The chance to Perfectly Block all damage increases by up to 51.36% based on lost Health, providing hope when Cap needs it the most.
    • When under the effects of any mental manipulation, such as a Taunt debuff or Reversed Controls, Captain America has a 65% chance to shrug off the debuff after 0.2 seconds.
    • Rogers has a 40% chance to shrug off Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs after 0.5 seconds.

    Super-Soldier Serum (Passive): Rogers' enhanced physiology allows him to function at peak human efficiency. His enhanced stamina and healing ability provide him with full immunity to Exhaustion, and some protection from damage over time debuffs. Whenever he gains a Bleed, Coldsnap, Frostbite, Incinerate, Poison, or Shock debuff, he gains a passive Regeneration buff that heals 939.6 damage over 8.0 seconds. His enhanced reflexes also grant him a 6% chance to passively evade incoming projectile attacks.
    Heavy Attacks: If the opponent is Fatigued, Enervate them for 2.5 seconds per Fatigue debuff.
    Blocking: 40% chance that a Block is a Perfect Block, reducing all damage to 0.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Well-timed blocks have a 90% chance to Fatigue the opponent, lowering their Critical Rating by 222.22 for 12.0 seconds. (Max stacks: 5)
    Vibranium Shield: Rogers' shield grants him a 100% chance to resist Armor Break and Armor Shattered debuffs.
    Master Acrobat: Rogers' years of extensive training have made him a highly trained acrobat. He has a 3% chance to Evade the first medium attack of a Combo. This chance increases by 10% against heavy attacks.

    Special 1 - Shield Bash – Cap puts his weight behind a hefty shield bash.
    • 30% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds. The chance to Stun is increased by 40% of the target is Fatigued or Enervated.
    Special 2 - Shield Toss – A staple of the Cap repertoire, his shield strikes true and through.
    • 45% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds. The chance to Stun is increased by 40% of the target is Fatigued or Enervated.
    • This attack is guaranteed to hit Invisible opponents.
    Special 3 - American Justice – An up-close and personal view of Cap's shield. Don't blink, or you'll miss it.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds. The chance to Stun is increased by 40% of the target is Fatigued or Enervated.

    • With Spider-Man (Classic) or Spider-Man (Symbiote)
    • All Champions gain +130 Armor Rating.
    • With Iron Man or Superior Iron Man
    • All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    American Captains
    • With Winter Soldier or Falcon
    • Captain America (Classic): Each Avenger on Captain America's team gives Cap a 10% chance to inflict a Petrify debuff on Special Attacks, reducing the opponent's Regeneration and Power Gain rate by a flat 50%. (Max Stacks: 2)
    • Winter Soldier: Whenever Winter Soldier Power Drains an opponent, he takes 20% of the Power drained as his own.
    • Falcon: The amount of time that it takes Falcon to complete a Recon Scan is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    • Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • With Namor
    • Captain America (Classic): Landing Special Attack 2 has a 50% chance to inflict a Bleed debuff on Cap's opponent, dealing 250% of his Base Attack in Direct Damage over 4.0 seconds.
    • Namor: Namor gains Immunity to Coldsnap and Frostbite.
    • Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    Original Gangstas
    • With Black Panther, Black Widow, Captain Marvel (Classic), Daredevil (Classic), Hawkeye, Hulk, Iron Man, Spider-Man (Classic), Thor, and Vision
    • All Champions gain +100 Critical Rating on Basic Attacks for each member of the Synergy team still alive.

    I do welcome constructive feedback on this Champion rebuild. I'll specifically call out @Magrailothos, since I just recently gave him a review of one of his rebuilds.

    Also, I have a number of rebuilds in this thread, if you want to check them out or offer constructive feedback.

    Best wishes!

    PREVIOUS REVISIONS (minus Champions that Kabam has already revised):
    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Captain Marvel
    4. Iron Fist
    5. Falcon
    6. War Machine
    7. Superior Iron Man
    8. Black Panther
    9. King Groot
    10. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
    11. Karnak
    12. Iron Patriot
    13. Hulkbuster
    14. Storm
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen said:

    I recognize that I've been critical of this rebuild, but I do think it's much better than the current Daredevil (Netflix). For that, I give you all the kudos! I still believe that there's room for improvement, but you've done a good job on the rebuild.


    Having said all of that, feel free to give a critical once-over to my rebuilds. I do welcome constructive criticism.

    Best wishes!

    Thanks, Bodhizen. Some very fair comments; and I might have to look at this rework again some time (but I'm holding my breath till the Hulkbuster buff, hoping they have time to work on Daredevil too, as they hinted they might).

    I definitely owe you some feedback for the Storm and Cap reworks; but before doing that, thanks for keeping this fine thread alive!
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    Bodhizen said:

    Captain America (Classic)

    Signature Ability - I Can Do This All Day:
    Steve Rogers' real super-power is his indomitable will to continue to fight for truth, justice, and the American way!
    • The chance to Perfectly Block all damage increases by up to 51.36% based on lost Health, providing hope when Cap needs it the most.
    • When under the effects of any mental manipulation, such as a Taunt debuff or Reversed Controls, Captain America has a 65% chance to shrug off the debuff after 0.2 seconds.
    • Rogers has a 40% chance to shrug off Fatigue and Exhaustion debuffs after 0.5 seconds.
    I'm very unsure about the ability (as described) to shrug off inverted controls; as this sounds like it'll be incredibly difficult to play with. Sometimes you'll shrug it off, sometimes you won't. So you have to notice that and work out which way to attack. How many people's reflexes and cognitive processes will be able to manage that fight? This ability is actually going to make fighting Inverted Controls harder!

    I'd prefer immunity; either fully immune, or say, after suffering the first episode of inverted controls (fool me once, shame on you...) Or alternately, why not make this ability effective against Concussion instead? That's a far more widely available debuff; and would be way more useful than resisting inverted controls; whilst still reflecting Cap's 'Mental Toughness'.
    Bodhizen said:

    Super-Soldier Serum (Passive): Rogers' enhanced physiology allows him to function at peak human efficiency. His enhanced stamina and healing ability provide him with full immunity to Exhaustion, and some protection from damage over time debuffs. Whenever he gains a Bleed, Coldsnap, Frostbite, Incinerate, Poison, or Shock debuff, he gains a passive Regeneration buff that heals 939.6 damage over 8.0 seconds. His enhanced reflexes also grant him a 6% chance to passively evade incoming projectile attacks.
    So, you seem to have both Exhaustion immunity as a passive, and shrug-off as his Sig which is presumably unplanned. And since Exhaustion and Fatigue aren't powerful effects, let's just shrug them off automatically. That's a minor detail; but I definitely agree that this is a very appropriate ability for Cap.

