Champion Improvement Suggestions [edited by Mod for clarity]



  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★

    NAME: Superior Iron Man

    WHY: This version of Iron Man is very much inferior, I made a rework suggestion in the past but quite frankly, it wasn't too accurate to that version of Iron Man. So yeah, here's a rework of a rework suggestion, enjoy if you are able to.

    Stats are based on Rank 5/65 Champion


    The Endo-Sym Armour design was based on the Klyntar Symbiotes. As a result, the Armour can stitch itself back together when broken or cut. As a result: Bleed, Armour Break and Armour Shatters debuffs on Superior Iron Man have their potency and duration reduced by 50%

    High-End Electrical Insulation grants Superior Iron Man immunity to Shock debuffs

    Endo-Sym Armour Passive:

    The Endo-Sym Armour is highly adaptive, increasing strength and durability when needed. Superior Iron Man starts the fight with it active, increasing his Armour Rating by +1328

    For every hit on Superior Iron Man's combo meter, he gets +74.46 Attack Rating and the Opponent's defensive Power Gain is reduced by -1.5% capping at 50 hits.

    If facing a Tech Champion, Superior Iron Man has a 35% chance to gain another hit on the combo meter when he attacks the opponent.

    For every debuff on Superior Iron Man while the Endo-Sym Armour is active, he gains +664 Armour Rating, lasting the duration of the debuff.

    The Endo-Sym Armour goes on cooldown for 12 seconds if Superior Iron Man has a Disorient, Concussion, Armour Break or Petrify debuff on him

    Adaption Complete:

    If Superior Iron Man has 50 hits in his combo meter, he gains an Adapted: Offense passive.

    The offensive adaption gives Superior Iron Man +75% Power Rating and increases Critcal Rating by +1000

    If the opponent has 25 hits in their combo meter, he gains an Adapted: Defensive passive.

    The defensive adaption gives Superior Iron Man +3984 Armour Rating and the opponent has their Offensive Ability Accuracy reduced by -33%

    These effects become inactive if Superior Iron Man doesn't have an Endo-Sym Armour Passive

    CROSS-FIGHT ABILITY: Tactical Outlook

    Once Superior Iron Man gains an Offensive Adaption, he gets an Offensive Insight passive and gets +100% Special Attack Damage, lasting the entire fight and the next two fights against he participates in.

    Once Superior Iron Man gains a Defensive Adaptation, he gets a Defensive Countermeasures passive and gets +2500 Block Proficiency, lasting the entire fight and the next two fights he participates in.

    Superior Iron Man can only have one of these two passives active, and they go inactive if Endo-Sym armour is on cooldown, reactivating when he gets it back.

    Special Attacks:
    Visual: Iron Man's ice-blue lights shift to a red, as with his repulsor beams

    Special 1: Deal Breaker
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man strikes the opponent twice, then kicks off the opponent and fires two repulsor beams at the same time which both coalesce into a larger beam

    Place two Armour Break debuffs on the opponent each reducing their Armour by 1445 for 18 seconds, if the opponent already has two Armour Breaks on them, they all combine into a Passive Armour Break lasting the rest of the fight having the effect of two of the Armour Breaks.

    This generates no power in the opponent if Superior Iron has one of his adaptions active

    Special 2: The Future is Now
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man fires two repulsor beams in a corkscrew fashion following up with a devastating pulse of energy coming from his Arc Reactor

    This attack deals True Damage

    Superior Iron Man gains a Passive True Accuracy, allowing him to ignore Evade and Auto-Block for 15 seconds

    Special 3: Relentless Evisceration
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man immediately rushes to the opponent, firing off point-blank repulsors blasts to silence them, then launching back and firing a high intensity arc-reactor blast

    The opponent is inflicted with a Passive Armour Break for the rest of the fight reducing Armour by 2890

    If the opponent already has a passive Armour Break, they are Armour Shattered for the rest of the fight, reducing their Armour by 4335 and making them unable to gain Armour Up buffs, if the opponent is a Robot, their Ability Accuracy is reduced by 40%

    Signature Ability: Extremis 3.0
    Tony Stark employs a special version of his Extremis 3.0 virus to help assist him in grueling battles

    If Superior Iron Man has one of his Adaptations Active, he gains bonus effects depending on which one he has active.

    If he has an Offensive Adaptation he gains Furies, if he has a Defensive Adaptation he gains Armour Ups. Both buffs cap at 5.

    If he is attacking the opponent, he has a 30% chance to gain the respective buff for 5 seconds, refreshing every time he gets a new one. If he is struck, this chance raises to 60%.

    Armour Up increases Armour from +250 to +550

    Fury increases Attack rating from +25% to 55%

    Superior Iron Man has Combo Shield active if he doesn't have one of his Adaptions active, lasting until he reaches 20-40 hits


    Extremis 3.0 With Himself

    All Champions: Gain a passive depending on your class at the start of the fight for 14 seconds

    Skill and Cosmic: Fury, increasing attack by 40%

    Science and Mutant: Prowess, increasing Special Damage by 40%

    Tech and Mystic: Power Rate, increasing Power Rate by 40%

    Breaking Point: With Daredevil (Netflix) and Daredevil

    Superior Iron Man: If the opponent evades while an adaption is active, he gets a passive True Accuracy buff lasting for the next four hits

    Daredevil (Both): Special Attacks inflict Vulnerability for 12 seconds, increasing Critical Damage by +1000

    AXIS Fallout With Red Skull, Magneto, Doctor Doom and Captain America

    Superior Iron Man: Adaption Furies and Armour Ups cap at 7

    Red Skull: Gain 70% of power drained from the opponent

    Magneto: Deal a burst of 70% of your attack as direct damage against Metal opponents when attacking

    Doctor Doom: Inflict two Staggered passives when striking with a Heavy Attack

    Captain America: Perfect Blocks give Captain America a Passive Fury increasing attack by 80%

    Love Interest: With She-Hulk

    Superior Iron Man: Adaptions last for the next 3 fights

    She-Hulk: Attacks deal True Damage if the opponent has a Slow Debuff

    Inspiration for Design: With Venom, Carnage and Venompool

    Superior Iron Man: Gain immunity to Coldsnap and Frostbite

    Venom: True Strike activates when the opponent reaches 30% health

    Carnage: Bleeds can be affected by the Critical Damage Multiplier

    Venompool: Gain two random buffs at the start of the fight lasting for the entire fight

    Feedback is very well appreciated

    I love this. As the proud owner of an awakened 6* superior iron man, I would love for him to get a rework. I do have some feedback/advise/criticisms about this design

    First, his immunities. Since the armor is liquid metal, I think it makes sense for him to be completely immune to armor break/shatter effects. Also, Tony Stark made sure to shield the armor from fire so he should have incinerate immunity/resistance as well. I’m thinking it would good if he had 100% resistance to shock and incinerate effects.

    Next, the armor passive. I like the idea but I think the armor should be a Permanent buff. It makes sense as a cosmic champ and makes him a havoc counter. And if his armor break immune, this encourages the use of mystic champs or any champ who can force the cool down.

    As for the ability vs tech champs, I don’t know if that can be done, regarding the additional combo hit. Maybe an alternative could be having a 35% chance to power steal 10% of a bar of power.

    I like the adaption passives. That gives him more offensive use and some defensive potential.

    On to the special attacks: I love the idea of changing the lights from blue to red. That would be so cool. I think the special 2 should have a power burn effect. According to the comics, his repulsive are powerful enough to overwhelm energy absorbers (including havok, he should totally counter havok). Power draining/burning 100% of the opponent’s current power would give more utility.

    The signature ability seems fine but I’d like if somehow he kept his arc overload in addition. Even if it’s available unawakened, the Regen is helpful.

    Love the first 2
    The one with she hulk may be difficult to make. Having the adaption last multiple fights may not work unless it’s a persistence charge.
    The one with symbiotes may be asking too much with his immunities. Maybe increasing adaption potency is more realistic.

    Overall I really like this design and I hope the Kabam decides to rework Superior Iron Man. If they give him even half of this, he’ll be much better
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,551 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    NAME: Superior Iron Man

    WHY: This version of Iron Man is very much inferior, I made a rework suggestion in the past but quite frankly, it wasn't too accurate to that version of Iron Man. So yeah, here's a rework of a rework suggestion, enjoy if you are able to.

    Stats are based on Rank 5/65 Champion


    The Endo-Sym Armour design was based on the Klyntar Symbiotes. As a result, the Armour can stitch itself back together when broken or cut. As a result: Bleed, Armour Break and Armour Shatters debuffs on Superior Iron Man have their potency and duration reduced by 50%

    High-End Electrical Insulation grants Superior Iron Man immunity to Shock debuffs

    Endo-Sym Armour Passive:

    The Endo-Sym Armour is highly adaptive, increasing strength and durability when needed. Superior Iron Man starts the fight with it active, increasing his Armour Rating by +1328

    For every hit on Superior Iron Man's combo meter, he gets +74.46 Attack Rating and the Opponent's defensive Power Gain is reduced by -1.5% capping at 50 hits.

    If facing a Tech Champion, Superior Iron Man has a 35% chance to gain another hit on the combo meter when he attacks the opponent.

    For every debuff on Superior Iron Man while the Endo-Sym Armour is active, he gains +664 Armour Rating, lasting the duration of the debuff.

    The Endo-Sym Armour goes on cooldown for 12 seconds if Superior Iron Man has a Disorient, Concussion, Armour Break or Petrify debuff on him

    Adaption Complete:

    If Superior Iron Man has 50 hits in his combo meter, he gains an Adapted: Offense passive.

    The offensive adaption gives Superior Iron Man +75% Power Rating and increases Critcal Rating by +1000

    If the opponent has 25 hits in their combo meter, he gains an Adapted: Defensive passive.

    The defensive adaption gives Superior Iron Man +3984 Armour Rating and the opponent has their Offensive Ability Accuracy reduced by -33%

    These effects become inactive if Superior Iron Man doesn't have an Endo-Sym Armour Passive

    CROSS-FIGHT ABILITY: Tactical Outlook

    Once Superior Iron Man gains an Offensive Adaption, he gets an Offensive Insight passive and gets +100% Special Attack Damage, lasting the entire fight and the next two fights against he participates in.

    Once Superior Iron Man gains a Defensive Adaptation, he gets a Defensive Countermeasures passive and gets +2500 Block Proficiency, lasting the entire fight and the next two fights he participates in.

    Superior Iron Man can only have one of these two passives active, and they go inactive if Endo-Sym armour is on cooldown, reactivating when he gets it back.

    Special Attacks:
    Visual: Iron Man's ice-blue lights shift to a red, as with his repulsor beams

    Special 1: Deal Breaker
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man strikes the opponent twice, then kicks off the opponent and fires two repulsor beams at the same time which both coalesce into a larger beam

    Place two Armour Break debuffs on the opponent each reducing their Armour by 1445 for 18 seconds, if the opponent already has two Armour Breaks on them, they all combine into a Passive Armour Break lasting the rest of the fight having the effect of two of the Armour Breaks.

