DARKHAWK is bugged...

So just to give a quick heads up for those who plan to take down darkhawk with Medusa.
Even with armour shatter up if you try to hit into his block while in shield mode you will take shock damage. (Replicated in two separate fights)
From his description: “Mode activation is unaffected by Ability Accuracy reduction”
Haven’t managed to test the other phases’ abilities with armour shatter up but I can imagine Kabam goofed up the coding and instead of just mode activation being unaffected the entire mode’s abilities are unaffected.
Power gain is stopped though.
Small issue but just beware you will be in for a shocking surprise if you hit into his block while he is in shield mode and you believe you stopped his abilities with armour shatter
Even with armour shatter up if you try to hit into his block while in shield mode you will take shock damage. (Replicated in two separate fights)
From his description: “Mode activation is unaffected by Ability Accuracy reduction”
Haven’t managed to test the other phases’ abilities with armour shatter up but I can imagine Kabam goofed up the coding and instead of just mode activation being unaffected the entire mode’s abilities are unaffected.
Power gain is stopped though.
Small issue but just beware you will be in for a shocking surprise if you hit into his block while he is in shield mode and you believe you stopped his abilities with armour shatter
Far as I know, he isn’t a robot. It’s a suit around a person
Correct me if I’m wrong, though
He is a robot.
Ya he is has #robot
Medusa shuts down the power gain like she does with her armour shatter against robots, she just isn’t shutting down the abilities side of things.
It’s pretty minor but still bugged.
Well that’s obnoxious. Thanks for the heads-up, though. Hoping this gets fixed asap
While darkhawk is in stealth mode you will still miss even if Medusa has placed an armour shatter on him reducing 100% ability accuracy.
Yep definitely bugged across all modes
He is a persons consciousness moved to a robot through mystical means.
Read hes abilty hes Not bugge.
Sorry can you point out the information I am missing? I read his abilities and it doesn’t say he is unaffected by ability reduction only the actual switching of modes
This is right from the champion spotlight post
Great thank you!
Honestly, especially in a case like this, it's best to bring the old one back up so it's known how long the issue has been ongoing. Hopefully this gets addressed and rectified soon. I don't have a 5* Medusa, but if I did, I'd want her to work like she's supposed too.