Should I awaken and r5 my red hulk?

Should I use my science awakening gem to awaken my 4* red hulk and bring him to r5? I could also do electro but I really don't think he's worth it. I also don't feel like waiting for a better science champ.
Edit: found out I could edit it so I did lol. I'm kinda new to the forums.
(electro is waaaay better btw)
1) wait for Quake or Hulk.
2) If you can't really wait, Take Electro up to R5. but don't awake him.
Electro is already duped.
Really? I've been hearing that rulk is pretty decent, you just gotta learn how to use him.
Rulk has an okay damage reduction when awakened, and his damage output is good, but he doesn't really have any crazy special abilities or utility going for him. He's basically a (slightly) harder hitting Luke Cage.
There r any better science champs like : Cap America OG, Cap America WWII, YJ, GREEN HULK, Electro etc.
This is all one should ask himself (or herself). Insightful. Really.
And I also agree with @Arus25 despite you already having a 5 star. It doesn't hurt to have 2 duped classic spiderman for AW.
I don't even have a 4* spidey classic either.