SpiderGwen Buff

Passive: Regenerate 100 health every second per buff active.
Passive: 25% chance to activate a passive Fury increasing her attack by 400. (Doesn't Stack.)
Passive: While charging a heavy SpiderGwen becomes more focused and activates a permanent Precision increasing crit chance by 12%. (Lasts until Struck. Max Stack: 5.)
Hunter Spider: Critical hits guarantee an armor break lasting 10 seconds.
Trap Spider: Critical hits have a 20% chance to web the opponent to the ground paralyzing them for 3 seconds.
Venomous Spider: Critical hits have a 100% chance to poison the opponent dealing 10 damage per stack. (Lasts until the end of the fight.) (Max Stack: 100)
Changing Stances: Dash back and hold block for 1.5 seconds.
Special 1: (SpiderGwen now lunges at her opponent with body blows before jumping back and webbing them to the ground.)
Hunter Spider Sp1: 100% chance to place a weakness on the opponent reducing their attack by 25%. Lasts (15 seconds.) (Paralyze the opponent for 3 seconds.)
Trap Spider Sp1: Paralyze the opponent for an additional 3 seconds. (6 seconds total.)
Venomous Spider Sp1: Webs from this attack inflict poison on the opponent lasting 5 seconds and dealing 500 damage. (Paralyze for 3 seconds.)
Special 2: (All Stances) 77% chance to stun for 3.5 seconds.
Special 3: (All Stances) 100% chance to inflict poison lasting 3 seconds dealing 700 damage. Inflict a permanent armor break reducing armor by 500. Paralyze the opponent for 4 seconds.
Signature Ability: 5% chance to evade and paralyze the opponent for 1 second. All debuffs and buffs last 1 second longer.
Synergies: Im the REAL SpiderMan!: (All SpiderVerse champions) SpiderVerse heroes have 10% enhanced abilities.
True Love: (SpiderMan Classic) All champions gain 5% health, attack, and power.
Quick Reflexs: (Falcon) Falcon: Critical hits activate a passive Precision lasting 30 seconds and increasing crit chance by 3%.
SpiderGwen: Critical hits activate a passive Cruelty increasing crit damage by 200 lasting 30 seconds.
Passive: 25% chance to activate a passive Fury increasing her attack by 400. (Doesn't Stack.)
Passive: While charging a heavy SpiderGwen becomes more focused and activates a permanent Precision increasing crit chance by 12%. (Lasts until Struck. Max Stack: 5.)
Hunter Spider: Critical hits guarantee an armor break lasting 10 seconds.
Trap Spider: Critical hits have a 20% chance to web the opponent to the ground paralyzing them for 3 seconds.
Venomous Spider: Critical hits have a 100% chance to poison the opponent dealing 10 damage per stack. (Lasts until the end of the fight.) (Max Stack: 100)
Changing Stances: Dash back and hold block for 1.5 seconds.
Special 1: (SpiderGwen now lunges at her opponent with body blows before jumping back and webbing them to the ground.)
Hunter Spider Sp1: 100% chance to place a weakness on the opponent reducing their attack by 25%. Lasts (15 seconds.) (Paralyze the opponent for 3 seconds.)
Trap Spider Sp1: Paralyze the opponent for an additional 3 seconds. (6 seconds total.)
Venomous Spider Sp1: Webs from this attack inflict poison on the opponent lasting 5 seconds and dealing 500 damage. (Paralyze for 3 seconds.)
Special 2: (All Stances) 77% chance to stun for 3.5 seconds.
Special 3: (All Stances) 100% chance to inflict poison lasting 3 seconds dealing 700 damage. Inflict a permanent armor break reducing armor by 500. Paralyze the opponent for 4 seconds.
Signature Ability: 5% chance to evade and paralyze the opponent for 1 second. All debuffs and buffs last 1 second longer.
Synergies: Im the REAL SpiderMan!: (All SpiderVerse champions) SpiderVerse heroes have 10% enhanced abilities.
True Love: (SpiderMan Classic) All champions gain 5% health, attack, and power.
Quick Reflexs: (Falcon) Falcon: Critical hits activate a passive Precision lasting 30 seconds and increasing crit chance by 3%.
SpiderGwen: Critical hits activate a passive Cruelty increasing crit damage by 200 lasting 30 seconds.
But not the sig
Mesmerize? Really?
State your case, if you feel like it’s good, I’m open to hear ya. But I hate that, personally
If it’s gotta be like that, that’s an awful combo. Make it a duration after a special or something, like sym spidey. That way, evade can’t completely ”outskill” someone
Add ensnare and paralyze to Sp1 with some damage and she’s a very punishing glass canon. Maybe add those to Sp2 and give Sp1 a huge taunt instead along with the damage aspect.
She doesn’t need a big redesign the biggest issue is she suffers from a bad split personality and her abilities are just a little old.
@Whododo872 also that's a better idea have the mesmerize after a special instead of the entire fight lol