Void + Avengers Synergy [Not A Bug]

iloveyouall2iloveyouall2 Member Posts: 17
edited October 2018 in Bugs and Known Issues
Void has a synergy called "Overcoming Fear" with Black Widow, OG Vision, Hawkeye, and OG Captain America that grants those champions +15% attack rating. The synergy works, I've tested all of the above champs with and without Void to ensure the difference in their attacks, but there is a problem. The attack rating boost is not added to the champs base stats that are visible during a quest. Maybe this is just a visual glitch, but my concern is that players often use the visual cue of improved attack stats to determine whether or not champions can get the extended enrage timer in Labyrinth of Legends. Most 5* Rank 4 champs need somewhere between a 6% and 12% attack boost to get the extended enrage timer. Voids 15% attack boost synergy should ensure that a 5* Rank 4 Hawkeye, OG Cap, or OG Vision get the extended enrage timer, but without the visual cue of the adjusted attack stat, it's hard to be sure it would actually happen. It's also worth noting that this synergy is worded as a flat attack boost for these champs, in contrast to synergies that say "#% atk boost at the start of the fight." I don't want to invest further into these champs without getting clarity on this. Please advise.


Post edited by Kabam Vydious on


  • BendyBendy Member Posts: 8,748 ★★★★★
    I think it's the wording and does need to say whether in fight or if it says on fight screen defo see it as in the fight and no on the screen as attack synergies that do show on fight screen ad base stats
  • Kabam VydiousKabam Vydious Member Posts: 3,598 ★★★★★
    Hey there!

    The synergy impact will not show on the pre-fight screen but will be present in the actual fight itself! :) Sorry for the confusion this has caused.
  • iloveyouall2iloveyouall2 Member Posts: 17
    Hey there!

    The synergy impact will not show on the pre-fight screen but will be present in the actual fight itself! :) Sorry for the confusion this has caused.

    Thanks for the reply! Does it need to show on the pre-fight screen in order to count towards the attack bonus needed for the extended enrage timer?
    @Kabam Vydious
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