Would You Trade Two Of Your 6* Champs for 10K 6* Shards?

SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
Many of us have “benchwarmer” level 6* champs - that even as a 6* go unused. Would you trade two of your existing 6* champs for 10,000 6* shards? Even at the risk of pulling one of the traded in champs a second time?

Would You Trade Two Of Your 6* Champs for 10K 6* Shards? 153 votes

I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
LogarooVdh2008BigPoppaCBONERagamugginGunnerErza_ScarletJamesMLoPrestiSpity68JayMMmmmbanyasSIlverProfessorAsukiraManup456OopsOopsPcc880DrownedGodDuo_Kuliochunkybsublime2323Googleplexian 51 votes
I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
DNA3000GamerdanielmathThe_OneKenny292MegaSkater67AakashOKAYGangMhykkebuffajrThe_PushMSRDLDnebStryke71121nameplasDarkrider05hendroidsvR4GEWaynedavySavio444 59 votes
I would if I had two bad 6* pulls but I don’t
SnakeEyes69Jets44adqqedfyvrSpeedbumpWeb_Slinger_77SungjLvernon15Anonymous346ReevinniegainzA l p h aCupiddfmoore26spktobalasbdjdkcx23433TheRealmKeeperCh1efsterAleorSairam44 38 votes
Other (explain)
Apocalypse189SceptilemaniacRaikisNamelezFrivolousz21 5 votes


  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    I would trade two for one. My first two 6* were Jane Foster Thor and Beast. Not great on offense or defense. My third pull was Luke Cage, who is awesome. And it makes me wish I had another better 6*. They take so much time to save up for that it sucks to get pulls that aren’t so great.

    We can trade in T4 class cats... how about 6* champs?

    The end.
  • slayer6slayer6 Member Posts: 377 ★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Hell yes they can have there stupid waste of champion deadpool xforce and they can have underpowered gamora back also
  • Vegeta9000Vegeta9000 Member Posts: 204 ★★
    edited October 2018
    I wouldnt want to trade my Daredevil and Storm or Loki and Winter Soldier in, because i can guarantee id get a Deadpool X Force or Juggerno in return. Winter Soldier and Loki are actually decently usable, Winter Soldier especially with my Killmonger. Daredevil also hits surprisingly hard with specials.
  • NamelezNamelez Member Posts: 992 ★★★
    Other (explain)
    I don't have any yet I will in a month or so tho 😂
  • slayer6slayer6 Member Posts: 377 ★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Id keep my ws and red hulk though
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    I would probably pull someone worse
  • LoPrestiLoPresti Member Posts: 1,035 ★★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    I would trade my duped 6* Iron Fist for 1000 6 star shards...
  • HoboSwagginzHoboSwagginz Member Posts: 3
    I would if I had two bad 6* pulls but I don’t
    Lol, on my other account my 6 stars where Kamala Kahn, Loki, Thor Jane Foster, Iron Fist and Captain America (origional) I would trade any of them except iron fist
  • SIlverProfessorSIlverProfessor Member Posts: 520 ★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Why do you like iron fist so much?
  • axelelf_1axelelf_1 Member Posts: 775 ★★★
    Lol, on my other account my 6 stars where Kamala Kahn, Loki, Thor Jane Foster, Iron Fist and Captain America (origional) I would trade any of them except iron fist

    Wow. That's a lot of 6*s. What's even more impressive is your 6* KK and Og Cap (being as how they're not available as 6*s)
  • Bdavis_2017Bdavis_2017 Member Posts: 245
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    Nope, more champs = more arena points
  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Nope, more champs = more arena points

    I don't believe in Arena though. I haven't done arena for champs or T4B since 2016.
  • Apocalypse189Apocalypse189 Member Posts: 1,135 ★★★
    Other (explain)
    No 6* here yet
  • This content has been removed.
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards

    In a heartbeat lol.
  • taojay1taojay1 Member Posts: 1,062 ★★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards

    In a heartbeat lol.

    @Worknprogress odd flex but ok
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    taojay1 wrote: »

    In a heartbeat lol.

    @Worknprogress odd flex but ok

    Compared to my 5* luck, my 6* has been trash. I'd dump every single one of them
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Don't have a 6*, but they can take my 5* KK, OML, and a bunch of others for a 6*.

    Selling them would give me maybe 3000 shards, and that's just not enough to justify selling.
  • Spidey983Spidey983 Member Posts: 93
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    I'd keep my Angela and Hawkeye. I'm hoping to get another great pull soon.
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,937 ★★★★
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    I like my 6* rulk and Angela so no.
  • dkatryldkatryl Member Posts: 672 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    LoPresti wrote: »
    I would trade my duped 6* Iron Fist for 1000 6 star shards...

    I see I'm not the only one that got the gut punch of opening that guy twice.

    I wouldn't trade him in, because could just pull another turd.

    However, I think duping a 6* should give you at least 275 6* shards until 7* shards become a thing.
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    With 6 that I don't like, most definitely. But I also know I'd probably be trading two bad ones for another bad one lol. I'd still take the chance.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    Why would i get rid of 20k shards worth of effort if there is a chance that i will get back one of what i initially wanted to get rid of in the first place? If i could choose trade in 2 6*s to be allowed to choose from 1 of 5 champs of my choice picked randomely, that i would consider.
  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Why would i get rid of 20k shards worth of effort if there is a chance that i will get back one of what i initially wanted to get rid of in the first place? If i could choose trade in 2 6*s to be allowed to choose from 1 of 5 champs of my choice picked randomely, that i would consider.

    Give me an example of Kabam being that generous.

    I’m being realistic. Currently, Kabam wants three T4 class cats in exchange for one random one that is anything other than what you traded in. So that is three for one.
  • ChampioncriticChampioncritic Member Posts: 3,347 ★★★★
    I wouldn’t trade two of my 6* champs for 10K 6* shards
    Exactly, which is why i'm never trading in my t4cc. And even then, the t4cc trade-in crystals assure that you do not get back what you traded away, so in that regard its better than the OP's suggestion where you have a chance to get back what you traded away.
  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    I would trade two of my 6* champs in for 10K 6* shards
    Exactly, which is why i'm never trading in my t4cc. And even then, the t4cc trade-in crystals assure that you do not get back what you traded away, so in that regard its better than the OP's suggestion where you have a chance to get back what you traded away.

    But I am the OP.

    Mind blown.

    The end.
  • MrBanksMrBanks Member Posts: 1,002 ★★★
    I would if I had two bad 6* pulls but I don’t
    Absolutely worth it.

    Netflix Daredevil + Deadpool X-Force

    Traded in for:

    Corvus Glaive, Domino, Cap IW, Iron Man IW, it’s worth taking the risk.

    Then again if you get Gamora that sucks lol
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