    I'm also happy with a bit of sub-Daredevil projectile evasion. The passive regen? Recovering 6% of his health seems a little high; if you consider the variety of bleeds in the game. Blade's SP2 can inflict at least five bleeds - are we happy for Cap to regain 30% of his health as a result? What the heck happens after Killmongers SP3? It'll certainly make it a snap fighting Morningstar.

    For better balance, why not have this ability akin to Face Me or Sinister's regen, where Cap recovers a percentage of the damage; or possibly he could reduce the duration of the debuff like Rogue does. Or at least, make DoT-related regeneration part of his Sig, and dependent on his Sig level.
    Bodhizen said:

    Blocking: 40% chance that a Block is a Perfect Block, reducing all damage to 0.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Well-timed blocks have a 90% chance to Fatigue the opponent, lowering their Critical Rating by 222.22 for 12.0 seconds. (Max stacks: 5)
    Heavy Attacks: If the opponent is Fatigued, Enervate them for 2.5 seconds per Fatigue debuff.
    Vibranium Shield: Rogers' shield grants him a 100% chance to resist Armor Break and Armor Shattered debuffs.

    Not a lot of change here apart from the stacking Fatigues. Better for players who get hit; and it'll work well with the Despair Mastery. And I like the way he can convert them into an Enervate effect - nice!

    I'm not sure why Cap's shield would protect him against normal Armour Breaks, when he's hit. Why isn't this ability related to Blocking?

    Like, say, Proxima's ability preventing opponents from inflicting debuffs through block?

    Or, here's a fun thought: Cap is immune to incoming stun debuffs when making an attack with his shield (medium dash, heavy, SP1). That would make him impossible to parry-stun on dash attacks; and a bit more effective on defense!
    Bodhizen said:

    Master Acrobat: Rogers' years of extensive training have made him a highly trained acrobat. He has a 3% chance to Evade the first medium attack of a Combo. This chance increases by 10% against heavy attacks.

    A little evade would be fine. Not sure about evading Heavies as well; unless perhaps they're charged too long? Having a 10% (or 13%?) chance to Evade all Heavy Attacks is a pretty strong ability.
    Bodhizen said:

    Falcon: The amount of time that it takes Falcon to complete a Recon Scan is reduced by 0.5 seconds.
    Some fun stuff in the synergy section; generally all good especially the one for WS, but I'm very disappointed by Falcon's. A small reduction in his scan time? When Namor gets double immunities? And WS effectively gets a Power Steal ability?

    Why not a dramatic reduction in Falcon's recon cooldown time instead? Or maybe 50% increased debuff potency; or opponents suffering a 50% Enervate effect when Locked On? Either of those could be the synergy he's been crying out for all these years...

    So I've been (hopefully constructively) critical; since I know that (a) that's what you want, and (b) you can take it! All in all though, some really nice ideas and aside from the regen, not too OP.

    It seems unlikely they'll lift a whole champ design; but I hope at least the Devs read a few of these for inspiration occasionally...
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★

    I'm very unsure about the ability (as described) to shrug off inverted controls; as this sounds like it'll be incredibly difficult to play with. Sometimes you'll shrug it off, sometimes you won't. So you have to notice that and work out which way to attack. How many people's reflexes and cognitive processes will be able to manage that fight? This ability is actually going to make fighting Inverted Controls harder!

    I'd prefer immunity; either fully immune, or say, after suffering the first episode of inverted controls (fool me once, shame on you...) Or alternately, why not make this ability effective against Concussion instead? That's a far more widely available debuff; and would be way more useful than resisting inverted controls; whilst still reflecting Cap's 'Mental Toughness'.

    First off, let me thank you for your critical eye! I really appreciate it!

    So... I thought about it a lot when I was designing this ability. It could have gone full immunity, but I thought that was completely boring, and not really in keeping with Cap's mental abilities in-canon. I really like your suggestion of his immunity after the first time suffering from Inverted Controls, and I think it would be appropriate to add in the Concussion immunity.

    So, you seem to have both Exhaustion immunity as a passive, and shrug-off as his Sig which is presumably unplanned. And since Exhaustion and Fatigue aren't powerful effects, let's just shrug them off automatically. That's a minor detail; but I definitely agree that this is a very appropriate ability for Cap.

    I find this completely reasonable.

    I'm also happy with a bit of sub-Daredevil projectile evasion. The passive regen? Recovering 6% of his health seems a little high; if you consider the variety of bleeds in the game. Blade's SP2 can inflict at least five bleeds - are we happy for Cap to regain 30% of his health as a result? What the heck happens after Killmongers SP3? It'll certainly make it a snap fighting Morningstar.

    For better balance, why not have this ability akin to Face Me or Sinister's regen, where Cap recovers a percentage of the damage; or possibly he could reduce the duration of the debuff like Rogue does. Or at least, make DoT-related regeneration part of his Sig, and dependent on his Sig level.

    So... The health recovery was not intended to be stackable. If you're passively regenerating, it won't trigger a second time. I will make that abundantly clear. As for the health regain, making it a percentage of the damage taken is a good suggestion. I'm thinking 40% or so.

    Not a lot of change here apart from the stacking Fatigues. Better for players who get hit; and it'll work well with the Despair Mastery. And I like the way he can convert them into an Enervate effect - nice!

    I'm not sure why Cap's shield would protect him against normal Armour Breaks, when he's hit. Why isn't this ability related to Blocking?

    Like, say, Proxima's ability preventing opponents from inflicting debuffs through block?

    Or, here's a fun thought: Cap is immune to incoming stun debuffs when making an attack with his shield (medium dash, heavy, SP1). That would make him impossible to parry-stun on dash attacks; and a bit more effective on defense!

    I wanted Cap to still be able to inflict Fatigue, but not accidentally. As for why Cap's shield not protecting him from normal Armor Breaks, you're right. I'll alter it to only apply while he's blocking. I really like the notion of making him immune to incoming Stun debuffs when making attacks with his shield! That's a perfect use of the vibranium shield that makes him unique in the game!

    A little evade would be fine. Not sure about evading Heavies as well; unless perhaps they're charged too long? Having a 10% (or 13%?) chance to Evade all Heavy Attacks is a pretty strong ability.

    I thought about this one a lot, too. There should be some reason he's considered a master acrobat (in comic-canon) that is reflected in his mechanics. Evading the slower, heavy attacks felt like it was a perfect fit. The chance to Evade isn't so high that you want to bank on the chance for it to trigger, but it'll be nice when it does.

