New champs like Night Thrasher and Darkhawk or buffing iconic characters like Magneto, Deadpool etc?

So, since my discussion about lame characters added into the contest lately was closed as "non-constructive and not relevant", I would actually like to ask you if I'm really alone in this :
Would you rather have mediocre Marvel characters like Night Thrasher, Darkhawk, Masacre etc usually far above average champions,
would you actually prefer to have original, most iconic Marvel characters like Magneto, Phoenix, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, OG Iron Man and Spiderman etc buffed up not to be total trash champions?
Would you rather have mediocre Marvel characters like Night Thrasher, Darkhawk, Masacre etc usually far above average champions,
would you actually prefer to have original, most iconic Marvel characters like Magneto, Phoenix, Deadpool, Dr. Strange, OG Iron Man and Spiderman etc buffed up not to be total trash champions?
New champs like Night Thrasher and Darkhawk or buffing iconic characters like Magneto, Deadpool etc? 81 votes
That they continuously buff old champs where it's needed, or introduce new versions of them as they become current again (when a new movie or comic is released and so on). All the while still adding new champions to the Roster, also the less known variety like the skateboard dude. Sometimes an older champion might need a bigger rework, when animations and skins have become outdated compared to newer editions. Or keep a "classic" version while also adding a newer version more in line with todays content in the game.
I think it would be boring to try to go back and not keep adding to the roster of different champions.
As I said, I dont want them to stop producing new champs, but I want them to put some that deserve it from trash can first. And I just want to see how many people would actually prefer this instead of some random champion from catalogue. Thats all.
I couldn't agree more. Just as I pointed out above, I don't want them to stop adding new champs, no way. But they need to rethink two things:
a) is it alright they put so much effort to creating new champs if there is obviously not enough time for them left to CONTINUOUSLY keep updating old champs? I mean, how long we waited for that Carnage buff which should be there SO much earlier?
b) shouldn't some most popular characters (and yes, this is measurable) be treated with sort of respect, and therefore shouldn't they be intentionally better than some others? Not the other way around?
I actually liked that picture of the Champion and Genie lol !
well I actually don't, it really looks ridiculous. but thanks I guess
Get that communist bs out of here