Iceman or Duped Wolverine to rank 5?

I’m so torn on this one. I have deep wounds maxed out, but iceman has strong utilization, however Wolverines regen is incredible. Also he’s not available as a five star.

Iceman or Duped Wolverine to rank 5? 37 votes

Alfa_PigeonKenny292Spity68TheManMythLegendSceptilemaniacDuke_SilverStrSandeepSStarKillerVIIVoltolosRockypantherxSidDDragonWebby72AngusMac279mrcyrcleWickedocCowabunga 17 votes
SpeedbumpSixshot1AhitlawCassytufan_1974xananabananaMelkerlanneroMaldroit2TriasEUdoctorbFhfjghhggggjfhfjgWebheadUnltdTivjyotsickboy9Spidey1918PrasannaThanos_CarNaeem_25Tiger360Topraksefer 20 votes


  • Tiger360Tiger360 Member Posts: 1,696 ★★★★
    Obviously Iceman, he's god tier and I'm sure you will dupe him eventually.
  • ManChildManChild Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I don’t know where you are content wise but you are prob gonna want both of these guys. I’d prob do wolvie first and have iceman up there ASAP. Act 5 is a **** without immunes.
  • StarKillerVIIStarKillerVII Member Posts: 75
    I decided on Wolverine, his regen is top notch. Even on bleed immune champs he saves me potions.
  • StarKillerVIIStarKillerVII Member Posts: 75
    edited November 2018
    Iceman is available as a five star champ, so if I get him what’s the point? Wolverine isn’t
  • CassyCassy Member Posts: 1,108 ★★★
    Iceman is way better with biohazard nodes.
    Iceman survives All or nothing nodes.
    Iceman holds down Mephisto.
    Icemans coldsnap, frostbite does damage to All classic double immune =poison/bleed. Saying almost All Champs. The cold immune are rare.

    Wolverie can heal crazy only When u Use less to None super powers.
    He can bleed a bit. But not realy impressive.
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