
Just finished a dungeon. It was glitchy from the start. I have the most current version of the game. First the chat wouldn't work. Then after we finished a room, I would say go to the next room and it wouldn't move. Then I had to hit cancel, then the x, then click change decision. Once that was done, it would still show the same room but allow me to move on what appeared to me as already cleared spaces though for the other player, it was the new room. On the final room we were to play it was just stuck and I couldn't move at all no matter what I did. Then once it was over, it stuck on the calculating results screen for me though for the other player he could accept the rewards. I on the other hand had to completely kill the game and because it was stuck. So, we lost points because I couldn't hit exit. I'm very aggravated as the rest of the game works fine for me.