    Some fun stuff in the synergy section; generally all good especially the one for WS, but I'm very disappointed by Falcon's. A small reduction in his scan time? When Namor gets double immunities? And WS effectively gets a Power Steal ability?

    Why not a dramatic reduction in Falcon's recon cooldown time instead? Or maybe 50% increased debuff potency; or opponents suffering a 50% Enervate effect when Locked On? Either of those could be the synergy he's been crying out for all these years...

    I think that's a way better idea than my Falcon synergy. I felt kind of stuck on Falcon, since he doesn't have a ton going for him. This is an awesome suggestion! Thank you!

    So I've been (hopefully constructively) critical; since I know that (a) that's what you want, and (b) you can take it! All in all though, some really nice ideas and aside from the regen, not too OP.

    It seems unlikely they'll lift a whole champ design; but I hope at least the Devs read a few of these for inspiration occasionally...

    You've been a huge help! Thank you so much!
  • MaesterAegonMaesterAegon Member Posts: 63
    Magneto's blocking animation should be similar to that of Dr. Doom.

    Magneto should be a #Control: Denial champion against #Metal opponents

    Enemies reliant on metal suffer 75% reduced Ability Accuracy and 50% less Power.
    All specials trigger inverted controls on metal champions

    Heavy Attacks inflict armor break

  • MaesterAegonMaesterAegon Member Posts: 63
    Dr. Strange

    Just bring back the old Dr. Strange please
  • This content has been removed.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    Daphboy said:

    Change nebula’s regen mechanic so she doesn’t need to be hit to activate. Her hp, armor and bp are soooo low that a 6* can’t survive a combo to benefit the regen, and her chip damage from blocking while acquiring charges is massive.
    Maybe make it something like ultron. Or once per fight when she falls below X% life regen Y% per charge she currently has.

    Actually, the regen has an interesting utility in surviving L3s, as she regens damage taken instead of a set amount. So, if you can confidently survive, maybe you have heimdall on the team, you could eat an L3 with a charge on deck, survive at 1%, and heal back up to full. You could use it to make her a sustainable questing champ as long as you can eat one L3 to get her to full health every fight

    That regen isn’t useless, it’s just a little niche
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Bodhizen said:

    It's been ages since I've done a Champion Rework, and I feel motivated to give Storm a critical eye toward improving her as a Champion. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: Storm has almost no utility, has very little defensive capabilities, and while her Special Attack 2 can give a pretty good jolt, she's just not that much fun to play. With the addition of cold-based debuffs in the game, Storm should have been granted access to those powers. She's lackluster, and no Champion in the game deserves to be lackluster, even if they don't all deserve to be God-tier Champions. Canonically, Storm has power over the natural elements, telepathic resistance, magical potential, divine potential, and tactical training. At least some of those elements should be incorporated into her Contest of Champions character.


    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!

    • Whenever Storm inflicts a Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent, it has a 100% chance to also inflict an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by 550 for 5.5 seconds.
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm receives up to 60% Coldsnap and Incinerate Resistance based on Stored Power. She also reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Iron Willpower (Passive): Storm has a 75% chance to ignore Taunt Debuffs and Reversed Controls. Additionally, she gains +1000 physical and energy resistance against psychic attacks.
    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:
    • Mist and Fog Mode: Pulling the mists about her to protect herself, basic attacks against Storm have a 20% chance to Miss. Whenever an attack misses, Storm gains a Fury buff, increasing her Attack rating by 10% for 6.0 seconds.
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.
    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted. If the opponent is pushed back into the wall, they instantly take 967.2 direct damage.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Due to her extensive combat training, well-timed blocks grant Storm a passive Precision buff and a passive Cruelty buff for 8.5 seconds, increasing both her Crit Rating and Critical Damage by 10% (Max Stacks: 5).

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    @Magrailothos, @Whododo872, or any of the other builders... Care to give my Storm a review?

    Best wishes!
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    edited January 2020
    Bodhizen said:

    @Magrailothos, @Whododo872, or any of the other builders... Care to give my Storm a review?

    OK :smile: I'm neither of them, but I'll give it a try.
    Bodhizen said:

    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!

    • Whenever Storm inflicts a Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent, it has a 100% chance to also inflict an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by 550 for 5.5 seconds.
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    The Power Burn+Power Gain mechanic is an interesting one. I definitely like the idea of having Storm gaining power, but only when the opponent loses power via Power Burn - it's a new layer to abilities we've seen before, and on paper, it seems like fun to play. However, I must say I'm skeptical as to the overall effectiveness of the ability. I don't know if I'm reading into this right, but it seems to me that you'll want to keep up at least one of the Shocks/Poisons/Coldsnaps in order to continually burn power with specials, and then several more of each to gain significant amounts of power. I'd think the most effective route to go would be by using Arctic Wind mode in order to start the loop, and then play aggressively in order to keep Shocks up so as to continually spam specials and keep the loop going. The bit that worries me (although I'm not sure if this is just my nature to play defensively or not) is that the Shocks caused on the special attacks will expire one second before the power gain has fully run its course, so I can see it being a little tricky to keep up, since you won't be gaining the full effect before your Shocks expire.
    I don't see the point of the Armor Break, and it might be a little too much in a pretty long Sig as is, but it's a small effect and I'm sure it'll have its uses somewhere, so it should be fine.
    Bodhizen said:

    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm receives up to 60% Coldsnap and Incinerate Resistance based on Stored Power. She also reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Iron Willpower (Passive): Storm has a 75% chance to ignore Taunt Debuffs and Reversed Controls. Additionally, she gains +1000 physical and energy resistance against psychic attacks.

    OK, I like this representation of Storm's psychic resistance - nothing too OP, but not insignificant either. And the resistance to the DOTs she inflicts is a nice touch too, although the way I see the Sig playing out, I don't think Storm will be at high levels of Power too much, so that might negate a little bit of the benefit of Coldsnap and Incinerate resistance there.
    Bodhizen said:

    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:

    • Mist and Fog Mode: Pulling the mists about her to protect herself, basic attacks against Storm have a 20% chance to Miss. Whenever an attack misses, Storm gains a Fury buff, increasing her Attack rating by 10% for 6.0 seconds.
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    This is the real crux of Storm's set, I think, and having this wide variety of debuffs to inflict a la BWCV will definitely give her nice utility. Up against a stacked Spidey? Use Arctic Wind Mode. Want more uptime on the Signature ability Power Gain/Burn loop? Lightning Mode is the way to go. And I now realize that the Armor Break, coupled with Acid Rain Mode, can take out Acid Wash Mysterio. Nice. I only have two problems, and they're relatively minor - 1) I don't see Mist and Fog Mode being too useful, but I like the idea of it. The relatively low RNG chance for a nice, if not entirely significant, damage boost means this one is probably going to get passed over a lot. And 2) would it always cycle in the same order? If so, that means you're going to have to block and hold at the beginning of each fight just to get out of the least useful mode, and you might be taking a lot of block damage that way. An auto-change mechanic might be nice, but at the same time that might hurt more than it helps. Honestly, I see the best way to use this as being enter fight ----> use a special ---> stun ----> change to your desired mode, and then run it from there.
    Bodhizen said:

    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.