    This generates no power in the opponent if Superior Iron has one of his adaptions active

    Special 2: The Future is Now
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man fires two repulsor beams in a corkscrew fashion following up with a devastating pulse of energy coming from his Arc Reactor

    This attack deals True Damage

    Superior Iron Man gains a Passive True Accuracy, allowing him to ignore Evade and Auto-Block for 15 seconds

    Special 3: Relentless Evisceration
    Visuals: Superior Iron Man immediately rushes to the opponent, firing off point-blank repulsors blasts to silence them, then launching back and firing a high intensity arc-reactor blast

    The opponent is inflicted with a Passive Armour Break for the rest of the fight reducing Armour by 2890

    If the opponent already has a passive Armour Break, they are Armour Shattered for the rest of the fight, reducing their Armour by 4335 and making them unable to gain Armour Up buffs, if the opponent is a Robot, their Ability Accuracy is reduced by 40%

    Signature Ability: Extremis 3.0
    Tony Stark employs a special version of his Extremis 3.0 virus to help assist him in grueling battles

    If Superior Iron Man has one of his Adaptations Active, he gains bonus effects depending on which one he has active.

    If he has an Offensive Adaptation he gains Furies, if he has a Defensive Adaptation he gains Armour Ups. Both buffs cap at 5.

    If he is attacking the opponent, he has a 30% chance to gain the respective buff for 5 seconds, refreshing every time he gets a new one. If he is struck, this chance raises to 60%.

    Armour Up increases Armour from +250 to +550

    Fury increases Attack rating from +25% to 55%

    Superior Iron Man has Combo Shield active if he doesn't have one of his Adaptions active, lasting until he reaches 20-40 hits


    Extremis 3.0 With Himself

    All Champions: Gain a passive depending on your class at the start of the fight for 14 seconds

    Skill and Cosmic: Fury, increasing attack by 40%

    Science and Mutant: Prowess, increasing Special Damage by 40%

    Tech and Mystic: Power Rate, increasing Power Rate by 40%

    Breaking Point: With Daredevil (Netflix) and Daredevil

    Superior Iron Man: If the opponent evades while an adaption is active, he gets a passive True Accuracy buff lasting for the next four hits

    Daredevil (Both): Special Attacks inflict Vulnerability for 12 seconds, increasing Critical Damage by +1000

    AXIS Fallout With Red Skull, Magneto, Doctor Doom and Captain America

    Superior Iron Man: Adaption Furies and Armour Ups cap at 7

    Red Skull: Gain 70% of power drained from the opponent

    Magneto: Deal a burst of 70% of your attack as direct damage against Metal opponents when attacking

    Doctor Doom: Inflict two Staggered passives when striking with a Heavy Attack

    Captain America: Perfect Blocks give Captain America a Passive Fury increasing attack by 80%

    Love Interest: With She-Hulk

    Superior Iron Man: Adaptions last for the next 3 fights

    She-Hulk: Attacks deal True Damage if the opponent has a Slow Debuff

    Inspiration for Design: With Venom, Carnage and Venompool

    Superior Iron Man: Gain immunity to Coldsnap and Frostbite

    Venom: True Strike activates when the opponent reaches 30% health

    Carnage: Bleeds can be affected by the Critical Damage Multiplier

    Venompool: Gain two random buffs at the start of the fight lasting for the entire fight

    Feedback is very well appreciated

    I love this. As the proud owner of an awakened 6* superior iron man, I would love for him to get a rework. I do have some feedback/advise/criticisms about this design

    First, his immunities. Since the armor is liquid metal, I think it makes sense for him to be completely immune to armor break/shatter effects. Also, Tony Stark made sure to shield the armor from fire so he should have incinerate immunity/resistance as well. I’m thinking it would good if he had 100% resistance to shock and incinerate effects.

    Next, the armor passive. I like the idea but I think the armor should be a Permanent buff. It makes sense as a cosmic champ and makes him a havoc counter. And if his armor break immune, this encourages the use of mystic champs or any champ who can force the cool down.

    As for the ability vs tech champs, I don’t know if that can be done, regarding the additional combo hit. Maybe an alternative could be having a 35% chance to power steal 10% of a bar of power.

    I like the adaption passives. That gives him more offensive use and some defensive potential.

    On to the special attacks: I love the idea of changing the lights from blue to red. That would be so cool. I think the special 2 should have a power burn effect. According to the comics, his repulsive are powerful enough to overwhelm energy absorbers (including havok, he should totally counter havok). Power draining/burning 100% of the opponent’s current power would give more utility.

    The signature ability seems fine but I’d like if somehow he kept his arc overload in addition. Even if it’s available unawakened, the Regen is helpful.

    Love the first 2
    The one with she hulk may be difficult to make. Having the adaption last multiple fights may not work unless it’s a persistence charge.
    The one with symbiotes may be asking too much with his immunities. Maybe increasing adaption potency is more realistic.

    Overall I really like this design and I hope the Kabam decides to rework Superior Iron Man. If they give him even half of this, he’ll be much better
    Thanks man, looking back on things I could improve some of this.

    Yeah, it's better to make the Endo-Sym Armour a permanent buff as he is a Cosmic, so yeah. I wouldn't give him Power Drain as that's more of a Tech/Mystic thing not a Cosmic thing so instead, we'll give him increased Power Rate by the same amount.

    Onto the Special 2, yeah that is a pretty good idea for improvement. So we'll keep the True Damage, remove the True Accuracy buff for a 100% chance not to trigger any abilities. If anyone would trigger an Ability when hit, they burn 20% of their max power dealing that percentage of your attack as instant damage (Considering that this would be all energy attacks, this will straight up shrek Havok), I plan on this being 5 hits so if someone would trigger an ability on each hit they would be deprived of power.

    When I came up with the Adaptions, I had the idea of Superior Iron Man being powerful in the two different fields. Being tanky on Defense and being killer on Offence, like the soon to come Hulkbuster buff.

    Yeah Immunity to Armour Break and Armour Shatter makes sense, same with the Shock and Incinerate resistance.

    Now that I think of it, I should bring back Arc Overload in some way.


    Against Tech Champions, instead of gaining an extra hit, passively increase Power Rate by 30%

    Superior Iron Man is completely immune to Armour Break and Armour Shatter, instead of Shock immunity he gets 100% Shock and Incinerate resistance.

    Endo-Sym Armour is a permanent buff instead of a passive

    On Special 2, instead of getting True Accuracy, reduce the opponent's chance to activate their abilities by 100%. If they would activate any ability on any hit, they burn 20% of their Max Power dealing that percentage of your modified attack as instant damage.

    On the signature ability, remove the Combo shield and replace it with another ability based on his adaptions.

    If either champion reaches below a threshold of health, trigger an Arc Overload depending on the situation

    If Superior Iron Man reaches 20% health and has a Defensive Adaptation, his Arc Reactor overloads to trigger 1-5 of his Armour Up buffs as permanent buffs and gain a Regeneration buff, regenerating 5-35% of his Max Health over 12 seconds

    If the opponent reaches 20% health and Superior Iron Man has an Offensive Adaptation, his Arc Reactor overloads to trigger 1-5 of his Fury buffs as permanent buffs and gain a Power Gain buff, gaining 25-60% of his Max Power over 12 seconds

    With the She-Hulk synergy, replace Superior Iron Man's bonus with a 25% chance to inflict a Slow debuff on the opponent for 8 seconds on combo ending attacks

    With the Symbiotes, replace the bonus immunities with a permanent Combo shield buff until he reaches 25 hits

    This better?
  • Superchampion_Superchampion_ Member Posts: 172 ★★★

    This design looks absolutely incredible. This would make superior iron man actually superior. I honestly hope Kabam looks at these for ideas. Great job :)
  • Mercury79Mercury79 Member Posts: 551 ★★
    I really wanna see
    Daredevil Netflix version
    Ironfist new
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,551 ★★★★★
    Mercury79 said:

    I really wanna see
    Daredevil Netflix version
    Ironfist new

    Red Hulk is amazing tho
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    Mercury79 said:

    I really wanna see
    Daredevil Netflix version
    Ironfist new

    Red Hulk is amazing tho
    Maybe @Mercury79 wasn't around a couple of years ago, and doesn't know that he already got buffed.

    I agree, he's pretty solid. Great mystic killer, although second to Human Torch, now.
  • Mercury79Mercury79 Member Posts: 551 ★★

    Mercury79 said:

    I really wanna see
    Daredevil Netflix version
    Ironfist new

    Red Hulk is amazing tho
    @Magrailothos Sorry for that I was asking for Red skull autocorrect...
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    That makes so much more sense @Mercury79!

    Autocorrect can cause some fun mistakes...
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★

    Falcon is a champ with a small degree of utility, but very low damage and weak synergies. His ability to 'Lock on' to his enemies' weaknesses is great; but he isn't actually able to inflict enough damage to really take advantage of it. His SP1 bleed is mediocre; although reasonably reliable. His SP2 supposedly penetrates Physical Resistance, but does little actual harm; whilst his (impressively eye-catching) SP3 only inflicts a weak Incinerate. So weak that Winter Soldier does almost exactly the same damage every time he fires Incendiary rounds (without a Fury up), which he can do on every SP1. And Rulk's SP3 Incinerate deals literally four times as much damage as Falcon's.

    Falcons Sig does relatively little to benefit him - two more seconds of AAR is welcome, but sadly this doesn't increase any further with Sig level. You rarely need the Lock On in the first ten seconds of the fight anyway, and the extra Critical Rating (which is the only thing that improves from Sig1 to Sig99) still leaves him with a lower crit rate than many more recent Skill champs.

    This rework is intended to adjust Falcon's abilities, whilst keeping them centred around use of Redwing and his Lock On ability. I've also adjusted the efficacy of Redwing (and recon scans) against different targets - you would actually expect his military-grade Tech to be developed to pretty effective against most human or even mutant opponents, but I doubt it'd be as effective against Cosmic or Mystic threats. So this won't go completely along Class advantage lines!

    Stats for a 5/50 champion
    Health 15,508
    Attack 1193

    Recon scan
    Redwing starts the fight on Cooldown unless Falcon is Awakened. Once Redwing is online, Falcon undertakes a recon scan by dashing back and holding block for 2.1 seconds. He then locks on to the opponent for ten seconds, with a cooldown of ten seconds.

    Redwing's military tech works far better against certain opponents - the duration of both cooldown and scanning (holding block) are altered as follows:
    • Cosmic and Mystic opponents - Increased 33%
    • Tech and Science opponents - Decreased 33%
    This means that locking on to a science or tech champ only requires a 1.4 second scan (and has 6.6-second cooldown); whilst cosmic and mystic opponents require a 2.8 second scan, and have a 13-second cooldown.

    The benefits of being Locked On are:
    • Reduces opponent's Defensive ability accuracy by 70%. This is not effective against Phased opponents.
    • Reduces effectiveness of opponents Armour, Physical Resistance and Critical Resistance by 500. These attributes can't be lowered below zero.
    • Redwing detects when the opponent is launching a Special Attack, granting +400 Block Proficiency vs Special Attacks, rising to +800 on well-timed blocks. Additionally Special Attacks do not strike Falcon whilst he is dashing back
    Lock On now has slightly broader abilities to target an opponent's weaknesses, as well as granting a modest defensive boost (which is built upon, in his Sig). On the downside, AAR isn't at an automatic 100% any more, until he's Awakened.

