6* Beast

Just pulled this monster of a champ. Is there any silver lining (aside from being a 6* as I'm sure many will say). As it stands, he'll never see any action. Bad attacker, bad defender.
Defensively, he's fairly resilient in ways that aren't appreciated:
- As stated, if you get to SP2, his ability to reduce the opponent power gain on attacks is useful.
- You can also reduce damage received from critical hits pretty impressively.
- His Bleed Resistance can also be useful - 65% reduction in duration and damage; so overall you only take (0.35x0.35) = 12% damage taken. Can be handy on a Biohazard node.
Could be a lot better, but could be worse, too.I've seen people put sentry to work on high level content. I don't have one, but he's not bad
Try Karnak, Iron first, Daredevil
Awakened maybe, when carrys his charges to the next fight.
Yes He can do some damage, but compared to others He needs some Real long ramp up.
He got no Utility for Me, no immunitys, only a heal under 50% health. Wich can rarely be used in aw/aq because the enemy is dead When i've done my sp3.
Maybe on very long fights with the new synergy (Champion?) He can Use his Potential, but in the Moment i dont have the time, patiance and skill to that content.
The bleed /poison resistance of beast would make Him my fav. Line cleaner in aq. Guess.