    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Yo, Archangel called. He wants his mechanics back.

    In all seriousness, I like the idea of combining debuffs. These in theory should be relatively easy to keep up, since you're constantly inflicting Shock on Special Attacks, and don't do as much damage as AA's Neurotoxins, so not so bad. I'd like to see more done with them, however. Perhaps you could go all the way and tie the Signature Ability to Tempest charges instead, since they last longer, and that would give them an extra layer of usability for the heal reduction/evade mitigation that you're losing by consuming Poison/Coldsnap.
    Bodhizen said:

    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted. If the opponent is pushed back into the wall, they instantly take 967.2 direct damage.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Due to her extensive combat training, well-timed blocks grant Storm a passive Precision buff and a passive Cruelty buff for 8.5 seconds, increasing both her Crit Rating and Critical Damage by 10% (Max Stacks: 5).

    I'd say this is similar to the Armor Break from the sig - small, nice to have, but it's a little random. I see these as being definitely nice bonuses that you'll like to have, but I wouldn't mind not having them, especially since they add to an already pretty complex kit. I see where they're coming from, though, so good job on representing the character well, both here and just in general.
    Bodhizen said:

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.

    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    The Specials themselves are pretty simple. Not too complex here. I worry as to how the mass DOT flood from the SP3 will work in tandem with Tempest charges and the Signature Ability, though. If it triggers all six possible debuffs, would the two shocks combine to make two Tempest charges? If so, which two debuffs would be consumed? The two poisons, the two coldsnaps, or one of each (that would be weird)? And again, the Signature Ability Power Gain seems like it'd be pretty small and difficult to keep up since these have such short durations. I still like the idea of tying them to Tempest charges, which last longer and thus make the Power Gain loop easier to maintain.
    Bodhizen said:


    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    These synergies are nice to have. Nothing necessary, and I see the other champions in the synergy gaining more than storm, to be honest (especially Black Panther), but overall, these are really well balanced and solid synergies.

    As for the entire kit, it certainly makes Storm... not boring. The use of different debuffs sounds a little weird, but the justification with different kinds of weather makes it work. (Acid rain for Poison - inspired idea!) If this were to actually happen, I'd see Storm becoming more useful for sure, and definitely way more fun to play. It'd be tough to juggle the rotations, but you can do so much with this kit that it should be worth it. For the last time, my main problem would be the signature ability power gain, as I think it's a little too much work for not enough gain, but tying it to Tempest would fix problems with both abilities. Overall, it's certainly no different from the rest of your kits, @Bodhizen - pure excellence!

    Thank you for reading, and, if I'm being honest, let me know which kits I should review or take on myself. I'm itching to do something more for this community.

    Live long and prosper,
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★

    Thank you kindly for the review of Storm! Let me answer some of your questions...

    The Power Burn+Power Gain mechanic is an interesting one. I definitely like the idea of having Storm gaining power, but only when the opponent loses power via Power Burn - it's a new layer to abilities we've seen before, and on paper, it seems like fun to play. However, I must say I'm skeptical as to the overall effectiveness of the ability. I don't know if I'm reading into this right, but it seems to me that you'll want to keep up at least one of the Shocks/Poisons/Coldsnaps in order to continually burn power with specials, and then several more of each to gain significant amounts of power. I'd think the most effective route to go would be by using Arctic Wind mode in order to start the loop, and then play aggressively in order to keep Shocks up so as to continually spam specials and keep the loop going. The bit that worries me (although I'm not sure if this is just my nature to play defensively or not) is that the Shocks caused on the special attacks will expire one second before the power gain has fully run its course, so I can see it being a little tricky to keep up, since you won't be gaining the full effect before your Shocks expire.
    I don't see the point of the Armor Break, and it might be a little too much in a pretty long Sig as is, but it's a small effect and I'm sure it'll have its uses somewhere, so it should be fine.

    So, the Signature Ability is meant to ensure that you can deal with a variety of opponents and keep cycling power into Storm (as her "storm" rages on). You can keep throwing other debuffs down to keep burning power with the Special Attacks, but take (as an example) Special 2... It currently deals tons of damage and is the best thing about the existing Storm champion. That's going to net you quite a bit of power in your Power Meter... Perhaps even enough to reliably throw down Special attacks with decent frequency when you reduce your opponent to 0 Power Meter. If you've got 6 debuffs on your opponent, that's an additional 18% of your Power Meter. I didn't feel that was too shabby. You can still be throwing more Shocks (or other debuffs) on while the Power Gain is active, but it won't do anything, since it only triggers once you reduce your opponent to 0 Power Meter.

    The Armor Break disables some of the nonsense that you may have to deal with when your opponent has Armor up, such as Iceman's Ice Armor, Emma Frost's Diamond Form, or Killmonger's Reverberation. She needed something to effectively deal with such shenanigans.

    OK, I like this representation of Storm's psychic resistance - nothing too OP, but not insignificant either. And the resistance to the DOTs she inflicts is a nice touch too, although the way I see the Sig playing out, I don't think Storm will be at high levels of Power too much, so that might negate a little bit of the benefit of Coldsnap and Incinerate resistance there.

    The resistance is explicitly to psychically generated effects, like Emma Frost's specials, or Psylocke's psychic knife. Reducing the damage from Shock effects by 90% allows her to potentially heal off of Shock effects like Omega Red can potentially heal off of Bleed effects (with the Willpower mastery). But, it's reflective of the powers that Storm has in canon. As for the resistance being tied to her Power Meter, she's got that now with Shock resistance. It gives you a reason to either play her offensively, or to hold on to her Power to negate some of her opponent's best benefits.

