Ghost Rider’s Judgments and Cornered

I played against cornered in AW with Ghost Rider and the judgments acted as a damage over-time debuff.
How do I know this?
I had about 6 judgments on Killmonger and I couldn’t even do a 5 hit combo without having him get a bar of power, potentially even two if it was at the cusp of the first bar.
How are judgments damage over-time debuffs?
Judgments don’t do ANY immediate damage, at all. How can it do no damage but then qualify for “over-time damage debuff”?
How do I know this?
I had about 6 judgments on Killmonger and I couldn’t even do a 5 hit combo without having him get a bar of power, potentially even two if it was at the cusp of the first bar.
How are judgments damage over-time debuffs?
Judgments don’t do ANY immediate damage, at all. How can it do no damage but then qualify for “over-time damage debuff”?
I tried to do a sp3 but the damnation didn’t stay.
Please stop saying the same thing over
When its the 3rd or 4th judgement it lasts pretty much a while...
I believe the OP is somewhere in tier 1-5, so the bleed immunity node would be active.
Did you perhaps had the resonate mastery?