    When triggered for the first time, Locked On also grants a permanent Partial Lock effect, which persists indefinitely but does not stack. This grants Falcon the following benefits:
    • +150 Critical Rating
    • +200 Critical damage
    • The defensive ability accuracy of Invisibility and Glancing effects are reduced by 30%. This adds to the benefits of Locked On as a flat value.
    • If the opponent is bleed immune, Falcon detects this and switches to Incendiary rounds, replacing his bleed effects with equivalent Incinerate effects
    Partial Lock should give Falcon a bit of a boost for the rest of the fight, helps him against Invisible or bleed immune opponents (except Colossus!) and is a nod to the Falcon vs Ant-Man fight in the original Ant-Man movie, which showcased Falcon's scanning technology. It might come in handy in certain Variant quests...

    Signature ability
    Redwing receives an upgrade, and is available for recon scans from the beginning of the fight. Additionally:
    • Locked On duration and Ability Accuracy Reduction are both increased by 50%
    • Whilst Locked on, Redwing now gives Falcon even more advance warning of incoming Special Attacks, granting him a 50% Evade ability and an additional +800 Block Proficiency against them. Evade will not trigger whilst blocking.
    • While Locked On, Falcon can inflict Critical Hits through an opponents block
    • While Partial Lock is on, Falcon cannot miss. This does not apply to Phased opponents
    Falcon's Signature now gives him a substantial defensive boost (Evasion akin to Sparky, although slightly less good - he is a Skill champ, after all) as well as an offensive block-penetrating ability, which fits with Redwing's ability to help him target an opponent's weak spots.

    Special Attacks
    SP1: Inflicts up to three stacks of bleed (65% chance each) inflicting 828 damage over 3s. If Locked On, bleed effects have +25% ability accuracy.
    SP2: This attack receives an additional +200 Critical Rating, Critical damage and Armour Penetration. If Locked On, it has 100% Critical Hit Chance.
    SP3: Inflicts Incinerate (1964 damage over ten seconds) and three stacks of Armour Break (each -250 armour for ten seconds). This attack immediately grants Locked On, even if Redwing was on Cooldown.
    Falcon's offensive abilities should start to mesh together on his Specials; notably the SP2 which should start to reliably hit fairly hard when he's Awakened and Locked On; even if the opponent is well-armoured, or tries to hold block against it. Luckily, if he's on defense, it isn't the hardest to dodge.

    Unique Synergies:
    Taking Recon for the team:
    Falcon sneaks Redwing out to recon for his teammates. Any teammate with the Avengers or New Avengers tag gains a Partial Lock passive when the fight begins, granting +100 Critical damage, and 100 Armour penetration.

    Captain America (Original, WW2, CAIW) and Civil Warrior: "I do what he does, just slower" with CA, CAWW2, CW and CAIW
    Falcon gains +15% Perfect Block
    Captains: Well-timed blocks grant Fury buffs (+25% Attack for twelve seconds)

    War Machine: "Wingmen"
    War Machine - Heavy Attacks cannot be evaded, and gain +350 Critical Rating.
    Falcon - Damaging debuffs are 30% more potent.

    Black Panther Civil War, Winter Soldier: "Wakandan Upgrade"
    WS - Thanks to Shuri's upgrades, Power Drain gains +30% Ability Accuracy; and WS steals half of any power drained.
    BPCW - Well-timed blocks steal 5% of the opponent's Power. Cooldown five seconds.
    Falcon - When Falcon is Locked On, the opponent's Defensive Power gain is reduced by 35%.

    Ant-Man: "I know a guy..."
    Ant-Man - Fatigue debuffs last 2s longer, and reach stack reduces the opponent's ability accuracy by 10% (max 40% reduction)
    Falcon - If Awakened, Falcon gains a flat +20% Ability Accuracy to his Evade ability.


    Definitely could have gone different ways for a few aspects of Falcon's build (particularly removing his 100% AAR when Unawakened), so happy to have feedback @Bodhizen @Bahamut @ThatGuyYouSaw235 (need to take a good look at your SIM rework!)
  • BodhizenBodhizen Member Posts: 304 ★★

    Recon scan
    Redwing starts the fight on Cooldown unless Falcon is Awakened. Once Redwing is online, Falcon undertakes a recon scan by dashing back and holding block for 2.1 seconds. He then locks on to the opponent for ten seconds, with a cooldown of ten seconds.

    You've been so kind as to review my Champion rebuilds, so I feel (gladly) obligated to return the favor!

    So, I'm not a fan of this mechanic. 2 seconds (which is what he currently has) to activate a Recon Scan is a pretty lengthy amount of time for activation, and it's the one good thing about Falcon now. I understand that this is a 0.1 second increase, but I think this is going in the wrong direction. Winter Soldier can switch ammunition in 1.5 seconds. I don't see any reason why the activation of any primary ability should take longer than that... Unless said ability is pretty earth-shattering, which the Recon Scan is not. Ten seconds up and ten seconds down, with a 2.1 second activation timer means that if you're really skilled, you can have Locked On active approximately 45% of the time. I don't recall how long his current cooldown lasts, but I think that 45% (at best) up-time is too low.

    Redwing's military tech works far better against certain opponents - the duration of both cooldown and scanning (holding block) are altered as follows:

    • Cosmic and Mystic opponents - Increased 33%
    • Tech and Science opponents - Decreased 33%
    This means that locking on to a science or tech champ only requires a 1.4 second scan (and has 6.6-second cooldown); whilst cosmic and mystic opponents require a 2.8 second scan, and have a 13-second cooldown.
    I'm curious as to what the justification is for these changes. Versus Cosmics & Mystics, Locked On has up to 55% up time, while versus Tech & Science Champions (remember, he has class advantage against Science Champions), Locked On only has up to 39% up time.

    The benefits of being Locked On are:

    • Reduces opponent's Defensive ability accuracy by 70%. This is not effective against Phased opponents.
    • Reduces effectiveness of opponents Armour, Physical Resistance and Critical Resistance by 500. These attributes can't be lowered below zero.
    • Redwing detects when the opponent is launching a Special Attack, granting +400 Block Proficiency vs Special Attacks, rising to +800 on well-timed blocks. Additionally Special Attacks do not strike Falcon whilst he is dashing back
    Lock On now has slightly broader abilities to target an opponent's weaknesses, as well as granting a modest defensive boost (which is built upon, in his Sig). On the downside, AAR isn't at an automatic 100% any more, until he's Awakened.
    I never felt that Locked On was so powerful that 100% Defensive Ability Accuracy Reduction (DAAR) was overclocked. I understand that you're working on some give-and-take in this rebuild, but I don't believe that 70% DAAR is warranted here. It also nerfed by Ghost and Silver Surfer, and I'm not sure what the justification is.

    The reduction of your opponent's Armor, Physical Resistance, and Critical Resistance is nice, as is the increased Block Proficiency (only against Special Attacks). That's a fair buff here (though I'd make those values variables depending on the Star-Rating of Falcon), but given the weakening that he's receiving in other areas, I don't think that anyone would be excited to pull Falcon off the bench.

    When triggered for the first time, Locked On also grants a permanent Partial Lock effect, which persists indefinitely but does not stack. This grants Falcon the following benefits:

    • +150 Critical Rating
    • +200 Critical damage
    • The defensive ability accuracy of Invisibility and Glancing effects are reduced by 30%. This adds to the benefits of Locked On as a flat value.
    • If the opponent is bleed immune, Falcon detects this and switches to Incendiary rounds, replacing his bleed effects with equivalent Incinerate effects
    Partial Lock should give Falcon a bit of a boost for the rest of the fight, helps him against Invisible or bleed immune opponents (except Colossus!) and is a nod to the Falcon vs Ant-Man fight in the original Ant-Man movie, which showcased Falcon's scanning technology. It might come in handy in certain Variant quests...
    These are modest, but nice, benefits that are about as strong as anything you'd get out of a Synergy. They're not strong enough to warrant a cheer, but a small smile might come to the lips of some. The DAAR against Invisibility and Glancing effects is a nice boon, but they feel like they should be part of the base Locked On kit rather than a Partial Lock add-on. I will give a cheer for the switch to Incendiary rounds.

    Signature ability
    Redwing receives an upgrade, and is available for recon scans from the beginning of the fight. Additionally:

    • Locked On duration and Ability Accuracy Reduction are both increased by 50%
    • Whilst Locked on, Redwing now gives Falcon even more advance warning of incoming Special Attacks, granting him a 50% Evade ability and an additional +800 Block Proficiency against them. Evade will not trigger whilst blocking.
    • While Locked On, Falcon can inflict Critical Hits through an opponents block
    • While Partial Lock is on, Falcon cannot miss. This does not apply to Phased opponents
    Falcon's Signature now gives him a substantial defensive boost (Evasion akin to Sparky, although slightly less good - he is a Skill champ, after all) as well as an offensive block-penetrating ability, which fits with Redwing's ability to help him target an opponent's weak spots.
    I understand that you took a bit from the base kit and plugged it into the Signature Ability. Generally speaking, when I feel that a Champion is in need of a rework, I do the opposite. As it stands, I'm not in favor of weakening an already weak Champion to make a weak Signature Ability stronger. I think you could do much better than this.

    Having said that, the added abilities (Evade, +Block Proficiency, Critical Hits through Blocking, and no Miss chance (inexplicably except against Ghost and Silver Surfer again) are nice. Not great, but nice. I would really have loved to see greater utility added in via the Signature Ability. Personally, I would have reworked the Signature Ability fro top to bottom, particularly since he's Captain America's successor and Captain America (Infinity War) already has a pretty rocking Signature Ability. I wouldn't clone it, but I personally would have used this opportunity to add much needed utility to this Champion. I think you're missing a golden opportunity here.

    Special Attacks
    SP1: Inflicts up to three stacks of bleed (65% chance each) inflicting 828 damage over 3s. If Locked On, bleed effects have +25% ability accuracy.
    SP2: This attack receives an additional +200 Critical Rating, Critical damage and Armour Penetration. If Locked On, it has 100% Critical Hit Chance.
    SP3: Inflicts Incinerate (1964 damage over ten seconds) and three stacks of Armour Break (each -250 armour for ten seconds). This attack immediately grants Locked On, even if Redwing was on Cooldown.
    Falcon's offensive abilities should start to mesh together on his Specials; notably the SP2 which should start to reliably hit fairly hard when he's Awakened and Locked On; even if the opponent is well-armoured, or tries to hold block against it. Luckily, if he's on defense, it isn't the hardest to dodge.

    Special 1 is only slightly stronger than Squirrel Girl's Medium Attack Bleed, which deals 487.4 damage over 3.0 seconds with a 100% chance of activating. It's also weaker than his current 85% chance to inflict 1 Bleed that deals 2511.6 Bleed Damage over 3.5 seconds; this has a 65% chance per stack to inflict up to a total of 2,484 damage over 3.0 seconds. As a benefit on Special Attack 1, I feel disappointed by this.

