Looking for players to join our alliance platinum 3!
Hi guys we are relax alliance
Focusing at aw! We were very close last season only 1 win away from platinum 2! This year we want to achieve this goal
Looking for players with experience at tier3 path 4-5-6
Aq map 5
Donation 107k gold 23k bc and 10 loyalty
Time zone prefer is Europe India
Hit me in the game : the king NIV
Or line: thekingniv
Focusing at aw! We were very close last season only 1 win away from platinum 2! This year we want to achieve this goal
Looking for players with experience at tier3 path 4-5-6
Aq map 5
Donation 107k gold 23k bc and 10 loyalty
Time zone prefer is Europe India
Hit me in the game : the king NIV
Or line: thekingniv