Blade vs Drax

WelderofortuneWelderofortune Member Posts: 527 ★★
I am not sure if this is normal but when I parry with blade vs drax I get two stacks of bleed instead of one? I am not sure why this is happening, thanks for any insight you guys may provide.


  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,933 ★★★★★
    Is due to Drax double hit. Due to it's speed, he is able to hit with the second hit before getting parried
  • Crazy_JamieCrazy_Jamie Member Posts: 345 ★★
    It’s happening because Drax’s dash attack is two hits and not one, so if you parry that attack you get two stacks of bleed. Completely normal.
  • WelderofortuneWelderofortune Member Posts: 527 ★★
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