New Champion incoming: "The Champion of the Universe!?"

I'm a genuine Marvel fan that has been suprised again and again by characters that appear in this game that I've never even heard of before. This new champ that's recently been shown off known as the "Champion of the Universe" who is also an "Elder of the Universe" had me speechless when I glimsed the video of him performing his SP3 (Super). I'm honestly excited as hell to see more of the character man; are you guys excited too? what's your guys take on this "Champion of the Universe" and his role for him in MCOC?
He’s talking about the latter
I'm hoping that She-Hulk gets her own back with a decent synergy. She's actually the nearest thing he should have to a nemesis in the game.
Really hoping she gets a synergy buff.
Kabam is running out of marvel champs and trying to figure out how to keep the game alive and relevant.
Dr. Zola
Well Champion never met Sentry or Cage in the comics, whereas She-Hulk memorably kicked the #*¥% out of him.
So those synergies don't represent a wasted opportunity in any way, because 'Tough Brawler' (either as a description or a synergy) clearly couldn't have been applied to our dear meme-tier She-Hulk.
Given that Luke Cage was completely revamped to demi-god tier a few months back and so doesn't actually need a synergy buff half as much as she does, it seems pretty clear to me that Kabam has no intention of ever buffing Shulkie. 😢😢😢
Don’t see how this guy is a joke. Considering he’s an eternal and the original guardian of the power stone, he’s a pretty big character in certain parts of marvel.