    This is the real crux of Storm's set, I think, and having this wide variety of debuffs to inflict a la BWCV will definitely give her nice utility. Up against a stacked Spidey? Use Arctic Wind Mode. Want more uptime on the Signature ability Power Gain/Burn loop? Lightning Mode is the way to go. And I now realize that the Armor Break, coupled with Acid Rain Mode, can take out Acid Wash Mysterio. Nice. I only have two problems, and they're relatively minor - 1) I don't see Mist and Fog Mode being too useful, but I like the idea of it. The relatively low RNG chance for a nice, if not entirely significant, damage boost means this one is probably going to get passed over a lot. And 2) would it always cycle in the same order? If so, that means you're going to have to block and hold at the beginning of each fight just to get out of the least useful mode, and you might be taking a lot of block damage that way. An auto-change mechanic might be nice, but at the same time that might hurt more than it helps. Honestly, I see the best way to use this as being enter fight ----> use a special ---> stun ----> change to your desired mode, and then run it from there.

    The different modes are meant to represent different powers that Storm can summon with her mutant abilities. I wanted to have a way to represent that in a way that could be useful as a champion in the contest. Sure, she's going to start in Fog & Mist mode, which is a defensive mode (which guarantees that she's going to be more useful on Alliance War defense), and every time an attack misses, she gets a Fury buff. That means that on average, one hit in a combo will miss, and she'll counter with a harder strike. I don't find that mode to be without good use on defense or offense. As for the other modes, yeah they're going to cycle in the same order, so you can predict what's coming up next in order to get into the mode you want. The block is no longer than the amount of time Nebula has to hold a block to gain a charge, so you can change modes pretty quickly and easily. Parry-stun, then change modes. Pretty simple.

    Yo, Archangel called. He wants his mechanics back.

    In all seriousness, I like the idea of combining debuffs. These in theory should be relatively easy to keep up, since you're constantly inflicting Shock on Special Attacks, and don't do as much damage as AA's Neurotoxins, so not so bad. I'd like to see more done with them, however. Perhaps you could go all the way and tie the Signature Ability to Tempest charges instead, since they last longer, and that would give them an extra layer of usability for the heal reduction/evade mitigation that you're losing by consuming Poison/Coldsnap.

    I did purposefully use Archangel's mechanics here, but I felt that an über-strong "storm" power was perfectly appropriate to the character. The Tempest can really mess an opponent up, and since she's got a good kit of other damage effects, she didn't need something as strong as Archangel's Neurotoxin ability. The point wasn't to take that mechanic and outdo it. Yes, she's going to be consuming some of her damage dealing abilities to gain heal reduction & evasion mitigation, but it's no more or less powerful than Archangel's ability here.

    I'd say this is similar to the Armor Break from the sig - small, nice to have, but it's a little random. I see these as being definitely nice bonuses that you'll like to have, but I wouldn't mind not having them, especially since they add to an already pretty complex kit. I see where they're coming from, though, so good job on representing the character well, both here and just in general.

    I really wanted to properly represent Storm's powers, so thank you. As for the benefits you get from Heavy attacks and Well-Timed Blocks, they should be small, but useful. The Well-Timed Blocks, in this case, can be pretty powerful. You can Parry/Stun and build up to +50% Critical Chance and Critical Damage. Now throw down a Special Attack... That can gain you more Power in your Power Meter, plus debuff damage, plus additional damage from Power Burn. That means that Storm can throw down a pretty powerful wallop! Those Heavy Attacks, though, are really powerful if you think about it. They're going to force your opponent back, which means that they can't retaliate as fast because they have to get back over to you... Even if they successfully resisted your Heavy.

    The Specials themselves are pretty simple. Not too complex here. I worry as to how the mass DOT flood from the SP3 will work in tandem with Tempest charges and the Signature Ability, though. If it triggers all six possible debuffs, would the two shocks combine to make two Tempest charges? If so, which two debuffs would be consumed? The two poisons, the two coldsnaps, or one of each (that would be weird)? And again, the Signature Ability Power Gain seems like it'd be pretty small and difficult to keep up since these have such short durations. I still like the idea of tying them to Tempest charges, which last longer and thus make the Power Gain loop easier to maintain.
    With everything else in the kit, the Specials didn't need to be complicated. So... If you have some active Shock charges, say from being in Lightning Mode, you can get up to 4 Tempest charges, doing 10,316.8 damage over 15 seconds. I would imagine that would be quite welcome, in addition to the damage from Special 3, plus up to 2 more Shock debuffs dealing an additional 2149.4 damage over 6 seconds. So, just on the extra damage from Special 3 (not counting the damage that Special 3 does on its own), you're doing 12,466.2 more damage over the course of that 15 seconds... Before potential Critical Damage from Well-Timed Blocks kicks in, and before the Power Burn from the Special Attack against an opponent who probably has their Armor reduced. It forms a combination of effects that can really tear your opponent apart.

    The Coldsnap and Poison debuffs would combine randomly by design, so you're going to chance what you gain or lose from triggering debuffs with Tempest (Passive) Ability. It makes her less predictable, but requires some skill during play in terms of what kind of Mode you want to be in, and for how long.

    As for the Power Gain loop... It only triggers if you reduce your opponent to 0 Power Meter, so it's going to be a nice addition, not something you're going to be able to loop around all the time anyway... Nor should it be. Storm is meant to have some power control utility, but not to be a primary power control Champion.

    These synergies are nice to have. Nothing necessary, and I see the other champions in the synergy gaining more than storm, to be honest (especially Black Panther), but overall, these are really well balanced and solid synergies.

    I try to make my Synergies well-balanced! Thank you!

    As for the entire kit, it certainly makes Storm... not boring. The use of different debuffs sounds a little weird, but the justification with different kinds of weather makes it work. (Acid rain for Poison - inspired idea!) If this were to actually happen, I'd see Storm becoming more useful for sure, and definitely way more fun to play. It'd be tough to juggle the rotations, but you can do so much with this kit that it should be worth it. For the last time, my main problem would be the signature ability power gain, as I think it's a little too much work for not enough gain, but tying it to Tempest would fix problems with both abilities. Overall, it's certainly no different from the rest of your kits, @Bodhizen - pure excellence!
    Thank you very much for your kind words! I don't want these Champions to be "powerful, but boring", and I don't think they deserve to be "weak and not fun to play" either.

    Best wishes!
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2020
    Bodhizen said:

    It's been ages since I've done a Champion Rework, and I feel motivated to give Storm a critical eye toward improving her as a Champion. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: Storm has almost no utility, has very little defensive capabilities, and while her Special Attack 2 can give a pretty good jolt, she's just not that much fun to play. With the addition of cold-based debuffs in the game, Storm should have been granted access to those powers. She's lackluster, and no Champion in the game deserves to be lackluster, even if they don't all deserve to be God-tier Champions. Canonically, Storm has power over the natural elements, telepathic resistance, magical potential, divine potential, and tactical training. At least some of those elements should be incorporated into her Contest of Champions character.