    Special 2 gets less Critical Rating than Falcon has now, in exchange for additional Critical Damage and Armor Penetration. It loses the ability to bypass Physical Resistance... But it has a 100% Critical Hit Chance. If it's got a 100% chance to Critically Hit, what's the value in giving it increased Critical Rating?

    Special 3 has lowered the Incinerate damage, but gives him some weak Armor Breaks. It also immediately Locks On (which I do like).

    Generally speaking, I feel like you're trying to keep Falcon mostly balanced with his current build, and he's a Meme Tier Champion. Everything I've seen might possibly elevate him to the Occasionally Useful Tier. I think this is a huge missed opportunity for genuine improvements.

    Unique Synergies:
    Taking Recon for the team:
    Falcon sneaks Redwing out to recon for his teammates. Any teammate with the Avengers or New Avengers tag gains a Partial Lock passive when the fight begins, granting +100 Critical damage, and 100 Armour penetration.

    Captain America (Original, WW2, CAIW) and Civil Warrior: "I do what he does, just slower" with CA, CAWW2, CW and CAIW
    Falcon gains +15% Perfect Block
    Captains: Well-timed blocks grant Fury buffs (+25% Attack for twelve seconds)

    War Machine: "Wingmen"
    War Machine - Heavy Attacks cannot be evaded, and gain +350 Critical Rating.
    Falcon - Damaging debuffs are 30% more potent.

    Black Panther Civil War, Winter Soldier: "Wakandan Upgrade"
    WS - Thanks to Shuri's upgrades, Power Drain gains +30% Ability Accuracy; and WS steals half of any power drained.
    BPCW - Well-timed blocks steal 5% of the opponent's Power. Cooldown five seconds.
    Falcon - When Falcon is Locked On, the opponent's Defensive Power gain is reduced by 35%.

    Ant-Man: "I know a guy..."
    Ant-Man - Fatigue debuffs last 2s longer, and reach stack reduces the opponent's ability accuracy by 10% (max 40% reduction)
    Falcon - If Awakened, Falcon gains a flat +20% Ability Accuracy to his Evade ability.

    I'm mostly focused on the benefits to Falcon, but these Synergies aren't making me sit up and take notice for much. The Captains America Synergies may be too powerful, as there's no stack limit. When it comes to Well-Timed Blocks, Caps can do this all day. You can build up quite a few Fury buffs in 12.0 seconds. The rest range from underwhelming to okay. None of them add in the kind of utility that I was kind of expecting now that we've seen what Kabam is willing to do with that Red Guardian/Abomination Synergy.

    As always, I mean all of these criticisms to be kind and constructive. Best wishes, good sir!
  • echon47echon47 Member Posts: 4
    Can I make a suggestion? If we have diversity on defense, why can we make diversity on offense as well. Here, we are able to utilize other champs and make it much more competitive and strategic between alliances. But with this said, we should up the rewards because it wouldn’t be worth the stress and planning
  • VuskaVuska Member Posts: 175

    - Name of the Champion you would like to be changed

    - Which features or abilities about them don't you like at the moment and why

    - How exactly would you change them and why would you make the said changes, try to be specific!
    1.ADD MORE POWERGAIN, WHY ? Because its really under powered.
    2.ADD MORE SINERGY, WHY ? He need it so can compare to New champions
    3. ADD BLASTING POWER not Small power when he do special 1.

    thank you.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    Thanks Bodhizen.

    You've read the effects of class on lock-on backwards. So he gets more Lock On against Science and Tech, not less. It's optional, but this was just for 'flavour' for the character. There's no actual in-game benefit or hindrance; it evens out, on average, across the classes. Ten seconds on/ten off is the current setup, btw.
    Bodhizen said:

    The DAAR against Invisibility and Glancing effects is a nice boon, but they feel like they should be part of the base Locked On kit rather than a Partial Lock add-on.

    I think you've missed the point of the Partial Lock. It initiates when Locked on is activated for the first time, but persists permanently even when he's no longer Locked On. This is to give him more abilities during Cooldown. So he's got higher crit rate, crit damage and benefits against Invisible or glancing opponents all the time.

    Why is Partial Lock not effective against Phased opponents? Because 'Miss' is a game mechanic covering a mish-mash of abilities like Vulture's decoy, Mysterio's illusions, Loki's illusions, Tigra's mystical abilities, and Ghost/Surfer's phasing. From the perspective of physics (which MCOC doesn't always embrace), it makes sense for Partial Lock to help against the misdirection-type of 'Miss', but not against an altered state of being (I don't see US military tech enabling him to hit somebody who is intangible, essentially).

    A few things build, with the intention they may be replaced. So, SP2 has increased crit rate/reduced crit resistance if you aren't Locked on, but full-blown guaranteed crit if you are locked on. You get a bit of ability to penetrate armour and crit resistance, and block penetration when Unawakened, building up to Crit through blocks when you are.

    The Special Attacks? Well, sure Squirrel Girl does more bleed damage. She does insane bleed damage. Is that a fair comparison?
    Falcon's current Specials, at 5/50 are (from

    Current average bleed - 0.85x1253 = 1064
    New average Bleed - 0.65x828x3=1614
    So that's an average 60% increase from his current bleed damage.

    With Deep Wounds, it'll also subtract three times the instant damage than it previously did with just one stack. And at max DW, the average damage increase rises to 80% (2960 compared with his current 1614 damage) because I trimmed 0.5s off the bleed duration.

    Lets say he's Awakened and Locked on.
    Previously -
    • Ignored physical resistance
    • Can't miss or be evaded (because your locked on)
    Now -
    • Can't miss or be evaded
    • Penetrates 500 armour and physical resistance (plus any additional penetration thanks to being a crit, to Pierce mastery and Pure Skill)
    • Guaranteed Crit
    • Crits penetrate block
    • +400 Critical damage (don't forget the +200 from Partial Lock)
    I think the armour penetration is going to be pretty close to ignoring it completely; but the actual damage will be significantly higher and more reliable, with increased critical damage on a guaranteed crit. Maybe we should add an armour break, or something like Vulnerability?

    Incinerate damage has increased (not decreased) from 1193 to 1964. We could go higher, I admit; but the actual damage will be higher thanks to the armour breaks. I think a total of 750 isn't 'weak' (although we could make it -400 per stack), and I've gone for multiple stacks so as to remove three stacks of an opponent's 'Armour Up', rather than just one; plus to benefit from the Despair mastery. Helpfully, the immediate Lock-On should prevent any of these debuffs being shrugged off, or triggering Masochism.
    Bodhizen said:

    I never felt that Locked On was so powerful that 100% Defensive Ability Accuracy Reduction (DAAR) was overclocked. I understand that you're working on some give-and-take in this rebuild, but I don't believe that 70% DAAR is warranted here.

    Okay, fair enough. I perceive AAR as a bit more powerful than that, but it's probably an unnecessary change.

    Sorry you don't like the Sig. I don't think making him CAIW 2.0 works for me - I was looking to make him Falcon 2.0, and keep his 'character' the same. I'll have a think if there's anything else to add in.

    Whilst I agree a few changes can be made to it, I think this upgrade does take Falcon well out of the meme tier. The combination of Evade and increased Block Proficiency seems a pretty solid upgrade to a meme skill champ; particularly with built-in Dexterity, crit through block, critical resistance reduction and up to a fifteen seconds up-time on Redwing.

    I'll look at a repost in a day or two.
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    edited May 2020


    The Issue
    She's pretty decent in niche situations, but mostly relies on abilities that the entire roster of champions can access [a version of] via the Assassin Mastery, or being able to inflict 1 of 2 types of low/no damage debuffs.

    The Opportunity
    Elsa Bloodstone kind of set the stage for this, although I believe many have thought of this concept before, but with her built in pre-Assassin mechanic (Final Strike), adding the Assassin Mastery should provide Elektra with something else unique to her. In this case, activation at the height of current health instead of just at the lower 15% or 25% of it.

    Contract Hit - Add to Signature Ability (enhancement for 'No Loose Ends')
    "As the consummate assassin, Elektra starts each fight gaining 15% Offensive Ability Accuracy and decreasing enemies' Defensive Ability Accuracy by 30%. This Ability Modification lasts until enemies fall below 7% of their Starting Current Health + 3% Max Health for each level of the Assassin Mastery they have Ranked Up (Max 25% Enemy Health).

    Additionally, Elektra's Final Strike now triggers anytime the opponent is below 25% Max Health, and Elektra gains 5-80% increased Critical Damage Rating.

    The Basics - Add to Abilities*
    "Intercepts have a 100% chance to interrupt Chi Flow, passively causing most Healing and Regeneration abilities to fail the next time Elektra Bleeds or Armor Breaks the opponent. This has no affect on Mutant Regenerative abilities."
    *Every thing else in Elektra's Ability list remains with -85% Defensive Ability Accuracy to Opponents under 25% Max Health (15% unawakened) or suffering a Debuff effect; these suggestions would be additive. Her move set also remains the same.

    Icing - Add to Synergies**
    Competing Contracts with Black Widow (classic) and Black Widow (Deadly Origin)
    • Elektra: Laces her Shuriken and Sai with Toxins, inflicting 100% of her attack rating as Poison over the same duration whenever she inflicts Bleed or Armor Break.
    • Black Widow (Classic): Special Attack 2 deals up to 200% instant additional Shock damage. +20% each time Black Widow refrains from striking a Stunned opponent.
    • Black Widow (Deadly Origin): Once every 20 seconds when opponents' Defensive Abilities do trigger, Black Widow enhances the potency of Sabotage Debuffs and Critical Damage Rating by 10%, up to +140%
    **This replaces Elektra's current (and bland/outdated) 'Rivals' synergy with Black Widow (Classic).
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    I may have posted this before, unless I wandered away and left it unfinished months ago, but there is so much potential with CHI flow and the nature of the Iron Fist. Another version of this could be applied to Iron Fist Immortal but I am introducing it for Iron Fist (Classic)

