How to break a curse

So I know a lot of people keep getting a junk 5* over and over again. Maybe it’s She-hulk, maybe it’s Iron Fist, maybe it’s someone worse.
My curse was 5* Jane foster. Got her 6 times in only a few months.
I managed to break the curse however. I’ve found that taking the champion to r2 and pouring at least 20-40 signature stones into them is enough to break the curse of the “Crystal-Geist” whoever that may be to you.
My curse was 5* Jane foster. Got her 6 times in only a few months.
I managed to break the curse however. I’ve found that taking the champion to r2 and pouring at least 20-40 signature stones into them is enough to break the curse of the “Crystal-Geist” whoever that may be to you.
A full 40! Haven’t gotten her as ANY STAR since
I don't want to be that guy, well I actually really like being that guy so. RNG is RNG ranking them up has nothing to do with it, glad you "Broke the curse" but it had nothing to do with ranking her up.
dont say that or you'll create a whole new curse where you only get her in everything.
psshhh what are you talking about! it had everything to do with that.
This game is sadistic in a way. The more you neglect your top champs the more enticing they become until you so much as touch them and you get nothing for what feels like eons.
No she’s pretty bad as an attacker. Better removal/preventative champs that all out damage/utility her in various aspects and that’s JUST in mystic class.
Voodoo, Ghost Rider, Magik, Hood, Supreme, and that’s jsut lazily listing the first few mystics that pop to mind… oh Morningstar!
Even stun chaining has better options like Hulk, Sparky, Gambit (wow never throught I’d say he’s better than anyone), Luke, and I’m probably missing someone, all our utility or damage her in the process except maybe Gambit but let’s be real outside cult followings Mutant is cutthroat. I also purposefully left out Ronan because believe me Cosmic class deserves its OWN tier list
I don’t regret using a few stones and considering AA, Voodoo, Proxy, Hyperion, Venom, Angela, Void, Domino, Loki and a StarLord dupe have all graced my 5* roster with only Spdiergwen and KingGroot being “bad pulls” even though they’re still somewhat decent overall… that’s some luck
Forgot she was in the game.
See, I disagree. I've been using her since her release. I guess I've had enough time with her. Anywho, there's always some Champ that's better at something. If not, one will be added. Lol.
I wouldn't say Thor JF is bad. There are indeed better champs out there, but that's not the same thing. Lots of champs have been superceded in many or most areas by newer champs. I'm thinking of champs like Elektra. But if JF is what you have, I think she's serviceable until something better comes along.
JF is perhaps a bad pull for someone who already has a relatively diverse roster. But any champ with significant stun and stagger is going to be useful in general. In fact, if my memory serves correctly one thing JF can do that Hood can't do is stack stagger, which means JF can double stagger Juggernaut's double unstoppable buff which Hood I don't think can do. Sure, CapIW can cut through unstoppable, but that's still interesting utility.
she only place stagger by heavy .. this particular utility is useless specially in stun immun nodes / now the hood is a great champ he has a good stagger flow if they could remove the lock from 1 to 2 or 3 he'll be one of the best chammp in the game also his sp2 has great fate seals and power drain when duped great damage in sp3 etcc..
i do not think thor jf is weak too i always found she had some interesting abilities like her energy resistance and her stun with shock + guranted critical hits on stunned opennents if a summoner has md and khnow how to use her and fight aggrissevly she can work near perma stun