Price Points

I would like to have a serious discussion about reasonable price points from both spending players and free to play players.
I personally believe a lot of the deals are spot-on, but most are over-inflated. I get it, it is a business, but as it has been said before would you rather sell 1,000 units at $100 or 10,000 units at $50?
So what is a fair price for the following end-game items in units (please try to be reasonable, meaning they will never sell a full formed T2A for $5)
Full T2A -
Full T5B -
T4CC -
Basic 5* crystal -
Marvelous 5* crystal -
I personally believe a lot of the deals are spot-on, but most are over-inflated. I get it, it is a business, but as it has been said before would you rather sell 1,000 units at $100 or 10,000 units at $50?
So what is a fair price for the following end-game items in units (please try to be reasonable, meaning they will never sell a full formed T2A for $5)
Full T2A -
Full T5B -
T4CC -
Basic 5* crystal -
Marvelous 5* crystal -
Full T5B - $70
T4CC - $10
Basic 5* crystal - $75
Marvelous 5* crystal - $100
To me that's reasonable based on my spending habits and wishful thinking. I have to pay to play after all... i also find getting the God tier is more important than any resources out there atm so I priced any hero crystals and the chance to get a better champion higher than any resources.
Lol one can only dream
Also I guess I am not expecting those to be readily available in store; still need to come in as a deal once in a blue moon kinda offer
I had similar #s in mind. I was thinking closer to $40 for a T2A.
But yes, for me its more about champion availability, not so much resources.
Obviously people spend enormous amounts of money on it, but I’ll never understand how anyone can say it’s reasonable.
Not disagreeing with you obviously I also can't understand why ppls buy a Lamborghini instead of a 2nd hand civic or do what they do... at the end everyone's spending habit is different. When I say reasonable I just mean based on historical kabam offer , how the game progresses and my current desire to keep up with content that's what I might consider a deal.
Agreed. You could spend $5000 on Ægon FGMCs or on a used but usable doesn’t make sense to me to spend that much on a game, but then again, I don’t have tons of cash to burn. Just different people spending their money for what they want. Doesn’t mean it’s smart or a “wise” usage, but at least it keeps the game running for ftp people.
I want most offers to be as expensive as possible because I want as small a gap as possible between spenders and the free to play players. I don't want things to be "reasonable" I want the best way to get most stuff to be game play, and if someone wants to spend money to jump past gameplay I want to extract as much money out of them as possible, most of the time.
If everything cost a "reasonable" amount, then a large percentage of players would spend the reasonable money to get those reasonable things. And then the game becomes all but ridiculous to play for anyone trying to play for free, because even small spenders would be light years ahead of them.
People keep calling this game "pay to win" because things are expensive. But that's completely backwards. It is precisely because things are expensive that spending offers a much smaller advantage than it could, and free to play players are still reasonably competitive with all but the highest tier of players.
The occasional great value offer is not a problem: it is the exception that sometimes converts free to play players into spending players, and it is not problematic when it is infrequent. But in general, the more I see Prof Hoff handing out F-minuses, the more confident I am that the monetization group is doing their jobs correctly. In a well-managed F2P game, most cash offers should have very "bad" value. Because that's not supposed to be the way most resources are earned.
To put it another way, the game needs money to function. But the game should offer the smallest possible advantage to people who spend that will still encourage them to spend. So what the offers should do is find people willing to spend a lot and don't need to get a lot in return for that money. And that means that very often, you're not going to be that guy, and you'll think the offer has poor value, and you won't buy it. And that's exactly what's supposed to happen.
All i see nowdaysbis people wanting to see he next offer from kabam just to bash it and being mad cause they think its a bad offer.
Just wait for the main deals if u really wanna spend and get value.
1. July 4th
2. Nov blackfriday/cybermonday
3. Def chrisfmas/newyears
At the end of the day, Nobody is asking or telling you to buy it.
At the end of the day you want to progress in his game, ofcourse the only way to catch up to veterans is by spending to catch up. But again u can never catch up, because this game is in it for the long run.
Take a look at last years offers,
Again we are waiting for a better deal, but if this same deal was to show up 2018, alot of people would bash it.
Lets take another step..2 years ago on offers
This was 1 of the best offers we have ever seen when it came out..and in 2016 people got this deal, including me who thought this was an amazing value where all i wanted was to get my 4* roster game up and grow my small 5* roster...
Now lets fast forward 2 years..bamm
2018, again this offers would be..considers as small “bonus” to people who buy units.
YES people buy units 3100’with no bonuses
Thats why units offers+ bonus items are so rare!
But it will also be bashed by people because they think its a bad offer and kabam should offer more if this was offered in 2018
In summary just wait for this years blackfriday/cybermonday deals then we will also comeback to this same discussion in 2019
I think 4th of july deal was 1 of the “best”
Deal this year, people are chasing that t5b and we already seen alot of bad offers outside of 4th of july.
But i see 2019,2020 4th of july deals to be better, we could even see t5cc when we can r3/4 6* champions but again...
We run into the same cycle, people will complain that spenders will spend, and playing in high tier aw rewards will rewards those who play at a high level.
But nobody bats an eye when u can get 9,000 t5b every month from
100% uncollected
But people will be quick to be angry at
$100 4,500 t4b offer
The offer targets people who want to “spend” to progress now.
In 2 years t5b will be a free calender item,just like we see t2lpha become
A calender item but still be sold $ offers
But again we also see kabam value t2alpha at $100 range but nobody bats an eye when they gave 2 free t2lpha in dec 2017/jan2018
Again, play,spend in your means and progress, its not a race, its a marathon,
believe it from
Someone who thought 5* was Where it stopped,and grinded his way to a 90 5* roster and now lookking to grow a 6* roster.
Who knows maybe in future there will be 7* in the game.