Arena idea : this would solve everyone's problems

It takes way too much time and money to get any character from arenas whether 3 * featured, 4* basic, or 4* featured. It is always the same people who get the champs. Most people have a day job and a life so can't spend the three days glued to their device. Also, there are so many cheaters in the game making it unfair on people who actually try. It is nearly impossible to get your favurite champs. Personally I do get champs from arenas - but rarely, not the ones I want, and usually just 3 stars. If you made one of the following changes, it would make the game a LOT more fun and would please EVERYONE! Thanks.
Arena idea : this would solve everyone's problems 18 votes
Lower the rank needed for champ in all arenas from top 10 % to top 25% or 30% doubling or tripling the amount of happy people
Even if they changed to 80%, I bet there will be people coming here to whine about it said we should even have lower cutoff because with more people playing, even at 80% it might become 10 mil.
I do not think it would please "everyone" as you claimed because people who spend all their time got the same rewards with people "have life and just played few hour"? You think this is fair?
Do you really care for 3* when you go for 4* already? I rather keep the current rewards, some 4* and 5* shards if not getting the cutoff.
People put work into getting where they are at and that's why it's easier for them. So why should they make it easier for you. Suck it up and grind for the easier champs to grow your roster till you can compete for others. Instead of using your time on the forums go grind for some champs.
Exactly. Some players seem to think that after playing a few months they should be able to compete with others who have played a few years.
How do you think they do it?
If they really want to do that they should create a real PvP system where you can play each other for specific items. Even have a winner takes champ system. You win, you get who you beat, you lose, the opponent gets the champ you lost with. THAT would create competition between summoners.
And whole lot of butthurts and threatenings from the loser his alliance mates would harass you untill u give the champ back with some compensation
I dont like the idea one bit
How is there a complaint? If you don't want to risk your champ, don't play PvP. Since you would both have to be on at the same time and agree to have the match you can set what the winner gets. You could put up a t4mc vs a t4sc or you could wager the champs you use, or wager entirely different champs of the same star rating, or some health potions, or nothing at all just to test your skill against somebody. It couldn't be a blind enter system like the arenas and the 1v1. And before the match starts you get a page to confirm that everything agreed to is there including the champ he will use. I don't see how anyone can complain about losing something when you walk in with your eyes open like that.
I agree with regard to champion arenas being better than they used to be, and I grind for the 4-star basics because I can't spare the time to push for a 4-star featured hero. That's fine with me, and it's my choice to use that fraction of my time.
But it's much harder than it used to be in catalyst arenas, where the rewards still go to the top 50, despite millions now playing the game. So if any arena rewards need to change, make it the catalyst arenas and at least put some shard crystals in there or something!
Well if only regarding potions and energy refills then it seems like a nice idea but losing your champ u got after opening so many 4* crystals by some noob who won cause of you getting kabamed by bugs then yea sure mate
Kabam does not want to change arena system and to enlarge brackets would simply solve temporarily the problem of rewards.
You can only lose what you are willing to risk. But they should allow you to risk anything you want.
The Brackets were "enlarged" not too long ago but yet people still have the problem of rewards so it would not solve anything.
Hadn't thought of that, you are right.
There already are 4 arenas, Sherlock Holmes. 5 if you count the Catalyst ones too.
SARCASM! You know you did it right when people take you seriously.
Lol....the wonders of sarcasm in text form strikes again
I know. It's so hard to understand sarcasm in word form.