Silver/Gold Ally now taking the tortoise route

We are an old alliance under new management and we've decided to scale back the intensity a bit. We are now an alliance that will likely walk the silver/gold tightrope and serve as place for those with smaller rosters to grow or those who want to step back to still feed their roster with the critical pieces without the intensity. We are cool with the idea that you level up your guys a bit with us and then move on to another higher-intensity alliance.

We're now committing 335x5 for AQ with the Map 5 BG a structured group with the most reliable players so everyone gets that crystal. Donations are small as a result. This should provide you a steady stream of glory without needing a lot of potions, too.

We are only running 2 BGs of AW now as first come first served. We do expect if you join AW that you participate in full. You can also sit one out if you're having a rough week outside the game or just want to concentrate on content - hence the 2 BGs.

We got tired of constantly trying to fill the last couple slots and being unable to be competitive without doing so. This will temper that situation. We do use LINE for communication/tagging and general game discussion.

If you're looking to be a little more relaxed, but still competitive and get the basic materials to rank up your champs, drop me a LINE at Rivan562 (see what I did there?) or look us up at tag "oedge" in game.
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