Do you click HELP button after reaching 1000 Loyalty points ?

Do you click HELP button after reaching 1000 Loyalty points ?
I just want to know what else rewards can i get after 1000 points?
I just want to know what else rewards can i get after 1000 points?
He’s still there, just extremely rare
is nearly impossible to get.
but do u earn any points for clicking HELP after 1000 ?
Let's say you're 4 energy away from 100% on an EQ difficulty.. You got 6 minutes before it expires.. You request help, 10 players active but the response you get is "Nah I reached my 1000 loyalty there's nothing in it for me. Better luck next time"
Doesn't exactly scream team spirit does it..
OIC thanks, anyway i am more interested if KABAM give extra crystals shards after the 1000 points.
Ooops, i thought it was designed by KABAM for us to click HELP 1000 points.
Regardless of this I you should always help your buddys.