Monthy Quest - Why is Heroic Exploration Required

I'm sitting here in my office, with the game on autoplay. Finishing up the Monthly Quest Heroic mode, so that I can unlock the real fights in Master mode. I am using random 5/50's from my roster. I'm am barely paying attention to the game, but I'm grinding away, purchasing energy refills so that i can get through this content. I'm not reading the story, nothing. There is nothing difficult about these fights with 1500 PI opponents, its not challenging anything but my patience.
I am far from an elite player, my roster is good but not great. I am not alone being completely disengaged from the game during the Heroic quest. It is a necessary evil, and it is boring.
For those going for Legend titles, the Heroic quests are even more tedious. Fights that end in very few hits, endlessly looking at loading screens. For the upper echelon of players, those pushing the limits of speed runs on new content, do you really want them playing this easy content?
Please drop the Heroic Exploration requirement for the monthly quests. There is a huge number of players that have mature enough rosters that it is simply an annoyance to run.
Doing so would also increase the participation and competition for Legend titles because it would lessen the advantage that certain devices have over others due to fight loading times. It is well know that certain devices are a detriment to competing for legend titles, simply due to the high percentage of time sitting at the loading screens in the Heroic mode.
I'm not trying to show off here, the Heroic difficulty level has its place. If you see that content as challenging and the rewards are valuable, then you should do the content. If you are one that taps out at the Heroic level, consider if the game made you complete the Normal difficulty 100% prior to playing the Heroic mode.
This is an opportunity to make a change that a high percentage of your players would applaud.
Thanks for considering.
I am far from an elite player, my roster is good but not great. I am not alone being completely disengaged from the game during the Heroic quest. It is a necessary evil, and it is boring.
For those going for Legend titles, the Heroic quests are even more tedious. Fights that end in very few hits, endlessly looking at loading screens. For the upper echelon of players, those pushing the limits of speed runs on new content, do you really want them playing this easy content?
Please drop the Heroic Exploration requirement for the monthly quests. There is a huge number of players that have mature enough rosters that it is simply an annoyance to run.
Doing so would also increase the participation and competition for Legend titles because it would lessen the advantage that certain devices have over others due to fight loading times. It is well know that certain devices are a detriment to competing for legend titles, simply due to the high percentage of time sitting at the loading screens in the Heroic mode.
I'm not trying to show off here, the Heroic difficulty level has its place. If you see that content as challenging and the rewards are valuable, then you should do the content. If you are one that taps out at the Heroic level, consider if the game made you complete the Normal difficulty 100% prior to playing the Heroic mode.
This is an opportunity to make a change that a high percentage of your players would applaud.
Thanks for considering.
I waste so much time trying to find time just to fully explore heroic on autoplay. Just so that I can get to Master level. Needs to be an easier way to get to master.
We aren't asking for you to make heroic harder, I'm sure some need them as is, but for those of us who actually do master or go for legend runs, it's a massive, disengaging waste of time.
Having the legends run only focus on master however that sounds like a great idea. I know having to set aside 4 hours sucks. And also the fights in heroic are boring once you have a solid roster. It isn't like we go and replay act 3.
Haha, I think you just defeated your own request by admitting that. Kabam has to know how easy, pointless, and boring it is.
I'm only at 235k and auto-explored it all, never had to fight anything myself.
Example I have 5600 prestige, obviously like all of you there is zero chance that I would take any damage for the entire quest.
Say it takes 15 energy refills. That is 450 units. make a key for 500 units and I would buy it every time.
As far as legend runs, if you chose to bypass heroic with the purchased key, you simply don't qualify for the legend title.
My two cents but with Kabam it may take 20 million cents to get them to change it!