    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!

    • Whenever Storm inflicts a Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent, it has a 100% chance to also inflict an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by 550 for 5.5 seconds.
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm receives up to 60% Coldsnap and Incinerate Resistance based on Stored Power. She also reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Iron Willpower (Passive): Storm has a 75% chance to ignore Taunt Debuffs and Reversed Controls. Additionally, she gains +1000 physical and energy resistance against psychic attacks.
    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:
    • Mist and Fog Mode: Pulling the mists about her to protect herself, basic attacks against Storm have a 20% chance to Miss. Whenever an attack misses, Storm gains a Fury buff, increasing her Attack rating by 10% for 6.0 seconds.
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.
    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted. If the opponent is pushed back into the wall, they instantly take 967.2 direct damage.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Due to her extensive combat training, well-timed blocks grant Storm a passive Precision buff and a passive Cruelty buff for 8.5 seconds, increasing both her Crit Rating and Critical Damage by 10% (Max Stacks: 5).

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    I love a ton of what you put in here, and like @HeroBoltsy basically said, the acid rain causing Poison effects is very inspired.

    I also believe someone else said this and I've said this before about psychic resistances that affect susceptibility to Reversed Controls by Emma:
    1. They either have to be on from the start; 2. have a chance to turn on or fail to turn on from the start; 3. be turned on at a fixed obvious point and stay on; or 4. be on for a while then turn off for the remainder of the match; otherwise it gets too hard for a player to keep track of and react to in time if it's going to affect someone this time and not another. People's reflexes won't keep up to know when "Reverse Fails" in the space of time they'd be gearing up to swipe forward to go backward.

    What may be a good alternative to put in this time, since Storm's electric, faraday cage-like abilities is canonically resistant (but not immune) to psychic attack, is grant her one of the following
    1. Storm takes X% less damage from psychic attacks than other champions always
    2. Storm takes +X% less damage from psychic attacks each time she successfully evades or parries one, until they deal 0 damage even if struck directly
    3. Storm auto-evades the first 3 (or whatever suitable number of) psychic attacks directed at her, or
    4. "Storm's increased psychic resistance and mental training resists psychic attacks making them 75% less effective the first time she receives a direct hit from one. This resistance is worn down by 25% until she is susceptible to the full damage. Each Special Attack Storm lands on a psychic increases her resistance by 25% until she is up to 75% resistant to the effects again." - this would keep her effects reversed but honor her resistance by taking less damage if she fails to dodge (in the case of Emma Frost), lose less power and health (in the case of Psylocke), and even reverse less healing and take less damage (in the case of MODOK) or less degeneration and shorter concussions from Mr. Sinister.

    Now in general I'm curious about the ideation of some of these redesigns when we do them. I keep my changes relatively modest because I think in terms of what is more likely to be taken seriously if a Game Engineer was actually going to take our suggestions to heart, but others have seemingly made some of these champs god tier in their damage output or their utility. This applies a bit to this Storm design because her entire variety of different ways of dealing extra damage are all in her base abilities.

    Here's a modest example using Acid Rain and Mist:
    1. When Storm strikes an opponent 100% of the base attack rating is dealt directly plus up to an additional 150% instantly as Shock Damage depending on how full the opponent's power meter is (equivalent of +50% per Power Bar)
    2. If Storm's opponent is Shock Immune, the additional damage fails and Storm instead flash floods the area with Acid Rain, inflicting Poison dealing +75% of the original attacks damage over 3 seconds (intentionally less potent than her max since lightning would be her primary weapon)
    3. Each time Storm evades an attack using dexterity she affects the barometric pressure of the battle arena (indicated by a meter) when pressure is high enough, she coats the area in Fog that causes the opponents to have a 50% chance to miss any attack, and causes auto-evasion abilities in her opponent to fail. If Storm evades (auto or dex) a basic attack in fog she gains a Precision buff for 6 seconds; if she evades a Special Attack she gains Prowess.
    4. Many other weather related effects are activated when paired with Elemental or certain Mystical champs via Synergies (I like your ones with Magik or Scarlet Witch, where it would be appropriate to control Power Gain via her lightning - not as a base ability, she's not an inherent Control champ, but it would be great utility to hit a near full power opponent for the extra shock damage and not push them to Sp3 counter); Coldsnap with Iceman or Loki; % chance to trigger Acid Rain with every special attack with Namor; % chance to Armor Break with any Thor; % chance to cause Heat Stroke with Human Torch, Sunspot or Mephisto (dealing more intense heat to Shock immune champs)

    Again, I like what you did, I just think having everything in base ability would be too much for developers to ever consider giving her when they probably think she's pretty powerful (in older design terms) to begin with that they just want to spruce her up with a few extra base effects that are fitting but don't give her dominance over every other champ.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,200 ★★★★★
    edited January 2020
    Bodhizen said:

    Bodhizen said:

    It's been ages since I've done a Champion Rework, and I feel motivated to give Storm a critical eye toward improving her as a Champion. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: Storm has almost no utility, has very little defensive capabilities, and while her Special Attack 2 can give a pretty good jolt, she's just not that much fun to play. With the addition of cold-based debuffs in the game, Storm should have been granted access to those powers. She's lackluster, and no Champion in the game deserves to be lackluster, even if they don't all deserve to be God-tier Champions. Canonically, Storm has power over the natural elements, telepathic resistance, magical potential, divine potential, and tactical training. At least some of those elements should be incorporated into her Contest of Champions character.


    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!

    • Whenever Storm inflicts a Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent, it has a 100% chance to also inflict an Armor Break debuff, reducing the opponent's Armor Rating by 550 for 5.5 seconds.
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm receives up to 60% Coldsnap and Incinerate Resistance based on Stored Power. She also reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Iron Willpower (Passive): Storm has a 75% chance to ignore Taunt Debuffs and Reversed Controls. Additionally, she gains +1000 physical and energy resistance against psychic attacks.
    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:
    • Mist and Fog Mode: Pulling the mists about her to protect herself, basic attacks against Storm have a 20% chance to Miss. Whenever an attack misses, Storm gains a Fury buff, increasing her Attack rating by 10% for 6.0 seconds.
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.
    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted. If the opponent is pushed back into the wall, they instantly take 967.2 direct damage.
    Well-Timed Blocks: Due to her extensive combat training, well-timed blocks grant Storm a passive Precision buff and a passive Cruelty buff for 8.5 seconds, increasing both her Crit Rating and Critical Damage by 10% (Max Stacks: 5).

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    @Magrailothos, @Whododo872, or any of the other builders... Care to give my Storm a review?

