A LOT of damage... It won't tell you because it's random each time, but she has the strongest bleed in the game by far and a r3 5* Domino can bleed for around 18k per second.
A LOT of damage... It won't tell you because it's random each time, but she has the strongest bleed in the game by far and a r3 5* Domino can bleed for around 18k per second.
Yeah, I have a 5* domino that’s r3 - 45 and was just wondering.
A LOT of damage... It won't tell you because it's random each time, but she has the strongest bleed in the game by far and a r3 5* Domino can bleed for around 18k per second.
Yeah, I have a 5* domino that’s r3 - 45 and was just wondering.
Mine is at r4/55... She can do 30k-36k per second on a good bleed.
Critical bleeds are modified by attack rating and critical damage raiting. Domino has fluctuating attack and crit damage rating so It’ll be close to impossible to predict. Bleeds will tend to be bigger when she is lucky as she has a higher chance to increase her attack and crit damage rating. Her special abilities also increase her attack rating, the modifiers are listed in the description of her specials.
A LOT of damage... It won't tell you because it's random each time, but she has the strongest bleed in the game by far and a r3 5* Domino can bleed for around 18k per second.
A LOT of damage... It won't tell you because it's random each time, but she has the strongest bleed in the game by far and a r3 5* Domino can bleed for around 18k per second.
Yeah, I have a 5* domino that’s r3 - 45 and was just wondering.
Mine is at r4/55... She can do 30k-36k per second on a good bleed.
What rank is she
5* 4/55
Per tick/per second? I consistently get 9k per tick.