How much do you play arena

Tomstar124Tomstar124 Member Posts: 144
Just wondering how much arena people play I personally don’t play much


  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 779 ★★★
    Every catalyst arena and featured till 6.5kk
  • MarriMarri Member Posts: 260 ★★
    Once every 2 weeks I'll do the 3*, 4* and 5* weekend arena up to and including milestone 3. No more.
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    Every day for milestones from 2* till 4* featured.
  • Romo790Romo790 Member Posts: 140
    Way too much

    Same here. Lol.
  • bm3eppsbm3epps Member Posts: 1,157 ★★★
    edited October 2018
    not in awhile..have most of the recent basic champs and the new featureds doesn't peak my interest enough to grind..may do the T4B arena to rank up current roster
  • The_OneThe_One Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
    Alpha and t4b arena.
    At least the final milestone in 4* basic unless it's a champ I don't have then I'll do what needs doing to get it plus usually 6.5-7 million in the 5* arena
  • Austin555555Austin555555 Member Posts: 3,043 ★★★★★
    Any new featured champ. But only 3* arena
  • AleorAleor Member Posts: 3,085 ★★★★★
    do first two rounds in 2* and 3* arenas to get some units, sometimes forget to do even that. occasionally can do 5* featured arena when I need 200 or less shards to get next 5*
  • Bruce12342Bruce12342 Member Posts: 237
    Enough to earn 800K BC a week
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Only really do first 3 miestones in the 4* basic lol
  • Horror_punkHorror_punk Member Posts: 1,058 ★★★★
    I did the following
    Year 1 in this game: 30k pvp arena fights
    Year 2 in this game: 42k pvp arena fights
    Year 3 in this game: 12k pvp arena fights
    Year 4 in this game: zero

    Reduced arena by end of year 2
    Maybe due to time constraints or Lagging in game or both

    Right now standing on 85k plus arena fights and don't want to increase that thing anymore
    Sometimes doing basic arena just to make enough Battleships for donations that's it
  • Bdavis_2017Bdavis_2017 Member Posts: 245
    6.5k in 5* feautured and that’s it
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    Ive been in plat 1 and master alliances since seasons started and I might play a round of arena once a month just to hit the minimums for rank rewards in just one arena
  • MrOnizukaMrOnizuka Member Posts: 121
    Just started playing 17weeks ago and up till now, i has been scoring every single champs from basic arena and hitting all milestones on other arenas. I would say roughly 350k-400k BC per week. Just got my uncollected yesterday.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,498 ★★★★★
    The majority of my game time is in the Arena.
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★
    Play enough to get 5* Vision. B)
  • ContestOfNoobsContestOfNoobs Member Posts: 1,571 ★★★★
    unless im not going for featured champ,
    i get top 10% in 5* arena, 4-5m a day doing 2-3 runs wih my roster

    that's 4,000 5* shards and 400 6* a week. add it up and it stacks up.
  • RajutedaRajuteda Member Posts: 565 ★★
    edited October 2018
    After I sold majority of my 4* champs I now realized how easy arena is to farm 1500 units a month easily

    So I'm going to do 6 months of arena grinding, get to around 20k units and then 100% LOL
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    3* Until 640k (top milestone)
    4* basic If it's a champ I don't have or need to duped, 2.8-4.5m(Corvus), else 1.5M (top milestone)
    4* feat. 350k to 1M.
    5* feat. 1M

    Doing it while watching tv.
  • CiqMCOCCiqMCOC Member Posts: 63
    Top milestones in 2*, 3*, 4* basic, 2mil in 4* feat and 6mil in 5* feat
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,111 ★★★★★
    almost never, recently i started because im bored
  • NguyenDauNguyenDau Member Posts: 248
    dont bother doiing arena it kills my "fun" cuz arena is way to boring
  • roberto94roberto94 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    It may be bored but it’s got fast way to get those BC to donation. Golds is slow to work up but then you have quests that gives around 2-500 golds. Do event quest as it always give a little more 500 golds per fights so that’s better than nothing. You also have 4 days to do some milestones grind... 2-3* is free-gold entry which will always give you + revenue so it can actually be another good way to farm golds to get those donations in and to upgrade. It takes times but in the end it’s worth it. You can always invest the gold mastery to increase the revenue if you realllllllyyy neeeeeedd the golds <3
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
  • RaiserRaiser Member Posts: 424 ★★
    All arena..
  • MaatttyyMaatttyy Member Posts: 77
    Usually only 800k - 1M in the featured 4 star. I don't have the depth to do more
  • belli300belli300 Member Posts: 704 ★★★
    Not at all anymore the rewards don’t match the effort for the current state of the game anymore arena is boring trash
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    I only do arena for the milestones and do at least 1M in 5* arena for 5* shards..I need the BCs for donations and gold
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