Collector, here I come

I’m about to enter the collector chapter, I have 1758 units and am maxed out on all pots, I’m going in with4* blade, 4* mephisto, 4* GG, 5* Thor Rag, and 5* Spider-Man classic, any advice?
In which case do consider swapping out classic spidey for hulk
The rest of your team is fine, dunno what you using GG against though
I think that(not sure) each hit from collector sp1 and sp2 counts as seperate sources, so i dont think that ice armor will help you here.
I know that hulk with thor rag synergy, while the indestructible is active, hulk can survive collector sp3
@Championcritic should I go for trinity + Fragoroc and Hulk then?
For 5.2.6, i would recoommend path E followed by path A, thats what i used if im not wrong.
Have you 100%? I am working on 100%, currently 5.3 but already half done with 5.2 from before. How you think Hulk with Angela Hela synergy would do, should cut revives in half wouldn't you think?
You thinking Bane? I dont think caltrops in 5.2.6 on anypath, bane is on them all. Path champ recommend is godlsayer and crit.