Which 5* to take to rank 3

I have a few options, but am almost stuck between Archangel and Wasp. Wasp deals some pretty surprising damage, when I first used her I was surprised the damage she could do. But Archangel is, well, Archangel. I had my good luck charm son, Richie spin my crystal and he popped out and I was so excited because he is a god tier if I'm not mistaken, and I never got him as a 4 star. Also, i have a duped 5*, but isn't really very exciting.
Which 5* to take to rank 3 46 votes
Yeah, I actually like old man Logan. If played right he can rack up some crazy damage and bleeds, though sometimes at the cost of intentionally taking damage. That's why he's on the list because he is honestly a possibility in my mind.
Since he aint duped, you can stack poisons to kill off most of the annoying heals instead of converting to neurotoxin or just get enough Neuro's on board to melt through the regen anyway.
Parry/heavy until you have a few bleeds, take some blocked hits to add poison then parry/heavy again.