    • Iron Fist begins each fight with 51 passive Yin and Yang stacks in his counter. These remain at 51 until he lands a Medium or Light attack.
    • While idle, Iron Fist increases either his Yin or Yang counter from 1 to 101 at a rate of 4 per second.
    • As long as Danny is stacking Yin or Yang, Danny will not begin to walk forward when not holding block
    • If the last hit Iron Fist landed was a Medium attack, his Yang counter begins to fall by 1 for every second he is not idle
    • While idle, Yin increases by 4 per second and Yang pauses decrease
    • If the last hit Iron Fist landed was a Light attack, his Yin counter begins to fall by 1 for every second he is not idle
    • While idle, Yang increases by 4 per second and Yin pauses decrease
    • While Iron Fist is dashing forward, backward or striking his opponent, the increasing Stack pauses and the decreasing one loses an additional stack per contact or per dash
    • If Yin reaches 69 or above, his fist begins to glow purple (purple visual effect needed, and is possible with new game coding) and Danny gains a % increase to his power rate up to 68% for 10 seconds depending on the value of Yang at the time of activation (1 to 68 stacks).
    • If Yang was higher than Yin when Yin reached 69, Danny gains up to 32% of missing Current Power instantly depending on how close Yang was to 101 from 69 (1% power per stack above 69)
    • If Danny was prevented from gaining Power from that ability, his fist glows for 5 additional seconds
    • If Yang reaches 69 or above, his fist starts to glow green and Danny gains a % increase to his attack rating, up to 68% for 10 seconds depending on the value of Yin at the time of activation (1 - 68 stacks).
    • If Yin was higher than Yang when Yang reached 69, Danny gains up to 6.4% of missing health instantly depending on how close Yin was to 101 from 69 (0.2% health per stack from 69 to 101)
    • While an iron fist is active, launching a Special Attack grants an enhanced strike
    • While Purple (Yin activated), Special Attacks interfere with opponent's Chi flow and slow their power gain by up to 68% for 10 seconds after the last strike of the Special lands. Power Rate reduction depends on how high Yang is from 1 up to 69
    • Above 69 up to 101 (hypothetically) Iron Fist steals up to 32% of the opponent's current power for himself
    • While Green (Yang activated), Special Attacks are guaranteed to Armor Break, reducing opponent Armor Rating by up to 68% of the starting rating depending on how high Yin was (etc. etc.)
    • Above 69 up to 101 Iron Fist subtracts 101-132% of opponents' Healing or Regeneration effects (net effect up to 32% proportional degeneration instead of 100% of the effective regeneration, e.g. 100HP per second for 5 seconds would instead by -32HP per second for 5 seconds)
    • After Special Attack 3 slow power and reverse regeneration effects 1% for every 4 Yin and Yang combined stack count
    • Heavy attacks give a spike of +11 Yin and Yang stacks regardless of which one is actively increasing or decreasing
    • Heavy attacks Nullify 1 Cruelty, Fury or Precision Buff on the Opponent
    • If an opponent is suffering Power Rate or Armor Rating Reduction, or a Degeneration, landing a Heavy Attack will extend the duration by 5 seconds, and steal 50% of any Power that was previously stolen during +69-Yang-rated, Yin-Enhanced Special Attacks
    Critical Hits have the same 55% chance to break the target's Armor. This Stacks +1 if Iron Fist is Sig Level 0, and up to +3 if he is Awakened. These Armor Breaks do not inflict the Side Effects to Power and Health that Special Attacks do.

    Added signature ability with Sabertooth and Groot: 'The Tame and the Wild'
    • Iron Fist: Every 10 evasions, gain a Peaceful Flow charge that triggers evasion of all incoming basic attacks for 5 seconds if interrupted while Idling
    • Groot: Every 10 blocks, gain a Rooted charge that renders him Immovable and Indestructible for 5 seconds if hit while Idling, ending if he blocks, dashes back or dashes forward (this will make even more sense after I post the Groot rework)
    • Sabertooth: Every 5th Fury that fails to convert gain a Passive Fury the next time he idles without an Active Fury Buff present
  • TheHoodedDormammuTheHoodedDormammu Member Posts: 1,448 ★★★
    Yawn said:

    I have to say, this is the most reasonable improvement I’ve seen so far. It wouldn’t make him a god but it would make him usable. It also doesn’t stray far from the way he was designed to operate. Good post.

    Werewrym wrote: »

    science22 wrote: »

    Suel wrote: »

    Jane foster is the worst

    Why is she bad.. She can do some reasonable damage with some not so bad staggers and stuns. But, at least she's better than IF. :/

    IF desperately needs a buff...

    Character Update: Iron Fist

    What I Dislike: Everything... Iron Fist is weak. Despite his armor break, his hits are fairly weak, and he needs something more to actually make him a usable character.

    Suggested Improvements: Iron fist needs a whole lot of love when it comes time for an update. He should be one of the top armor break champs in the game, yet he is severely lacking in this area.

    First, make his sig part of his regular abilities. Iron Fist should be able to stack armor breaks without needing the dupe.

    Second, add the ability for IF to Armor Shatter. Perhaps after IF has stacked 5 armor breaks, preforming a heavy attack will armor shatter the opponent for 5-10 seconds.

    sp1 (update): Make this special attack refresh all armor breaks and armor shatters.

    New Sig ability: When an opponent is suffering from armor shatter, Iron Fist strikes will killer accuracy hitting guaranteed critical hits with a 1000 critical damage increase. (Much like Thor Jane).

    None of these abilities give IF insane utility, but they would significantly help his damage output.

    totally agree. Greatly increasing his damage is a good solution
  • ThatGuyYouSaw235ThatGuyYouSaw235 Member Posts: 3,551 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020
    Name: Ebony Maw

    Why: Honestly, I love playing Maw but he feels so weak, his overall damage relies on his degenerations which let's be honest, suck unless he is duped; even then he needs a high sig. He does has power control on his heavies, which is a redeeming factor and he can always be above the opponent's power level if you know what to do.


    An unwavering mind of his master's vision can't be swayed, Ebony Maw is immune to Taunt, Falter and Ability Accuracy Reduction

    Unless the opponent has Class Advantage, all incoming guaranteed Critical and Unstoppable hits will miss

    Ebony Maw's first light attack is the only attack that makes contact

    If the opponent misses an attack, nullify a buff on them.

    Deterioration Passive:

    Deterioration Passives last indefinitely until consumed, they each reduce the potency of the opponent's Fury and Precision buffs by a flat 2.5%. Deterioration Passives cap at 40 and serve as modifiers for Maw's abilities.

    Deteriorations also passively give Maw +50 Critical Damage rating each

    If the opponent has 40 Deteriorations, gaining another one would consume all 40 Deteriorations to inflict a Deteriorating State passive which deals 200% of Ebony Maw's attack as direct damage over 30 seconds. Deteriorating State combines the effect of 40 Deteriorations and reduces Unblockable Ability Accuracy by 100%, but negates the effects of further Deteriorations while this is active.

    Deteriorating State can stack up to 2 times on the opponent

    Visual for Deteriorating State: A red death touch symbol over the same shade of dark grey on Maw's other passives (dunno why I put this here, but heck it why not)

    Persuasive Voice:

    At the start of the fight, Maw begins to focus for 6 seconds. He starts the fight focused when facing an Avenger. If he is struck by a Heavy Attack or Special 3, his focus and broken and he begins to focus again for 6 seconds.

    Once focused, place one Persuasion Passive on the opponent every 0.5 seconds, this is shortened to 0.33 seconds when facing a Cosmic Champion or an Avenger or if the opponent Degenerates.

    While Focused, Ebony Maw has True Accuracy allowing him to bypass Evade and Auto-Block

    For every 20 Persuasion the opponent gains, they are inflicted with a Falter debuff lasting 3 seconds, 5 seconds against an Avenger. Opponents inflicted with Falter have a 100% chance to miss.

    Once the opponent reaches 100 Persuasion, they are all consumed and replaced by a Black Tongue passive which lasts for the rest of the fight. Black Tongue counts as 100 Persuasion for his abilities. Opponents inflicted with Black Tongue gain 1 Deterioration Passive every 2 seconds.

    Missions from Thanos:

    Ebony Maw enters the fight with three missions to complete from Thanos, these can be done in any order and Maw gets benefits based on what Missions he completes as a reward.

    Mission 1: Mastermind- Nullify or Steal a buff on the opponent: Ebony Maw places 5 Deteriorations on the opponent per buff he nullifies or steals from the opponent onwards.

    Mission 2: Manipulator- Cause the opponent to lose power: After completing this mission, Ebony Maw places 5 Deteriorations on the opponent if he causes the opponent to lose power, he places 5 more if he causes the opponent to fall below a bar of power, placing 5 more based on how much bars of power the opponent loses.

    Note: What I mean by this is, if the opponent has a bar of power and you steal enough power to make them fall below that bar of power, he places his extra Deteriorations

    Mission 3: Unwavering- Cause the opponent to miss an attack: After completing this mission, Ebony Maw places 5 Deteriorations on the opponent if they miss

    Every time Maw completes a mission, he purifies a debuff on himself.

    Heavy Attacks:

    Steal all the opponent's Power Gain buffs and 5% of their current power

    If the opponent has Deteriorating State or Black Tongue when activating this attack, Power Steal effects are increased by 150%

    If the opponent has both Black Tongue and Deteriorating State, charging a Heavy Attack causes the opponent to Falter for 1.5 seconds.

    Special 1:

    Nullify a buff on each hit, if no buffs were nullified during this attack, the opponent gains an indefinite Fury buff increasing attack by +0

    If the opponent has Deteriorating State or Black Tongue active, steal a buff on each hit and gain it as your own, each lasting 10 seconds. Ebony Maw can only have 3 stolen buffs at a time.

    If the opponent has both Deteriorating State and Black Tongue active, the opponent loses 10% of their Max Power per buff nullified

    Special 2:

    Ebony Maw gains a Vigilance buff for 14 seconds, allowing him to ignore Miss

    If the opponent has Deteriorating State or Black Tongue active, the opponent is Petrified for 12 seconds, reducing Healing and Power Gain by 110%

    If the opponent has both Deteriorating State and Black Tongue active, this attack gains +2500 Critical Rating

    Special 3:

    Ebony Maw reaches deep into the opponent's mind, draining 100% of their Max Power and Power Locking them for 5 seconds, preventing them from gaining power from all sources.

    If either Black Tongue or Deteriorating State are active, Maw gains a Power Gain buff granting him 50% of the opponent's lost power as his own over 4 seconds

    If both Black Tongue or Deteriorating State are active, place another Deteriorating State on the opponent unless they already have 2 active, if that is the case then refresh both stacks of Deteriorating State on the opponent.

    Signature Ability: Deteriorating Mind

    As the opponent withers and deteriorates, Maw grows stronger. Ebony Maw has his Block Proficiency increased by +50 to +150 per Deterioration on the opponent.

    Deteriorating State and Black Tongue each reduce the opponent's Defensive Ability Accuracy by -20% to -50%

    Deteriorating State's damage is increased by +10% to +75%

    New Synergies:

    Hear Me and Rejoice: With Himself

    All Champions except #Thano's Army Champions: There is only one vision, one future. All champions can Dash Back and Hold Block for 1.5 seconds to gain a Precision buff increasing Critical Rating by +500

    It's A Simple Spell, But Quite Unbreakable: With Doctor Strange

    Ebony Maw: Special 2 does True Damage against an #Avenger or #Illuminati

    Doctor Strange: Charging a Heavy Attack will copy the current Blessing as a passive, lasting until Doctor Strange goes back to the original blessing.

    Thanks for the feedback on the last post, I'm always open for more as it helps me grow.
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    edited May 2020

    Falcon is a champ with a small degree of utility, but very low damage and weak/boring synergies. His ability to 'Lock on' to his enemies' weaknesses is reliable, and potentially useful; but he isn't actually able to inflict enough damage to really take advantage of it. His SP1 bleed is mediocre; although reasonably reliable. His SP2 supposedly penetrates Physical Resistance, but does little actual damage; whilst his (impressively eye-catching) SP3 only inflicts a weak Incinerate. Winter Soldier does almost exactly the same Incinerate damage every time he fires Incendiary rounds, whilst Red Hulk's SP3 Incinerate deals literally four times as much damage as Falcon's!

