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Is ROL too easy?

Recently, my alliance was discussing The state of ROL. I said “why not, I’ll do it again.” And that’s what I did. Even without my 5 star SL and most of my other good champs, I beat it without any revives or potions or boosts. Do you think they should make ROL harder? Or keep it the way it is? nhz0rw37g17s.jpeg


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    FooshblalalaFooshblalala Posts: 277 ★★
    Ashburn wrote: »
    I've completed a run of act 5 but have yet to finish rol hahah. Its rewards are not worth my time imo. Perhaps one day when I'm bored I'll complete it

    It’s the best for when you’re bored. Did it first try cause I had nothing else to do. It’s actually pretty fun, and I go back in pretty often to farm potions
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    no keep
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    I'd keep it the same Act 6 coming soon so I mean why worry if it's too easy now you already beat it I know I did soo long ago it's for lower level players to get better
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    Markjv81Markjv81 Posts: 1,016 ★★★★
    Of course it's easier but the rewards also hold less value.
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    phillgreenphillgreen Posts: 3,841 ★★★★★
    Its the only honest piece of content in the game.

    I've said it before but I would like to see a second run offer basic dupes.
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    Man, y'all just need another game man. Or mcoc part 2.

    Part 2 in the current game is coming once Act 6 wraps up the mysterious storyline that was introduced to us in Act 1 and i cant wait to see what will be in Part 2 Phase of Mcoc
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    GhostboytjieGhostboytjie Posts: 2,239 ★★★★★
    Act 6 comming out next year
    So its almost. Now there is a challenge
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    crystaldsmithcrystaldsmith Posts: 471 ★★
    The problem with the content in the game is that it's always either too easy or too hard and as you progress, what's easy and hard changes. They need to keep adding harder content for end game players but there's new people starting up daily so no, it shouldn't change. Much of the content is already a money grab as it is. Kabam won't miss out on keeping the whales spending so give it time. Act 29 will arrive with 9* champs. Lol
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    For those who’ve commented:
    I realize that my wording gave the wrong message to some. I wasn’t trying to brag or show off to people how I beat it with “such ease”, but to start a discussion. I do agree that it is a stepping stone for more beginner-type players, and that making ROL harder would not be very fun for those beginners.
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    OMC_PintoOMC_Pinto Posts: 101
    For those who’ve commented:
    I realize that my wording gave the wrong message to some. I wasn’t trying to brag or show off to people how I beat it with “such ease”, but to start a discussion. I do agree that it is a stepping stone for more beginner-type players, and that making ROL harder would not be very fun for those beginners.

    Thats exactly why they introduced RTTL and LOL, they are the same concept as ROL but harder. Each one relevant to your current level in game.
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    I can't beat winter soldier yet, so no, it is not too easy.
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    AleorAleor Posts: 3,077 ★★★★★
    if you want some fun, try doing it with 3* using only pre 12.0 champs (put away morningstar, hype, possibly x23 and rulk . gully presented back then, I guess)
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    B_Dizzle_01B_Dizzle_01 Posts: 1,637 ★★★
    They did make it harder. LoL is the harder version.
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    MrMaatMrMaat Posts: 302 ★★
    Aleor wrote: »
    if you want some fun, try doing it with 3* using only pre 12.0 champs (put away morningstar, hype, possibly x23 and rulk . gully presented back then, I guess)

    hype was around a good few months before v12.0
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    WelderofortuneWelderofortune Posts: 527 ★★
    edited October 2018
    Maybe up the difficulty the second play thru and allow you to dupe the champs you get, the first time around the horn. I need to awaken that AW God, Cyclops. Wake up people he is the one and truly best option for everything. And it was pretty rough for me the first time thru, so many taps and dashes I thought my thumbs were going to fall off.
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    rockykostonrockykoston Posts: 1,505 ★★★★
    edited October 2018
    After reading this thread, I realized something. It was when I completed ROL that soon after the game started crashing on my phone.

    I think something broke after doing those long fights.
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    RaiserRaiser Posts: 424 ★★
    ROL is a step up stone for new player. They need to get used with a long fight. ROL gives it.
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    _Rick87__Rick87_ Posts: 36
    They definitely shouldn’t make ROL harder! It’s hard enough as it is!!
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    AverageDesiAverageDesi Posts: 5,260 ★★★★★
    The absence of the disagree button is very evident
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    iDestroyerZiDestroyerZ Posts: 717 ★★★★
    edited August 2023
    Necromancy is forbidden :#
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