Good bye labs

HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126
May you never return, RNG based paths plus RNG rewards where the best waste of time in a long time. To be fair Modoks Labs where no better, back to the drawing board with side quests. The extra difficulty in EQ/Gwenpool Quest, those have been great, boss rush and celebraty challenges spot on. Dungeons are atleast improving not going backwards with rewards.


  • SceptilemaniacSceptilemaniac Member Posts: 1,247 ★★★★
    I too loved the labs and more so, the wild cat

  • A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Was that from all 70 crystals! If so, i take back my statement and apologise! The rewards should be more set for the same content! I see your point! Same work for massively differing rewards in cases
  • A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    However i really enjoyed this content rewarding the skilled players with rewards better than war seasons in most cases! Which is kinda sad considering
  • godsquad891godsquad891 Member Posts: 779 ★★
    I didn't even play them but I did 100% all eq this month
  • HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126
    The concept and challenge weren’t the problem, other then odd Korg fight with 6 buff it’s a nice challenge. Just a lot of extra work for pretty poor rewards in some cases. If a player only got 5* shards while others got full t2 alphas Id feel rather jaded.
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  • HeretodieHeretodie Member Posts: 126
    Best answer for Labs is 3 paths with different rewards matching the random rewards they give now. Lane 1 X amount of 5* shards Lane 2 X amount of t2 alphas shards lane 3 X amount of t5bc and then let players picks. Then players would feel less cheated with bad RNG luck for an entire month.
  • AakashAakash Member Posts: 340
    Labs were awesome. Bring them back!
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    Labs : the most abnoxious time consuming not worthy game mode. Some people like them I hate them. The only thing I hate the most is dungeons.

    On the other hand: Symbiote Difficulty: Amazing rewards and FUN to play. Credit when credit is due.

    Back in the day when this game was Quest focused the game was more fun.
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 864 ★★★
    I loved the labs! All 70 epic crystals barely any units needed! 15k 5 star shards, 25k t2a shards and 7k t5b! If anything we need more like this!

    Congrats man, you were on the high end. My final haul (Epic diff, all days) was:

    12,500 5* shards
    7,000 t5b
    12,000 t2a

    Not bad but given the time commitment should have been less RNG in rewards. I would be ok with the difficulty if that were the case.
  • Nemesis666Nemesis666 Member Posts: 186
    Love the labs. Pls come back
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    Loved the labs. Don't know what you guys are talking about with bad rewards. Basically a free 5* featured crystal for no energy at all
  • A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    allinashes wrote: »
    I loved the labs! All 70 epic crystals barely any units needed! 15k 5 star shards, 25k t2a shards and 7k t5b! If anything we need more like this!

    Congrats man, you were on the high end. My final haul (Epic diff, all days) was:

    12,500 5* shards
    7,000 t5b
    12,000 t2a

    Not bad but given the time commitment should have been less RNG in rewards. I would be ok with the difficulty if that were the case.

    Thats still very good! But i agree maybe next time should just be a set say.. 250 5 star shards 150 t2a and 100 t5b for each one you do... so if everyone does them they get 17500 5 star shards 10500 t2a shards and 7000 t5b for example?
  • WorknprogressWorknprogress Member Posts: 7,233 ★★★★★
    edited November 2018
    I didn't keep a tally but I got at least around 6-7k t5b and 10k t2a. Don't consider that bad at all. It 's almost what you get from EQ
  • roastedbagelroastedbagel Member Posts: 350 ★★★
    edited November 2018
    Heretodie wrote: »
    Then you sir are one of the luckier ones, I got 3000 t2 5000 t5bc and 10k 5* shards give or take. Luck based rewards are just **** in my opinion, should be set rewards for set difficulty. Rather not gamble my resources for a chance at t2 shards.

    You got 5k T5b shards for what was probably 15 minutes a day and you're complaining???

    What a world we live in today 😂😂

    You realize that's about the amount you get for 3 long, grueling, painful war seasons in Gold 1/Platinum 3?

    Kabam don't listen to these people - more labs please!!!!
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  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    If they gonna keep the rng rewards they can stay gone
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,435 Guardian
    Heretodie wrote: »
    Rather not gamble my resources for a chance at t2 shards.

    And yet, you did.
  • EvilEmpireEvilEmpire Member Posts: 639 ★★★
    Only major criticism would be that t5b frags be given in small chunks for every completion as opposed to a jackpot as obviously the distribution will be uneven, it’s too limited of a resource to have some guys getting twice as much as others. Personally I really liked the difficulty however their should be some limitation on certain node interactions so we aren’t running into impossible situations. Good concept overall tho.
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