    Falcon's Sig does relatively little to benefit him, as well. You rarely need the Lock On in the first ten seconds of the fight anyway; whilst two more seconds of AAR is welcome, but sadly this doesn't increase any further with Sig level. The extra Critical Rating (which is the only thing that improves from Sig1 to Sig99) still leaves him with a lower crit rate than many more recent Skill champs.

    This rework is intended to adjust Falcon's abilities, whilst keeping them centred around use of Redwing and his Lock On ability. This is my second version after feedback from @Bodhizen with some of his suggestions taken on board (if not as many as he would have wanted! 😉👍).


    Stats for a 5/50 champion
    Health 15,508
    Attack 1193

    Recon scan
    Redwing starts the fight on Cooldown unless Falcon is Awakened. Once Redwing is online, Falcon undertakes a recon scan by dashing back and holding block for 2.1 seconds. He then locks on to the opponent for ten seconds, with a cooldown of ten seconds.

    Redwing's military-grade tech works best against opponents more familiar to the US military - the duration of both cooldown and scanning (holding block) are altered as follows:
    • Cosmic and Mystic opponents - Increased 33%
    • Tech and Science opponents - Decreased 33%
    This means that locking on to a science or tech champ only requires a 1.4 second scan (and has 6.6-second cooldown); whilst cosmic and mystic opponents require a 2.8 second scan, and have a 13-second cooldown.

    The benefits of being Locked On are:
    • Reduces opponent's Defensive ability accuracy by 100%. This is not effective against Phased opponents.
    • Reduces effectiveness of opponents Armour, Physical Resistance and Critical Resistance by 500. These attributes can't be lowered below zero.
    • +350 Critical Rating
    • While Locked On, Falcon can inflict Critical Hits through an opponents block
    • Redwing detects when the opponent is launching a Special Attack, granting +400 Block Proficiency vs Special Attacks, rising to +800 on well-timed blocks. Additionally Special Attacks do not strike Falcon whilst he is dashing back
    Lock On now has slightly broader abilities to target an opponent's weaknesses, as well as granting a modest defensive boost, which is built upon further in his Signature. I don't see how any kind of scanning technology could possibly help him hurt opponents who are intangible, however; so Locked On doesn't allow him to harm such opponents

    When triggered for the first time, Locked On also grants a permanent Partial Lock effect, which overlaps with Lock On, and persists indefinitely but does not stack. This grants Falcon the following benefits:
    • +200 Critical Rating
    • +250 Critical Damage Rating
    • The defensive ability accuracy of Invisibility and Glancing effects are reduced by 30%.
    • If the opponent is bleed immune, Falcon detects this and switches to Incendiary rounds, replacing his bleed effects with equivalent Incinerate effects
    Partial Lock should give Falcon a bit of a boost for the rest of the fight after his first recon scan. The Critical Rate boost stacks with the additional boost of Locked On; so during that phase it's a fairly respectable total of +550 Critical Rating.

    Signature ability
    Redwing receives an upgrade, and is available for recon scans from the beginning of the fight.
    • The duration of Locked On is increased by 60%

    • Whilst Locked on, Redwing now gives Falcon even more advance warning of incoming Special Attacks, granting him a 50% Evade ability and an additional +800 Block Proficiency against them. Evade will not trigger whilst blocking.
    • While Partial Lock is on, Falcon cannot miss. This does not apply to Phased opponents
    Falcon's Signature now gives him a significantly longer Lock On, and a substantial defensive boost (Evasion akin to Sparky, although slightly less good - he is a Skill champ, after all) as well as an offensive block-penetrating ability, which fits with Redwing's ability to help him target an opponent's weak spots. Awakened, he's permanently able to bypass most Miss mechanics after triggering his first Recon scan.

    Special Attacks
    SP1: Inflicts up to three stacks of bleed (65% chance each) inflicting 828 damage over 3s. If Locked On, bleed effects have +25% ability accuracy.
    SP2: The second hit of this attack receives an additional +400 Critical Rating, Critical damage and Armour Penetration. If Locked On, this hit has 100% Critical Hit Chance, and a 70% chance to stun the opponent for two seconds.
    SP3: Inflicts Incinerate (2386 damage over ten seconds) and three stacks of Armour Break (each causing -400 armour for ten seconds). This attack immediately grants Locked On, even if Redwing was on Cooldown.

    Unique Synergies:
    Taking Recon for the team:
    Falcon sneaks Redwing out to recon for his teammates. Any teammate with the Avengers or New Avengers tag gains a Partial Lock passive when the fight begins, granting +120 Critical damage, and 120 Armour penetration.

    Captain America (Original, WW2, CAIW) and Civil Warrior: "I do what he does, just slower"
    • Falcon - Well-timed blocks are guaranteed to be Perfect Blocks, and grant Falcon a brief Fury passive effect (+25% Attack for three seconds)
    • CA, CAWW2, CW: Captain Rogers gains +2% Attack per hit in his combo meter, max +200%.
    • CAIW: Well-timed blocks have a 50% chance to inflict a Disoriented debuff (-25% Ability Accuracy for ten seconds). Chance increased by up to 100% based on CAIW's Sig level.
    Falcon's synergy with Captain America should be a good one; and the first three versions of CA seriously need an Attack boost. Giving CAIW access to this Star-Lord-style buff would push him way beyond God-tier though, so I've gone with building on his usual debuff-ability. On Falcon's side, that perfect block should maximise the stun time on Parry; and he has a short window of time to launch a boosted Special Attack

    War Machine: "Wingmen"
    • War Machine - Special Attacks gain True Accuracy and +350 Critical Rating.
    • Falcon - Damaging debuffs are 30% more potent.
    Black Panther Civil War, Winter Soldier: "Wakandan Upgrade"
    • WS - Whenever Winter Soldier would inflict Power Drain, he instead inflicts Power Sting* for ten seconds.
    • BPCW - When Reflective armour is active, Well-timed blocks inflict Power Sting* for ten seconds. Cooldown five seconds.
    • Falcon - When Falcon Locks On, he also inflicts one stack of Power Sting, lasting for the duration of Locked On.
    *Power Sting inflicts 80% of the Attackers Attack as direct damage if the opponent triggers a Special Attack. Power Stings can stack up to three.

    Ant-Man: "I know a guy..."
    • Ant-Man - Fatigue debuffs last 4s longer, and each stack reduces the opponent's ability accuracy by 10% (max 40% reduction)
    • Falcon - Whilst Locked on, Falcon gains a +20% chance to glance attacks.

    So this upgraded version of Falcon should hit harder with all his attacks, and keep his Lock On up for longer. This enables him do better DoT and Special damage; and can be a fairly effective champ to take against opponents with high armour and crit resistance; those with defenses like Invisibility or Glancing; and those with difficult-to-evade Specials (let's choose Dr Doom as a useful example...). Hopefully the synergies can give both him and some older champs additional damage and versatility.
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  • JDunk2291JDunk2291 Member Posts: 464 ★★
    If not a revamp...add or change current like cage and iron fist's heroes for hire synergy that makes them more 85 Physical Resistance is So obsolete
  • StevieManWonderStevieManWonder Member Posts: 5,019 ★★★★★
    I want to suggest a small synergy buff to Psylocke. With whatever new champion you think would have a synergy with Psylocke, give her X% attack increase for each active Psi-Charge. Just this small synergy would make Psylocke a top tier champion and it is a synergy that you need to be skilled to take advantage of.
  • TP33TP33 Member Posts: 1,737 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    Black panther CW buff idea

    Basic stats These stats are based on a 5/65 5*
    Health: 30,000
    Attack: 2500
    Critical rating: 25%
    Critical damage rating: 150%
    Block proficiency: 75%

    Passive - reflective armour

    Black panther activates reflective armour for 10 seconds every 20 hits in his opponents combo meter and every time he loses 10% of his maximum health

    When reflective armour is active/activates
    • Take 0 damage from incoming hits
    • Purify all debuffs on activation
    • Take 0 damage from all bleed, poison, incinerate, shock, coldsnap, frostbite effects
    • Reflect 60% of the damage that would be done by the above effects onto the opponent
    • Cannot be stunned
    • Reflect 100% of all damage that would be taken as physical damage
    If black panther is armour broken reflective armour ends immidiately. Whilst he is armour shattered he cannot activate reflective armour.

    Claws of Vibranium

    Basic attacks have a 50% chance to bleed the opponents on every hit. This bleed deals 50% of his attack over 5 seconds. This chance is increased to 100 on critical hits. If the opponent is immune to this bleed effect deal 40% of his attack as physical damage instead. When vibranium armour is active and the opponent has a bleed debuff on them all attacks are unblockable.

    Black panther heritage

    The effects of the purple herb give T’Challa a passive additional
    • 1000 physical resistance
    • +15% critical rating
    • +50% critical damage rating
    Heavy attacks

    100% chance to place a bleed debuff on the opponent dealing 50% of base attack over 25 seconds.

    Kinetic charge - passive

    Gain kinetic charges on special attacks. Kinetic charges are activated when reflective armour activates. When kinetic charges activate they have a 100% chance to become an unstoppable buff, lasting the entire duration of reflective armour. Only 1 kinetic charge is used up for every reflective armour activation.

    Special 1

    Both hits are garunteed critical hits. This attack is unblockable when reflective armour is active. Gain a kinetic charge

    Special 2

    All hits are garunteed critical hits. This attack is unblockable and gains an additional +100% attack rating if reflective armour is active. This attack also deals an additional +50% damage for every debuff on Black Panther when it is activated. Gain 1 kinetic potential

    Special 3

    This attack gains an additional +100% damage when reflective armour is active. After this attack the opponent is inflicted with a bleed debuff dealing 1% of black panthers attack indefinitely. This attack also activated reflective armour for 45 seconds. If the opponent is immune to bleed this attack instead deals a flat 10% of the opponents total health as physical damage

    Signature ability - Panther training

    Start the fight with reflective armour active. Also whilst reflective armour is active take 0 damage from all sources. When reflective armour is activated all effects dealing damage to T’Challa are removed and are reflected onto the opponent dealing 60% of the damage they would’ve dealt to him.

    This black panther has loads of utility but not as much damage as some of the very top tier champions. He doesn’t need his signature ability but it gives him so many more uses. His damage is reduced somewhat when the opponent is immune to bleed effects but he has contingency plans. Recommended masteries would be deep wounds, assassin and the suicide masteries, he purifies debuffs and reflects the damage onto the opponent with sig ability
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109

    Low base damage output, one immunity, average health, unpredictable and unimpressive attack boost that is tricky to use, low-average healing at the cost of 2 bars of power, no niche match-ups, no impressive support synergies to others - each thing he does is done markedly better by other average champs and more within the summoner's control. Unblockable Sp2 is handy as Defender, but although timing is tight, it can be evaded, then he can be counterattacked while still working through the Sp2 sequence.

    Retool him to build empowerment from actually acting like a tree: while Groot is idling he takes root to absorb ISO enriched nutrients from the Battle Realm soil. Depending on the opponent's level of power while Groot is idling, Groot also modifies photosynthesis to absorb opponents' residual energy emissions. Those two drivers would be the basis of other abilities that allow him to decrease output damage, heal a bit more efficiently, or decrease damage taken.

