Can we fix Arenas Please!!!

If i spend units in an arena to get another match, i shouldn't get the same match up 4 or 5 times in a row. That's just not fair.

Every time i spent units for a new match i got the same match up. I made to streak 31 with my lowest 5stars i have. Then i get hit with this. Not happy.

π‘ π‘ π‘

Every time i spent units for a new match i got the same match up. I made to streak 31 with my lowest 5stars i have. Then i get hit with this. Not happy.

π‘ π‘ π‘
This is how every single arena match should look like.... obviously all these matches were easy so adjustments should be made in accordance to their true difficulty. But we should always have an easy, medium and hard to choose from with the hard difficulty awarding more points than the lower difficulties. As it stands, you get the same points from all 3 difficulties. Not that hard of a concept. Keeping your skreak should not be the issue in arenas. Been an issue since day 1 which is why many don't play them. Plus the definitely need to give out more gold and BC with the outrageous cost to run map 6 and you know map 7 will be nuts. Just my rant.
This. One 2/35 champ with two 1/25 champs is usually safe. Two 2/35 champs with one 1/25 champ is always safe.
Honestly i just start at the top and work my way down on my roster. Always choosing the next consecutive 3 champs. I don't have time to remember at what rank everyone is at. Arenas are very tedious as they are. I always use my whole roster most of the time when i grind for gold and BC. That is the only real reason to do them.
I do enough arena to know the ranks of all my 5*s. I also select 5* arena teams based on synergies to boost PI. It took me a few weeks to figure out how to arrange all my 5*s into pairs of 3 that avoid 5* arena death streaks. I consider that time well spent, 5* arena death squads can be intense based on champion and masteries like willpower.
You're hitting Deathmatches because your Total PI is too low. Aim for 10-11k Total PI. You can use 1/25s, but pair them with two stronger Champs to make up the difference.
At the same time players should learn the algorithms that determine deathmatches or just learn how to beat them ( I get 3 of those every time I play arena and I never lose my streak).
Never spend units to get new matches in arena, that's a complete waste. It's fine if you don't like the infinite streak system and want to change it. But it is what it is in game now, spending units won't change it. You're just wasting your resources.
This ^
I always run the same teams, and when I pull a new champ, I work them into the rotation.
But I "cheat" and use to set the basic teams and then modify the suggestion when I rather have some other synergy going, that is either better or plainly easier teams to remember.
I've been doing the same teams for so long that I know automatically who to pick when.
I only change it if I get a new champ that deserves to be ranked up right away which is a rarity
Bro it did change, there was a clear 2k pi drop between screen 1 match 1 and screen 2 match 2.
In all seriousness, try the find a new match when it isn't a death match. Tell us how different those are from this. It's "new" match, not "easier."
That was after 5 tries
And how hard is it when you get half way through your 5*s to put two of your middle ranked 5*s up then scroll down a couple and grab the lowest 5* you have. Takes 2.34 more seconds than doing next 3.
If you really want max points, streak aside, going next 3 heroes up every time isnt going to do it.
You don't have to remember. After you run through the r3 5*s, take one from the top and two from the bottom. Or two from the top and one from the bottom at first until you get past your very lowest PI 5*s.