I love my r5 SL. Use him in war (platinum 1 ally) and he's so useful for Lol with Guardians synergy (unlimited parry). If you need to do LOL then I would recommend it. If you're done with that then he's probably not essential and his prestige is not great.
Honestly i wouldn't go for SL to r5 simply because he can do everything at R4...he makes up for the attack difference between R4 and r5 within a few hits
The whole he's just as good at R4 argument doesn't hold up imo....the same could be said for a r3. He is my main boss killer in AW, uncollected and saw me through LOL 100% and it doesn't take long to ramp up his damage at all. Think it damage becomes equal to sparky at max poise charges at around 39 hits. For any medium length fight onwards he's amazing
OP is talking about whether he should 5/50 a 4*. I think most of the responses are talking about 5*s. @Gkohler I'm really not ranking any 4*s any more although there are a couple I'd probably make an exception for. But if you are at the stage where you need 4*s, SL 5/50 will help you a lot. And the 4/55 vs. 5/65 debate doesn't really apply to the 4/40 vs. 5/50 4*. Go ahead and rank him.
I have both a 4* starlord at 50/50 and a 5* starlord at 4/55 and I still find uses for both of them. I use the four star in aq for mini boss and boss killing and the 5* is part of my war team. Starlord is the type of champ that you will always find at least some use for, I'd rank him up without hesitating
Rank him up