Need some advice with 5.2.4

DankestChefDankestChef Member Posts: 420 ★★★
Ive been stuck on 5.2.4 for quite a while and today i decided to pay a revisit.
The team I've bee using are: Sabretooth, AA, Black Panther (OG), Angela, and Ghost Rider.
however, I keep failing with this team and I would appreciate it if can anyone can help me.

Heres my roster:

any help/advice would be great, thanks!


  • JadedJaded Member Posts: 5,477 ★★★★★
    Uh...blade, gr, starky, aa and iceman. Go the lane with yj then to the left.
  • SDPSDP Member Posts: 1,622 ★★★★
    You’re leaving behind some of your best options. Blade, GR, AA (shuts down Masochism if you can get neuros), Venom, and Spidey. Damage over time champs will work fine. Lots of bleeds. Play stun immune to avoid triggering it.
  • RichiesDad79RichiesDad79 Member Posts: 1,018 ★★★
    Sabretooth is a really good option, but he must be paired with Kilmongerto show his true worth and it is made for that level. It basically kills the masochism. I just barely beat that level. It seems like the best way to go would be a team of powerful bleed immune and going the caltrops path. But who has 5 bleed immune champs capable of outdamaging the regen. I don't, I took the optimist/pessimist path and if you go that way beware of the punished and Loki on this path. The 2 of them accounted for at least 60% of my troubles, but the rest of the paths looked way worse. I wish I could tell you that you can easily do it without whipping out the ol wallet. But I'd wrong. If you had the tools to do without units, you'd have done it already, just like I would have if I could have. I was stuck on it for months, tried everything and eventually asked Odin for a loan of his finest tresures. This level is a cash grab, for real, and so is the collector to a lesser extent.
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