Dungeon 6 5* champ rank requirement of r3 with random partner

Dungeon 6 needs to have 5* rank requirements when selecting a random player. I selected Dungeon 6 with a random player, I get matched with a player (pictured) who brought two rank 2 5* and couldn't even get out of the first room without KOing his champs. So my champs were then wasted, which is why I'd like to see a requirement of 5* champs with rank 3 or higher would be needed to enter Dungeon 6 with a random player. At least 5* rank 3 champs would help assure that a player isn't being paired up with someone who kills all his champs in the first room because of low ranking champs.

meanwhile i can take some maxed 4*'s through room 3 of D7 while scaring the hell out of my alliance mates.
Even when people bring 6*, they can still be terrible