Rank 5 hyperion is insane

Finally got the T5B to rank 5 my third champ!
Decided to rank 5/65 my duped Hyperion and my God the damage is absolutely insane. Easily out damages both my Blade and Void rank 5 champs which I didn’t expect. Special 2 can do 50-75k damage. Regular combos can combine for 30k + damage. Starting to think he should have been my first rank 5...
Anyone loving their rank 5 Hyperion as much as I am?
Decided to rank 5/65 my duped Hyperion and my God the damage is absolutely insane. Easily out damages both my Blade and Void rank 5 champs which I didn’t expect. Special 2 can do 50-75k damage. Regular combos can combine for 30k + damage. Starting to think he should have been my first rank 5...
Anyone loving their rank 5 Hyperion as much as I am?
Even at sig level 46 his buffs last long enough to stack 9-10 furies at times.
His special 2 can combine for 15-20K damage. It's outrageous.
Appreciate that man, and as always Roll Tide!
tbh his incinerate damage on sp1 is even more insane. Granted it's RNG based, but +5 furies with +5 incinerates results in a stupid amount of damage. Easily over 50k incinerate damage is possible in 1 special.
That’s what I’m talking about! Thanks for the input, I’ll def try that special 1 out
Same here. Hardly have to buy potions again. Can just do ROL Winter Soldier in less than 2 mins
I love my 3* 1/10 unduped Hype. So good. Hoping I get him as a 7 or 8 Star next War season.
You have some great options there
I only have a maxed 4 star Corvus so I don’t know what he would be like as a maxed 5 star. Having said that I’d rank Hyperion all day
Thanks for the advice; infinite power gain is just unfair! I’ll def try the synergy
I don't really wanna do a new thread, but who do u guys think has better damage between Hype and Dom? (with and without flame trinity)
Personally, i’d go with Hype. Just like playing him better.
Domino with or without the synergy and if the opponent can bleed. If no bleed, Hype.