    Best wishes!
    To be honest, I found it hard to know where to start with Storm. I can see that this is something you've worked hard on; but she just seems crazily overpowered and able to do almost anything -
    • Power Burn
    • Stun
    • Shock
    • Coldsnap
    • Poison
    • Novel Passive DoT effects (Tempest charges)
    • Direct physical damage on Heavies
    • Potent 'almost better than immunities' resistances to Shock, Coldsnap, and Incinerate'
    • Resistance to Taunt
    • Miss (evade-type) mechanic (20%!)
    • Armour Break
    • Cruelty
    • Precision
    Clearly you have a great fondness for Storm and want to develop an ability for every skill she's shown in comics. But consider how she compares (in comics) with her peers: however much we like and respect Storm, is she really better combat-trained than Wolverine? Daredevil? Captain America?
    It's she really more iron-willed than Magneto? Dr Doom? Red Skull?
    And whilst she might cope in the desert sun, is she actually more fire-resistant than Hulk? Thing? Juggernaut?

    There are some fun ideas, but taken as a whole, it just seems way, way too much. I really like the idea of combat modes (acid rain! It's absurd, but I love it!); and developing the use of wind, fog, Shock and so on. Maybe even a watered-down Poison ability and a 3% Miss* mechanic, but I really can't get behind the Power Burn, Armour Break, and Incinerate resistance.

    *You might not think 20% Miss is all that high; but with that chance on every basic attack, then statistically, she would avoid an attack in 68% of five-hit combos! Although I guess any five-hit combo when an attack doesn't Miss will inevitably switch her mode, given that she only has to be forced to hold block for 0.9 seconds...

    For me, this one's just too much in it's current form @Bodhizen, though I'd love to see one or two of the suggestions incorporated by the team. Sorry!
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2020

    Bodhizen said:

    It's been ages since I've done a Champion Rework, and I feel motivated to give Storm a critical eye toward improving her as a Champion. ...

    @Magrailothos, @Whododo872, or any of the other builders... Care to give my Storm a review?

    Best wishes!

    To be honest, I found it hard to know where to start with Storm. I can see that this is something you've worked hard on; but she just seems crazily overpowered and able to do almost anything -
    • Power Burn
    • Stun
    • Shock
    • Coldsnap
    • Poison
    • Novel Passive DoT effects (Tempest charges)
    • Direct physical damage on Heavies
    • Potent 'almost better than immunities' resistances to Shock, Coldsnap, and Incinerate'
    • Resistance to Taunt
    • Miss (evade-type) mechanic (20%!)
    • Armour Break
    • Cruelty
    • Precision
    Clearly you have a great fondness for Storm and want to develop an ability for every skill she's shown in comics. But consider how she compares (in comics) with her peers...

    ...For me, this one's just too much in it's current form @Bodhizen, though I'd love to see one or two of the suggestions incorporated by the team. Sorry!
    You've said everything I was thinking about the range of abilities shown here @Magrailothos . Despite what we think about their comic depictions we also have to think about how they compare in game to the average champ.

    I agree no champ should have only one mechanic anymore, and for that I love the alternative to Lightning that presents itself in the form of Acid Rain. All that he needed was a suitable mechanism to switch when needed.

    Since Kabam favors having things set in threes, a switch to the 3rd ability "Mist" that moves away from damage variety/capability to evasion utility should be the max to her Base Kit. Everything else should come, at most, from Synergies if at all.

    Synergies are appropriate to include that make historical references to other forms Storm has had across the multiverse and they limit her having all of the abilities listed at once and being so overpowered
    • Fake Norse Godess of Thunder
    • when Loki gave her Stormcaster (appropriate for a synergy with Loki, obviously, and maybe a Thor or all of them, particularly Jane's version of Thor who would relate as the other Thunder Godess in game)
    • MAGE
    • when Magik was raised by a version of Storm that was tapped into her Mystic potential (appropriate to synergize with Magik and maybe SW to get to the power control)
    • when Dracula made her a vampire and the alternate Earth version of her that spent more time as a vamp (give her Health Regen abilities from a Synergy with Blade in the absence of Dracula in-game - which would be appropriate for Storm to have a chance at healing that is listed to be common to Mutants)
    • Emma has hijacked both Storm and Iceman's bodies and powers at points in time (appropriate to have a Synergy with both Emma and Iceman that benefits them too) but could touch on Coldsnap and Power Sting capabilities that way

    The mental resistance, although canon, isn't as high and consistent as I think would merit being a must have for Storm, but I do think reduced damage for a few hits would cover that, while still getting reversed. If anything, I'm in favor of having Reversed Controls shielded from all teammates if 2 psychics are on a roster (e.g. Phoenix and Psylocke with Storm, same as Phoenix and Psylocke with Hawkeye) or at least to X-characters, signifying how they tended to protect each other from psychics (any 2 of Psylocke, Phoenix, Cable or Emma Frost protecting themselves and the 3rd through 5th X teammates) and a copy version for villains based on Mr. Sinister and MODOK extending it to villains or the Illuminati.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited January 2020
    To Delve a little deeper separately on the topic of Blade in a Synergy with Storm, obviously every mutant cannot just have a Wolverine-level version of healing, but Storm is uniquely positioned to benefit from the opponent's power level during her specials.

    A fair trade off to that would be to present the choice to us Summoners of, similar to Blade, leeching her own stored power to regenerate health. The difference is hers would be proportionately weaker or slightly better than Blade's rate of healing (for same Tier, Rank, Level and Sig) based on how high the opponent's Power Meter is.

    The synergy could be called "Forged by Vampirism" or whatever else is appropriate since she did not get hers from Blade and similarly they did not get their vampirism from the same vampire.

    Similar applications can be made for Emma, Cyclops (NXS) and Colossus (Classic) in a Phoenix 5 synergy to introduce minor regen or at least Resurrection mechanics like Phoenix. And also via a Synergy (with Loki and/or Emma) maybe Iceman can Health Steal up to 5% health from an opponent suffering from Coldsnap or Frostbite while his armor is reforming (setting up very limited conditions for an already strong character).

    Archangel and Cyclops (BT) could probably get some healing if/when Apocalypse is introduced.
  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★
    I have some ideas that can make nebula the OP queen of shock damage.

    Heavy attacks:
    Currently, she inflicts a shock debuff lasting 6 seconds. Increase this to 30 seconds but don’t increase the potency.

    When attacking shocked opponents:
    When nebula attacks a shocked opponent, she gains an shock charge. Additionally, nebula steals 5% of a bar of power against shocked opponents.

    If the opponent is shocked, nebula gains 1000 (or about 35%) block proficiency.

