Hawkeye signature ability - the most useless sig ability ever? Simple buff needed.

So I just awekened my 5* r4 Hawkeye and I was really surprised. His signature ability is absolute joke. First I thought I understood it wrong but I did some testing and it was really as bad as it looked at first.
So as I said, my Hawkeye is rank 4. I really like him, he was my 3rd 5 star champ, first champ I took to r4 actually, and he got me places. His mechanics are very very simple yet he is SO useful for general questing, that it didn't really matter if he is awekened or not. I consider Hawkeye the most underappreciated champ out here.
But now I've seen his sig ability, I'm kinda sad, it seems almost unfair how little treatment he got from Kabam. His sig ability is hemorrhage. Basically all it does is every time you use your special attack, you have 25% chance to trigger 60 second bleed. Sounds cool, nothing wrong with that. But there is a catch - bleed damage caused by hemorrhage of my rank 4 Hawkeye during those 60 seconds (sig level 30) is 7489 - lets say 7500 points. That sucks and it's not the worst part - there is second catch - hemorrhage can be triggered only once per fight!
Lets put some perspective here.
-average crit damage of my Hawkeye is slightly below 2000 damage points. Unboosted crit rating 26,5%.
-Hawkeye's special 1 attack (which is the only one you use if you ever play Hawkeye) has 100% chance to inflict bleed damage. For my Hawkeye, that bleed damage is 4282.
-average time to get enough power to sp1 in standard fight (and yes, I'm well aware this is inaccurate at best) is somewhere around 12 seconds
So. Very rounded calculations tell us this:
-Hawkeye's sig ability damage equals around 10 hits.
-I dont want to overcomplicate, lets just say his sp1 damage output (hit+hit+bleed) equals his sig ability damage output (very approximately)
-it is very well possible to launch 5 special 1 attacks in 60 seconds.
If you can put two and two together, you can see that 7500 damage is really lame output as the only reward for this champion being awakened to level 30. The 7.5k damage is not the real problem here though. Problem is that this ridiculously small amount can be triggered ONLY ONCE PER FIGHT. Once per fight I can have extra 7500 damage, if the fight lasts at least 70 seconds (and opponent is not bleed immune).
And that's my point here. Let it stack. Simple as that. Let hemorrhage be stackable debuff, let there be as many hemorrhages as one can trigger and increase trigger chance a little bit, let's say to 50% chance. It's nothing major, but it's nice extra bleed for Hawkeye and it will at least feel real. Because his current sig ability, it is really sad.
for the record: I know I'm operating here with specific numbers for my rank and my sig level, but I can't even find what sig lvl 200 for Hawkeye looks like because why the hell would anyone take him there?
Kabam, please, give him something. He doesn't even have description for SP3
let him be a man, take that once-per-fight cap off. How simple.
So as I said, my Hawkeye is rank 4. I really like him, he was my 3rd 5 star champ, first champ I took to r4 actually, and he got me places. His mechanics are very very simple yet he is SO useful for general questing, that it didn't really matter if he is awekened or not. I consider Hawkeye the most underappreciated champ out here.
But now I've seen his sig ability, I'm kinda sad, it seems almost unfair how little treatment he got from Kabam. His sig ability is hemorrhage. Basically all it does is every time you use your special attack, you have 25% chance to trigger 60 second bleed. Sounds cool, nothing wrong with that. But there is a catch - bleed damage caused by hemorrhage of my rank 4 Hawkeye during those 60 seconds (sig level 30) is 7489 - lets say 7500 points. That sucks and it's not the worst part - there is second catch - hemorrhage can be triggered only once per fight!
Lets put some perspective here.
-average crit damage of my Hawkeye is slightly below 2000 damage points. Unboosted crit rating 26,5%.
-Hawkeye's special 1 attack (which is the only one you use if you ever play Hawkeye) has 100% chance to inflict bleed damage. For my Hawkeye, that bleed damage is 4282.
-average time to get enough power to sp1 in standard fight (and yes, I'm well aware this is inaccurate at best) is somewhere around 12 seconds
So. Very rounded calculations tell us this:
-Hawkeye's sig ability damage equals around 10 hits.
-I dont want to overcomplicate, lets just say his sp1 damage output (hit+hit+bleed) equals his sig ability damage output (very approximately)
-it is very well possible to launch 5 special 1 attacks in 60 seconds.
If you can put two and two together, you can see that 7500 damage is really lame output as the only reward for this champion being awakened to level 30. The 7.5k damage is not the real problem here though. Problem is that this ridiculously small amount can be triggered ONLY ONCE PER FIGHT. Once per fight I can have extra 7500 damage, if the fight lasts at least 70 seconds (and opponent is not bleed immune).
And that's my point here. Let it stack. Simple as that. Let hemorrhage be stackable debuff, let there be as many hemorrhages as one can trigger and increase trigger chance a little bit, let's say to 50% chance. It's nothing major, but it's nice extra bleed for Hawkeye and it will at least feel real. Because his current sig ability, it is really sad.
for the record: I know I'm operating here with specific numbers for my rank and my sig level, but I can't even find what sig lvl 200 for Hawkeye looks like because why the hell would anyone take him there?
Kabam, please, give him something. He doesn't even have description for SP3

I'm not sure why this isn't a bug. Maybe someone is confused about the factor of two that it is off, thinking it is supposed to be off by a factor of two. It is actually off by a factor of two on top of that.
Me and my partners Daredevil and She-Hulk are experts at Contest law and will fight for YOU!
But here are some info that can bandage the issue a little...
Now why will anyone take him to sig 200? Kabam RNG.
The day I maxed the 5* ...my next 6* pull was....yes....Hawkeye! Hamster wheel round and round!
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