5 Star Black Widow...Signature Level Question

When it comes to 5 Star Black Widow, how does her 5* Signature Ability compare to her 4* Signature Ability?
Does the 5* version gain better stats like Hyperion or does she scale in a similar manner to Vision? Does Subtlety max out (sig 200) at 70% for 5* Black Widow?
For example:
4* Hyperion at Sig 99 (Max sig): 50% increased buff duration
5* Hyperion at Sig 60 (Less than 1/3 max): 72.36% increased buff duration
4* Vision at Sig 99 (Max sig): 50% power from synthesis
5* Vision at Sig 200 (Max sig): 50% power from synthesis
Does the 5* version gain better stats like Hyperion or does she scale in a similar manner to Vision? Does Subtlety max out (sig 200) at 70% for 5* Black Widow?
For example:
4* Hyperion at Sig 99 (Max sig): 50% increased buff duration
5* Hyperion at Sig 60 (Less than 1/3 max): 72.36% increased buff duration
4* Vision at Sig 99 (Max sig): 50% power from synthesis
5* Vision at Sig 200 (Max sig): 50% power from synthesis
Dr. Zola
Dr. Zola
From the black widow in 5.2.4, so 95% reduction against science champs at max sig
Seems to be a reasonable source. So she has a max reduction of 80% instead of 70% at max level.
Thanks for posting.
From crystal opening whales gameplay looks on track with the other post.
Blade and aegon are the two people usually save that gem for
I pulled her from the event crystal, used my 2015 r3-r4.. and the damage is horrible, it is honestly like 4* damage..... @r4!