    • While Groot idles, nutrients are absorbed (Sapling counter icon counts from 0 to 10 rate of 1 every 0.5 to 1.5 seconds)
    • The timer to build nutrients always builds as long as it is below 10 and Groot is idle
    • The higher the opponent's power bar is the faster the rate of nutrient absorption since Groot has learned to use opponent Power emissions to photosynthesize
    • While Groot has less than one bar of power, if his Sapling count reaches 10 it resets to 0 and Floods Groot with 75% of a bar of power over 2 seconds.
    • If timed correctly that Flooding is still going while Sp1 is launched, Groot will continue Flooding until he is back to 1 bar of Power and can fire a second Sp1 if he chooses.
    • While at or over 1 Bar, but under 2 Bars of Power, reaching 10 Saplings grants Groot 3 "Baby Groot" dormant charges
    • While above 2 Bars of Power, reaching 10 Saplings grants Groot 3 "Teen Groot" dormant charges
    • Groot can have a maximum of 24 of each type of dormant charge
    • Firing Sp2 activates half of any dormant charges present granting healing and fury
    • Each Baby Groot charge activated regenerates 2% of missing health Dev Note: this is intentionally designed to keep his regeneration modest enough
    • Each Teen Groot charge activated provides 2 seconds of paused Fury. The Fury timer only begins countdown the first time Groot strikes his opponents or their block, or they strike him or his block.
    • When Groot is Defending, striking his block will not unpause his Fury timer, and hitting the opponent's Block delays his fury 2 seconds then converts to physical resistance
    • Additionally, Groot's tough bark resists 70% physical damage while Groot has at least 1 of each charge if the first hit received was while idling. Groot's resistance to full damage continues as long as he has both types of extra charges.
    • If Groot has at least 5 of each charge when he is hit during idling, he will immediately become "Rooted" for 5 seconds upon being hit by ANY attack and cannot lose more than 10% of current health during that 5 seconds time
    • If Groot has 3-4 of each charge and is hit 3 times by medium and/or light attacks in succession of one combo, he will become "Rooted" for 3 seconds
    • If Groot has less than 3 charges of each, or is hit by a heavy attack, he is instead "Uprooted"
    • Groot does not walk forward while idling
    • While Rooted is active, Groot cannot be pushed back or interrupted from striking with Light or Heavy attacks Dev Note: This makes him dangerous to corner an opponent
    • If Groot dashes back or forward he ends his Rooted mode but can conserve up to 4 of each Baby and Teen Groot charge he began to consume (at a rate of 1 per second)
    • Sp3 only consumes 1 Teen Groot and 1 Baby Groot charge, but enhances Bleed damage based on how many total charges he had when he launched his attack (Bleed can be enhanced up to 48% in this way, 1% per Starting Charge)
    • Animations remain the same, although icons are added to represent the Sapling counter, Teen Groot charge count, Baby Groot charge count, Rooted countdown and Physical Resistance
    • Icons from previous design include Fury and Regeneration
    • Keeps his Immunity to Bleed
    • Keeps his 55% reduced Debuff duration, except to Incineration, as trees and fire do not gel
    Despite seeming a bit confusing to read, the key way to use Groot would be to idle whenever there is a spare minute and build different types of charges or Flood power. Since dormant charges build over time and are not reset by having to dash, attack or block players would get the hang of stacking up his Regeneration or Fury potential.

    Synergies would also be updated to spruce up how some of his systems work, especially with other Guardians:
    1. Rocket: he protects Baby Groot, so only 1/3rd of charges are consumed during Sp2 instead of 1/2, and Bleed from Sp3 increases a flat 9% (Inseparable)
    2. Drax: favoring rage, 1/3rd of Teen Groot charges are consumed instead of 1/2 during Sp2, and Fury increases potency a flat 10%
    3. Star Lord: his 'idiot savant' leadership and Element Gun energies grant Groot an increased rate of nutrient absorption, requiring 20% less time idling to gain a charge or power flood
    4. Gamora: extends the duration of Fury by 15%
    Additionally, as mentioned in the Iron Fist redesign, his Synergy with Groot allows him to be Rooted every 10 blocks (and become Immovable and Indestructible while Rooted)

    Other external synergies would be tweaked a bit too
    • Agent Venom: unknowingly "let Rocket borrow" incendiary rounds to inflict Incineration after Groot's Sp3 if the opponent is Bleed Immune
    • King Groot: Sp3 inflicts Poison comparable to Groot's Bleed since Rocket stole poisonous sap from King Groot's branches to use for Groot's benefit if the opponent is Bleed Immune
    • Add another from Man Thing: so Man Thing gets the same benefit from his current synergy with King Groot (Misunderstood Monsters) if Groot is present instead, and Groot gets 1 passive Prowess with double duration for every 2 furies Nullified, Fate Sealed or Staggered
  • Bajan_SamuraiBajan_Samurai Member Posts: 109
    Black Panther (Classic)
    Simple Addition Series

    Black Panther is an OG champ with a simple design that needs a little love
    Other synergies that benefit Killmonger or BPCW don't do much for him beyond Bleed
    Let's get a little extra for him from his use of Vibranium, his enhancement by the Heart-Shaped Herb, his link to the Panther Goddess Bast and his status as King of Necropolis

    Use any one (or more) of those explanations to add this mechanic to BP's base kit, then use another to further enhance it with the right synergy:
    • Critical Hits lacerate opponents with an 80% chance to inflict Bleed
    • If BP's claws do not penetrate the opponent's flesh to cause bleed effects, such as with Bleed Immune opponents, 50% of the potential energy equal to the amount of damage over time he would have inflicted is stored in his Vibranium weave
    • Blocked Critical Hits cause 30% of the potential energy to be stored similarly
    • During Special Attacks, BP can unleash that potential as bursts of instant Energy Damage
    • Sp1 unleashes 33.3% of the stored energy as bursts, equally divided across each strike of the special
    • Sp2 unleashes 66.7% of the stored energy as bursts, equally divided across each strike of the special
    • Sp3 unleashes 100% of the stored energy as a burst after the special ends
    • His Anti-Metal claws cause Armored #Metal and Robot regenerative and armor up abilities to fail as long as he releases a burst of stored energy, This also lowers their physical resistance by 10% for 5 seconds after his special ends
    • BP's enhanced senses aid in his remarkable tracking ability, allowing him to permanently wear down the ability accuracy of opponents' Auto-Evasion and Invisibility abilities by 5% each time he Misses them, up to 40% (increased rate and upper limit of half, i.e. -7.5%/miss and -60% max ability accuracy)
    • [Either make this part of his Base Abilities, Awakened Ability or make it a Champions of Higher Powers synergy with Moon Knight, Iron Fist and BPCW] Bast intervenes when BP is facing beings recognized as, powered by, or with claims of being gods or demonic entities; allowing BP to shrug off Damage over Time effects 50% faster and recover 50% of damage taken from that effect over 10 seconds (slow healing) - this applies to such opponents as Moon Knight (Konshu); Dr. Strange, Sorcerer Supreme and Symbiote Supreme (The Vishanti, others); Juggernaut and Unstoppable Colossus (Cyttorak); The Hood (Dormammu); Thor {all}, Angela, Heimdall, Hela and Loki (selves); Mephisto, Dormammu (selves); Guillotine {both} (Fleur de Mal) and Morningstar (Mephisto); with the exception of Storm {both} and other Black Panthers {both}, who are approved by Bast herself to challenge her champion.
    The idea of all of this is to give a Bleed-Only champion some utility in areas where he cannot Bleed opponents since unlike most other champs, he has nothing but Bleed ability (no evasion, shrug, tenacity, attack increase, power rate increase {except minor additions via synergies available to many others}, penetration, unblockable, unstoppable, etc.) and I did not want to just have him adopt the abilities verbatim from other champs.
  • GMAX77GMAX77 Member Posts: 512 ★★★
    Mystic: Juggernaut – In the comics, Juggernaut has taken entire teams of X-men to their limits, so I’d like to see the MCOC version become more of a threatening character. I’d make his Unstoppable as a basic ability, even unawakened. His new sig ability would cause him to gain fury when unstoppable, and cause his special attacks to leave opponents stunned. Since he is invincible to just about everything except mental attacks, I think that he should also have immunities such as bleed and poison.

    Cosmic: Groot – I know the movies have hyped up baby Groot and even teen Groot more than the original, but Groot was pretty much the muscle of the Guardians of the Galaxy. He is so weak in the game, so I’d like to see him gain a fury buff for every 10 hits on the combo meter. His immunities would stay the same, but I’d like to see a small change in his Lv 1 and 2 specials. Lv1 is where he causes those sharp branches to shoot out of the ground. This should cause a bleed on the opponent. The regen on his special 2 would be removed and now be his awakened ability and function like Ultron (activating at 50% and 25%respectively). Instead, his sp 2 could be completely reworked into a bashing and smashing move which would cause armor break to the opponents.

    Science: Captain America (original) – This is Cap we’re talking about. I know he is an older champ but he should be much better. I know, I know…we have IW Cap who of course is so much better, but original Captain America is such an iconic Marvel Character I’d start with bumping his attack strength just a bit. Instead of causing a weakness when someone hits into his shield, it would reflect damage (similar to Quake’s sig). His new Sig Ability would be called: 1st Avenger. The more hits on his combo meter, the higher the damage on his special attacks.

    Mutant: Cyclops – I think this version of Cyclops should have some nice features which distinguish him from his blue counterpart. For starters, his awakened ability would make all beam attacks gain true strike. He would also have a passive ability that would gain him 1 prowess charge every time he used a special attack. On his LV3 special, he would gain a cruelty that would last until he get hit.

    Skill: Daredevil (Netflix) – I really enjoyed the Netflix original series, and I think this version should actually be a better version than the classic. For starters, this daredevil would gain the ability that the original has, where his sig allows him to dodge projectile attacks. I’d also like to see him have a mechanic similar to Iron Fist, where critical hits cause an armor break on the opponent.

    Tech: War Machine – One of my favorite Marvel Characters, I actually grew up liking War Machine more than Iron man. His moves would stay the same, but he would have a mechanic like winder solder where he can change between energy and solid ammo by dashing back and holding block for 2 seconds. This would allow for a different effect on his specials: Sp1 – solid = bleeds (like now) / energy = power drain (similar to Green Goblin). Sp2 – solid = 2 stacks armor break / energy = power sting (like Yellow Jacket). Sp3 –solid = places bleed, armor break, and stun / energy = power burn, power steal, shock. I think this would make him really fun to play.
  • furymachine84furymachine84 Member Posts: 92
    I don't get how any 5* or T4 related items are locked for Uncollected and only unlocked for Cavalier.
    Seriously, how does it make sense that 5* crystal shards or 5* Sig stones are locked for Uncollected?
  • PotatolegionPotatolegion Member Posts: 289 ★★

    Signature ability:

    While unstoppable:
    -Gain plus 30% (up to 50%) additional attack.
    -Take 65% (up to 80%) less damage from all sources.