    These changes are small but effective. The ideal rotation is parry-heavy at the start to activate the long shock, attack into the opponent until you have 20 shock charges, parry and launch sp2. Rinse and repeat.

    Nebula can now build shock charges while attacking. The ability to steal power gives her even more power control and allows her to build to sp2 faster. She currently has low block proficiency but this change would make up for that, although you wouldn’t need to hold block as much. Nebula would require a higher skill level (need to be able to intercept and not rely on parry) in order to access her high damage.

    I think these changes are balanced and aren’t too major to put into game. Tell me what you think :)
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    @HeroBoltsy, @Magrailothos, and @Bajan_Samurai,

    Thank you all for your input. You're right... I did go overboard on Storm and she needs to be dialed down. I'm going to repost a more moderate version of her that I hope will be more in keeping with the power levels of current Champions.

    Best wishes!
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★
    Here's a retooled Storm. (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Rationale: Storm has almost no utility, has very little defensive capabilities, and while her Special Attack 2 can give a pretty good jolt, she's just not that much fun to play. With the addition of cold-based debuffs in the game, Storm should have been granted access to those powers. She's lackluster, and no Champion in the game deserves to be lackluster, even if they don't all deserve to be God-tier Champions. Canonically, Storm has power over the natural elements, telepathic resistance, magical potential, divine potential, and tactical training. At least some of those elements should be incorporated into her Contest of Champions character.


    Signature Ability - Goddess of the Storm:
    Becoming an avatar of the elements, Storm's power rises to new heights!
    • Whenever Storm's opponent has 1 or more Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuffs active on them and Storm activates a Special Attack, the attack inflicts Power Burn, converting up to 33% of the opponent's Max power into direct damage. If this attacks reduces the enemy to zero Power Meter, Storm gains a Power Gain buff, gaining 3% of her total Power Meter per active Shock, Poison, or Coldsnap debuff on her opponent over 7.0 seconds. If Storm is knocked down while gaining Power this way, this effect ends immediately.
    Elemental Resistance (Passive): Storm reduces the damage of Shocks by 90%. While suffering from a Shock Debuff, her Special Damage is increased by 30%.
    Atmokinesis (Passive): Storm uses her mutant powers to manipulate the weather. By dashing back and holding block for 0.9 seconds, Storm is able to change modes:
    • Lightning Mode: Whenever Storm ends a Combo with a light attack, that attack has a 60% chance to inflict a Shock debuff that deals 1824 Energy damage over 4.0 seconds. Additionally, all Special Attacks have a +10% chance to Shock Storm's opponent.
    • Acid Rain Mode: On a successful hit, all of Storm's basic attacks have a 9% chance of inflicting a Poison debuff dealing 483.6 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    • Arctic Wind Mode: Storm's special attacks gain a +65% chance to inflict a Coldsnap debuff, dealing 4030 Energy damage over 18.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    Tempest (Passive): Each time Storm triggers a Shock effect on an opponent with an active Coldsnap or Poison effect that she caused, they are combined, converting into a Tempest charge, lasting 15.0 seconds.
    • Tempest charges do 2579.2 damage over their duration.
    • Tempest charges are a Passive effect, and therefore do not count as either a debuff, a Shock, a Poison, or a Coldsnap.
    Heavy Attacks: Using a sharp gust of wind, Storm's heavy attacks push her opponent back, even if the heavy attack is resisted.

    Special 1 - Lightning Strike – Storm channels ambient electromagnetic energy into a single strike.
    • 60% chance to Stun for 3.0 seconds.
    • 70% chance to inflict up to 3 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 Energy damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Gale – A gust of frigid wind and a blast of lightning send the opponent flying.
    • 70% chance to Stun for 4.0 seconds.
    • 80% chance to inflict up to 4 Shock debuffs upon your opponent, each dealing 1074.7 direct damage over 6.0 seconds.
    Special 2 - Tempest – Storm channels the wrath of nature into a relentless tempest of freezing wind, acid rain, and lightning that assaults her opponent.
    • 100% chance to Stun for 4.5 seconds.
    • 95% chance to inflict up to 2 Shock debuffs, 2 Poison debuffs, and 2 Coldsnap debuffs upon her opponent, each dealing 1074.7 damage over 6.0 seconds. Opponents under a Coldsnap cannot Evade attacks.
    • Magical Potential: with Magik or Scarlet Witch: Storm: Opponents do not gain power whenever Storm lands a Special Attack. Magik: Limbo lasts an additional 1.0 seconds. Scarlet Witch: Special Attack 3 has a 100% chance to inflict a Heal Reversal effect upon the opponent for 6.0 seconds. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Enemies: with Magneto or Magneto (Marvel Now!): All Champions gain +155 Critical Rating.
    • Battlefield Commanders: with Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): All Mutant Heroes gain +7% Attack. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Teammates: with Nightcrawler, Colossus, or Wolverine: All Champions gain +5% Perfect Block Chance.
    • Thermal Variance: with Human Torch, Sunspot, or Iceman: Storm: Whenever the opponent of Storm is immune to Coldsnap, they’re inflicted with a Slow Debuff for 4.0 seconds reducing the Ability Accuracy of Unstoppable and Evade effects by 100%. Human Torch: Increases his Power Gain by 5% from all sources while his opponent is under the effects of an Incinerate debuff. Sunspot: Reduces the potency of Damage Over Time debuffs placed upon him by 15%. Iceman: When Iceman's Ice Armor is shattered, it reforms 3.0 seconds faster. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Gods of Thunder: with Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), or Thor (Ragnarok): Storm, Thor, Thor (Jane Foster), and Thor (Ragnarok) gain +8% potency and duration on Shock and Stun debuffs they inflict upon their opponents. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Wakanda Forever: with Black Panther or Black Panther (Civil War): Storm: When below 30% health, Storm gains +1000 Physical Resistance. Black Panther: Each time a Bleed debuff fails to trigger, Black Panther gains a Fury buff, increasing his attack by 6% for 8.50 seconds. Black Panther (Civil War): Increases the amount of damage stored by 1% when in his Reflective state. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • PREVIOUS REVISIONS (minus Champions that Kabam has already revised):
    1. Unstoppable Colossus
    2. Magneto
    3. Captain Marvel
    4. Iron Fist
    5. Falcon
    6. War Machine
    7. Superior Iron Man
    8. Black Panther
    9. King Groot
    10. Spider-Man (Miles Morales)
    11. Karnak
    12. Iron Patriot
    13. Hulkbuster
    14. Ms. Marvel (Kamala Khan)
    15. Captain America (Original)
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