Sparky not an avenger?

I've noticed for a while that Spiderman Stark Enhanced doesn't have the "avengers" tag anymore, which means that he doesn't give CG the extra charge. I understand WHY u did it (potential 3 charges on corvus). Still so shady HOW u did it. He's an avenger (spoiler alert, he gets the title from Iron Man in the ship going to Thanos world). I just want to confirm that this is not another "questionable bug" noone noticed. Since pretty much everyone that has CG would have.
He is not an avenger is this game
there a video in youtube from Legacy "Spider-Man (Stark Enhanced) 101 - Marvel Contest Of Champions" where at 00:57 you can see the tag. it's from december 3r 2017. They did the switch AFTER CG was out for more than a month (which is AFTER i got him as well, which was a while AFTER the movie)
I don't think he's ever had an #avengers tag. I know for a fact since the first Avengers Use event went live, because I tried using him and got no points and checked.
Im. Can say. In legacy videos he hav the tag.
Yeah, u are mistaken. he was avenger, then new avenger, then removed. Without notice or explanation he gives 1 less charge.
This is correct. Regardless how the tags were added or removed etc...Starky wasn’t an avenger at the time of his release into the game.