    Immune to ability accuracy reduction, exhaustion debuffs and reversed controls.

    Persistent charges:
    Every fight, Juggernaut receives a specific task from Cytorak to complete from the following.
    -Use 10 successful intercepts.
    -Use 20 successful well-timed blocks.
    -Knock down the opponent 15 times.
    If this task is completed by the end of the fight, gain a persistent charge. These stack up to 4, each granting 12.5% additional attack and 10% prowess.

    While dashing in:
    Gain a passive unstoppable buff. He also has a 35% chance to trigger an unblockable buff.

    Heavy attack:
    Grant a fury buff for 12 seconds, granting plus 10% attack.
    Nullify up to two buffs currently active on the opponent.

    Special attacks:
    50% chance to trigger a regeneration buff, regenerating 8% of maximum health over 5 seconds.

    Special one:
    If a fury buff is active on Juggernaut, convert it into a prowess buff for 7 seconds (this duration is paused during special attacks and grants 40% additional special damage). While this is active, steal 7% of opponents max power with each basic attack.

    Special two:
    Each hit deals 25% additional physical damage for each 30 hits on Juggernaut's combo metre, up to 150 hits.

    Special three:
    Put an armour break debuff on the opponent, reducing armour rating by 2036.7.

  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,245 ★★★★★
    ..DAREDEVIL (née Netflix)

    This is my re-worked Daredevil rework! Some changes made since feedback from @Bodhizen.

    I've redesigned his skills and Signature away from needing Daredevil to be inflicted with debuffs; and instead to reward skillful game-play. Hopefully this rework should enhance his utility and his ability to inflict damage on the opponent; although some skill and strategy will be required to gain advantage.

    This version replaces his existing stuns/armour breaks with increasing precision and use of his Enhanced Senses to bypass almost all of an opponent's potential defenses. It removes his fairly useless debuff-triggered Sig for one that enhances his Evade ability and also helps him prevent his opponent from Evading themselves.

    Normally I don't advocate for animation changes (to cut down on the work required to make the buff happen), but I'd like a couple for Daredevil (both could be 'borrowed' from other champs):
    Heavy attack: change to a spinning circle-kick animation borrowed from Gamora/Storm/Magik.
    Special-1: change to a kick followed by him hurling two billy-clubs at the opponent (animation borrowed/adapted from Electra)


    Passive - Armour: Mr Potter's amazing armour can deflect knives and bullets, providing the following benefits:
    • Baseline Physical resistance of 600
    • Whenever a bleed or armour break effect would be triggered, the micromesh Kevlar armour has a 40% chance to prevent it. This does not count as a Purify effect or an Immunity, but will count as the bleed failing to apply 'by chance'
    Passive - Perfect Focus:
    While dodging backwards, Daredevil is not struck by attacks.

    Whenever Daredevil evades an attack in this way, or by triggering his projectile evasion, he places a passive Focus counter on his opponent.

    If he evades an Attack using the Dexterity mastery, he gains an additional Focus counter instead of triggering a Precision buff.

    Each focus counter reduces the effectiveness of the opponent's armour, physical resistance, and critical resistance by 40 (to a minimum of zero), reduces the ability accuracy of Parry and Autoblock by 10%, and increases Daredevil's Critical Damage rating and Block Proficiency by 40. Daredevil can maintain a maximum of 20 counters.

    Focus counters start to expire if none are gained for six seconds, but this six-second timer is refreshed whenever a new counter would be placed. At full health, counters expire at a rate of one per tick, but their expiration slows by up to 50% with lost health.

    All of Daredevil's Focus counters are immediately removed when he is stunned, or if he is affected by a Concussion Effect.

    Focus is Daredevils new core ability; enabling him to hit harder, bypass his opponents defenses, and defend himself. It's built on in his Sig, later. Focus counters work a lot like Sparky's Poise, but with more utility and less pure damage. They do expire; but should be fairly straightforward to maintain with skilled play, as long as the AI isn't too passive. On the other hand, if Daredevil players get overly aggressive, they'll start to lose Focus as well; which seems fairly appropriate. This ability will also help him on Buffet nodes and against Mystic opponents, as it prevents the Precision buff which Dexterity would grant.

    Passive - Heightened Senses:
    • Perfect Block 20%
    • +500 Block Proficiency on well-timed blocks
    • +250 Critical Rating
    • If the opponent has Critical Resistance, Daredevil reduces it's effectiveness by 250. If the opponent is stunned, this improves to -500.
    • Daredevil has a base chance to Evade projectile attacks of 20%
    • When Daredevil 'charges' a Heavy attack for 0.5 seconds, he generates a Precision Passive granting +750 Critical Rate for the duration of the attack
    • Without eyesight, Daredevil is unaffected by Invisibility Effects and optical illusions, including Vulture's decoy buff and G2099's Digi-cloak.
    Daredevils Heightened Senses are usually always active, but are temporarily disabled when he is stunned, or afflicted by a Concussion debuff; and take five seconds to re-establish.
    The second half of Daredevil's core abilities revolve around his Enhanced Senses, and how they help him in battle. They can be disabled if he's stunned; or (as an Easter Egg) potentially by any future champion using sonic attacks

    Signature - World on Fire:
    Matt's determination only rises as he gets the measure of his opponents. The timer on his Focus counters lasts an additional 2 seconds before they begin to expire, and they additionally provide the following benefits:
    • Counters now each increase Daredevil's chance to evade projectiles by a flat 3%.
    • Counters additionally reduce the opponent's Evade ability accuracy by 10%.
    When Awakened, Daredevil's focus starts to increase his Evade chances, up to a maximum of 80% at 20 counters. He'll also now have the equivalent of True Accuracy at ten or more counters, as long as the opponent isn't immune to ability accuracy reduction.

    Special Attacks
    • SP1 - This attack has +500 Critical Rating, and Critical Hits stun opponents for 2.0 seconds. The thrown Billy clubs have True Accuracy if his Enhanced Senses are active
    • SP2 - This flurry of three kicks has +1500 Critical Rating if his Enhanced Senses are active, and Critical Hits inflict Concussion (-25% ability accuracy for ten seconds, max stacks three)
    • SP3 - Inflicts Stun for 3.0 seconds. Grants four Focus counters, and has 100% chance to grant a Sensory buff for ten seconds: This buff multiplies the potency of his Heightened Senses abilities by 150%.
    Electra - Devils of Hell's Kitchen (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Daredevil - Daredevil has a 35% chance to shrug off non-damaging debuffs after 0.5s, and gain one Focus counter when he does.
    • Electra - Bleed effects have a chance (equal to her Critical Rating) to benefit from her Critical Damage bonuses.
    Classic Daredevil - The same, but different (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Daredevil starts the fight with 5 Focus counters on his opponent, and the Focus counter timer lasts an additional 2 seconds.
    • Whenever Classic Daredevil evades a projectile attack, he gains +20% of a bar of Power.
    Punisher - Never say die (Unique Synergy, does not stack):
    • Punisher: Fury effects last two seconds longer. Additionally, when he is at or below 5% health, Punisher passively gains +50% Attack.
    • Daredevil: When he is below 30% Health, Daredevil's Focus counters do not expire.
    Hopefully these synergies should be effective for Daredevil, as well as granting a bit of extra damage or utility to several older champions. Electra's synergy should give her bleed effects a huge boost when her opponent is in Final Strike range; whilst Punisher's should make him even more dangerous when Awakened

  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,820 ★★★★★
    edited June 2020
    In my opinion, Thanos' design should be updated to include his Infinity Stones as Pre-Fight Abilities that can be activated through Persistent Charges. Each stone can do the following:

    Power Stone: Gain a Prowess buff whenever the opponent builds up a bar of Power, increasing Thanos' Special Attack Damage by 30%. Max stacks 3.

    Space Stone: Dash back and hold block for 2 seconds to make Thanos Invisible, causing 100% of incoming attacks to Miss for 12 seconds, with a cool down of 30 seconds.

    Reality Stone: Strike the opponent with a Heavy attack to activate Buff Steal, stealing all of the opponent's Active buffs.

    Mind Stone: Basic attacks have 20% chance to activate a True Accuracy buff for 15 seconds, which increases by a flat rate of 10% for every 10 hits on the combo meter. Cool down of 15 seconds.

    Soul Stone: Whenever Thanos would be Knocked Out, gain an Indestructible buff lasting 20 seconds.

    Time Stone: All Active debuffs on the opponents have an increased duration of 100%.

    Mission - Desperately seeking to unite himself with Death, Thanos embarks on a relentless pursuit of the Infinity Stones: Gain a* number of Persistent charges equal to the number of opponents taken down during the quest. Maximum of 6 Persistent Charges.

    Signature ability - Destiny's Child: Thanos' Titan physiology becomes even more efficient at harnessing the power of the Stones, resulting in 50% increased Buff potency.

    He can have medium base health and attack because of all the utility the Stones give him.
  • Notsavage19Notsavage19 Member Posts: 2,817 ★★★★★

    Joe Fixit

    Signature Ability

    Rigged Game
    Joe Fixit may choose one permanent suit, replacing one of his 3 random poker suits. This cannot be re-rolled during the fight.
    If all 3 of Joe's suits are identical:
    Debuffs gain 30% potency and duration
    Attack, Critical Rating, and Critical Damage Rating are increased by 20%
    Healing abilities gain 30% potency


    An enhanced immune system provides full immunity to the Poisons of the Battlerealm.

    Gambler's Ruin
    At the start of the fight, Joe Fixit gains 3 random poker suits, each letting loose a different aspect of the Gamma-irradiated gangster he is.

    Hearts: Joe triggers his accelerated healing ability, granting 142 health recovery per second per suit. When struck, the opponent has a 10% chance per suit to be inflicted with a Petrify debuff lasting 5 seconds, reducing Regeneration and Power Gain rate by 30% per suit.

    Spades: Mr. Fixit is morally ambiguous at best and knows how to make his punches hurt. Each Medium Attack has a 14% per suit to inflict a Trauma debuff lasting 6 seconds, dealing an additional burst of 40% physical damage whenever he hits his opponent per suit. Each Light Attack has a 20% chance per suit to inflict a Weakness debuff lasting 4 seconds, reducing attack by 10% per suit. When struck, the opponent has a 10% chance per suit to be inflicted with a Fatigue debuff lasting 4 seconds, reducing Critical Rating by 113.16 per suit.

    Clubs: Joe isn't some dumb brute, and he's smart enough to take advantage of anyone who thinks he is, granting +23.44 Critical Rating and +9.34 Critical Damage Rating per suit for each hit on his combo meter.

    Diamonds: He may not be as big as the Hulk, but you still won't like him when you're angry. Joe gains up to 1130 Attack per suit based on lost health. Joe also gains +146 Attack per suit per debuff active on the opponent.

    Heavy Attacks
    Joe rerolls all of his suits.

    Special Attack 1
    80% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 3794 Direct Damage per identical suit.

    Special Attack 2
    100% chance to Paralyze for 3.4 seconds, Stunning the opponent and reducing their Power and Regeneration rate by 50% per identical suit.

    Special Attack 3
    100% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 7010 Direct Damage per identical suit.
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